SHowing that conservation of Energy is related to Newton's motion

In summary, the student attempted to find a solution to a gravitational force equation by moving things around and reducing it to a simpler equation. He was not sure how to move the energy term in the equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given: [itex]\frac{1}{2}m (\dot x)^2 + mg x = E[/itex]

Gravitational force is mg.

We need to show that by solving this DE that we can confirm that the conservation of energy correctly describes one-dimensional motion (the motion in a uniform field). That is, that the same motion is obtained as predicted by Newton' equation of motion.

The Attempt at a Solution

My attempt was as follows:

[itex]\frac{1}{2}m\dot x + mg x = E[/itex] so by moving things around a bit I can reduce this to

[itex](\dot x)^2 = \frac{2(E - mgx)}{m}[/itex]

and from there I can solve the DE:

[itex]\dot x = \sqrt{\frac{2(E - mgx)}{m}} \Rightarrow \int dx =\int \sqrt{\frac{2(E - mgx)}{m}}dt[/itex]

from there I can move some variables some more:

[itex]\frac{\sqrt{m}}{\sqrt{E-mgx}} \int dx = \int \sqrt{2}dt \Rightarrow \sqrt{m} \int \frac{dx}{{\sqrt{E-mgx}}} = \int \sqrt{2}dt[/itex]

trying a u substitution where [itex]u=\sqrt{E-mgx}[/itex] and [itex]du = -mgdx[/itex] I should have [itex]\frac{\sqrt{m}}{mg} \int \frac{du}{{\sqrt{u}}} = \int \sqrt{2}dt[/itex] which gets me to [itex]\frac{\sqrt{m}}{mg} \sqrt{u} + c = \sqrt{2}t[/itex]

going back to what I substituted for u I have:
[itex]\frac{\sqrt{m}}{mg} \sqrt{E-mgx} + c = \sqrt{2}t[/itex]

and when I do the algebra I get (after moving the c over and squaring both sides):

[itex]\frac{m}{m^2g^2}{E-mgx} = {2}t^2 - 2\sqrt{2}c+ c^2[/itex]
[itex]\frac{E}{mg^2}-\frac{x}{mg} = {2}t^2 - 2\sqrt{2}c+ c^2[/itex]
[itex]-\frac{x}{mg} =-\frac{E}{mg^2}+ {2}t^2 - 2\sqrt{2}ct+ c^2[/itex]
[itex]x(t) =\frac{E}{g}- 2mgt^2 + 2\sqrt{2}mgct- c^2mg[/itex]

I am unsure of the last step. I see something that looks like an equation of motion there -- and since [itex]gt = v = \dot x[/itex] I can see that term, and [itex]gt^2 = x[/itex]. But I am not quite clear on what to do with the energy term.

I know, I know, don't just plug in formulas. But I presume that the prof gave us the instructions he did for a reason and it wasn't just to confuse us, though he has succeeded in that regard. :-)

Anyhow, any assistance is appreciated.
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  • #2
Hi Emspak! :smile:

hmm … you want …
Emspak said:
… motion is obtained as predicted by Newton' equation of motion.

sooo you want an equation with x'' in it

hint: what's the most obvious way of getting x'' out of the original equation? :wink:
  • #3
But.. I did that, I came up with a solution for the DE. It's x(t). mg = force, int he solution I got, and I suppose I could rewrite the solution as [itex]x(t) = \frac{E}{g}- 2m \ddot x t^2+ 2\sqrt{2}\dot x = c^2mg[/tex]. But I am still not sure about this.
  • #4
But.. I did that, I came up with a solution for the DE. It's x(t). mg = force, int he solution I got, and I suppose I could rewrite the solution as [itex]x(t) = \frac{E}{g}- 2m \ddot x t^2+ 2\sqrt{2}\dot x - c^2mg[/itex]. But I am still not sure about this.
  • #5
sorry for doubling up...
  • #6
Emspak said:
But.. I did that …

no, you started with x' and x, and you eliminated x' (by integrating)

try getting to something with x'' x' and x :smile:
  • #7
is this what you are referring to? You're being a bit cryptic...

[itex]x(t) = \frac{E}{g}- 2m \ddot x t^2+ 2\sqrt{2}\dot x - c^2m\ddot x [/itex] which becomes

[itex]x(t) = \frac{E}{g}- (2m-mc^2) \ddot x t^2+ 2\sqrt{2}\dot x[/itex]

[itex]x(t) = \frac{E}{g}- m(2-c^2) \ddot x t^2+ 2\sqrt{2}\dot x[/itex]

EDIT: looking at this I can see the energy term could be moved over and you'd end up with Energy = equation of motion. Is that what we are after here ?
  • #8
d/dt (1/2 mx'2) = mx'x'' :wink:
  • #9
(sigh) that isn't helping much, there are no x'x'' terms in the equation as I re-wrote it. I am not at all clear on how that derivative is helpful, unless you are alluding to something that should happen in the E term.
  • #10
try differentiating the whole original equation …
Emspak said:
[itex]\frac{1}{2}m (\dot x)^2 + mg x = E[/itex]
  • #11
How about this: when you talk about getting x out of the equation where in the derivation I did should that be happening? Did I do the whole bloody thing wrong or what? Or was I correct that there's a last step here? If I plug a KE equation in for E I would have [itex] \frac{m(gt)^2}{g} [/itex] there. But I suspect that is not what you are taking about doing.
  • #12
OK, at that point I end up with [itex] m \dot x \ddot x + mg \dot x = 0[/itex], yes?
  • #13
Emspak said:
OK, at that point I end up with [itex] m \dot x \ddot x + mg \dot x = 0[/itex], yes?

yup! :smile:

and now divide by x' :wink:
  • #14
OK, we can do that because it would show up on both sides, right? [itex]m \ddot x = -mg[/itex]. Now since g was the acceleration (earth's gravity) and we have [itex]\ddot x[/itex] in the same place we've just shown that the equation of motion works here, or at least that in a 1-D case in a field that it does, correct?
  • #15
correct! :smile:

(and if you divide by m, you get x'' = -g, exactly as Newton would have said)
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FAQ: SHowing that conservation of Energy is related to Newton's motion

1. What is the conservation of energy?

The conservation of energy is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time.

2. How is the conservation of energy related to Newton's laws of motion?

Newton's laws of motion describe how objects move and interact with each other. The first law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This is directly related to the conservation of energy, as an object's motion is a form of energy and will not change unless acted upon by an external force.

3. Can you give an example of how the conservation of energy is related to Newton's motion?

One example is a pendulum. As the pendulum swings back and forth, the potential energy it has at the highest point of its swing is converted into kinetic energy as it moves downwards. This kinetic energy is then converted back into potential energy as the pendulum swings back up. This exchange of energy between potential and kinetic is an example of the conservation of energy and is directly related to Newton's laws of motion.

4. Why is it important to understand the relationship between conservation of energy and Newton's motion?

Understanding this relationship helps us to better understand and predict the behavior of objects in motion. It also allows us to design and engineer systems that are more efficient and use energy more effectively.

5. How can we demonstrate the relationship between conservation of energy and Newton's motion?

One way to demonstrate this relationship is through experiments with simple machines, such as ramps and pulleys. These experiments can show how the conservation of energy is directly related to the motion of objects and how the two concepts work together in real-world situations.

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