Suggestion for the homework section

  • Thread starter marlon
  • Start date
In summary, Marlon is proposing a homework help FAQ in which he will write some texts explaining commonly asked questions. He is asking if others are willing to help out.
  • #1
I want to make a suggestion for the homework section. I am sure you all have noticed that the same questions come back and back every time. This is why i am willing to write down a little text (and i am asking if others want to participate) that explains some of the most frequently asked questions. I am talking about questions like :

1) Everything that has to do with motion on inclines
2) Conservation of energy
3) Kinetic energy-work-theorem
4) applications of projectile motions and other two dimensional motions
5) Applications of friction and normal forces (again for the inclines)

What do you think ?

Most of these texts can easily be written and i am willing to do that. Perhaps we then can put everything in a sticky to which we can refer if such questions are again asked ?

Just a suggestion


edit : maybe we can also add some tests that people can solve ?
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  • #2
A homework help FAQ. Sounds like a good idea.

I'll be most willling to help if this idea takes off.
  • #3
I think all of us who do try to help out folks with these particular issues would be delighted if you do this, marlon.
I've thought of doing it myself, however a certain doubt as to the efficacy of this type of sticky has stopped me:

Since, basically, those individuals who ask for help on these particular issues have found no help in their textbook, how could we assume that a sticky would help them more?
For some of these persons, their main difficulty lies in their still undeveloped ability to apply a general idea (as given in a textbook) to a specific case.
I've found several times, for example, that what they need is to have someone drag the knowledge they've learned out in the open through a close questioning:
(Like: What forces act on the body?, How is acceleration related to force? and so on)

That is, I somehow doubt if a sticky at PF would help much; but personally, I would be delighted if you got on with the idea (and I'm certainly willing to make some posts in such a FAQ).
  • #4
I agree with arildno that it's a good idea if someone wants to do it, and may help a number of them, but don't get your hopes up it will solve the problem for everyone. The reason I say that is that some of these questions appear when a nearly identical problem is only 2 or 3 threads down on the list, and I would expect similar explanations are already in their textbooks. However, where this might be helpful is for those who have lousy textbooks (not all texts are created equal) or who missed something in their notes from class, where just seeing it explained in another way will be helpful.

marlon, I suggest that if you decide to undertake this effort, you get some of those who are offering help to proofread what you write for clarity and accuracy before you post it. That's just to prevent something that sounds like it's spoken with authority on the topic from being posted with a typo that changes the meaning or missing a few steps that are understood in your mind, but not explicitly stated in the text.

arildno said:
I've found several times, for example, that what they need is to have someone drag the knowledge they've learned out in the open through a close questioning:

Oh, that's my favorite part of teaching, when you know the knowledge is inside their head somewhere, and you just have to help them find it. :smile: The only downside to helping online is you don't get to see that expression on their face when understanding dawns on them.
  • #5
Moonbear said:
Oh, that's my favorite part of teaching, when you know the knowledge is inside their head somewhere, and you just have to help them find it.
Agreed, when working, the Socratic method of teaching is very rewarding not only to the student, but also for the teacher.

So many bog their heads down in "remembering" formulas or disconnected facts so that the basic principles and relevant mechanisms at the appropriate level of explanation are buried beneath it..
  • #6
It would be a good idea.Though the problematics is much wider than simple Newtonian dynamics.

  • #7
So, who is willing to help out ?

I suggest we start with the simple issues that i wrote down in the first post

Look, i will post some texts tomorrow in the college homework section. The administrators can make a sticky of that thread (if they want) and others can add more info. We will see how it works out and if it does not, then we can delete all of it. I think it is essential to start right away with something concrete, otherwise we will just keep on talking about it.

To be continued

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  • #8
If we start with something concrete,do u mind if some of us contribute with some cement and steel,too?We want to make something that would last forever,so why not use the best construction material?

  • #9
I'm starting a thread in Gen Physics, titled "Physics HW FAQ Discussion". The evolution of ideas and text may happen in that thread. If admins approve, and we can generate a reasonably accepted upon FAQ, the final draft of the FAQ can be cut and pasted into a new thread and made into a sticky.
  • #10
This sounds great to me. GoKul, go ahead and do what you need to.
  • #11
May i suggest that some trick be perfomed such as the ones posting new threads in the homework section,when clicking "create thread" be redirected first to Tom's message(s) and just then be allowed to create the thread.

Also,may i suggest that Tom's posts be rewritten using capitals and colors for underlining the most important issues...?


FAQ: Suggestion for the homework section

What is the purpose of the homework section?

The homework section is designed to provide students with additional practice and reinforcement of the concepts covered in class. It also allows teachers to assess students' understanding and progress.

How should students approach the homework section?

Students should approach the homework section with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. It is important to carefully read and understand the instructions, and to ask for help if needed.

How much time should be spent on the homework section?

The amount of time spent on the homework section may vary depending on the complexity of the assignments and the individual student's understanding of the material. It is recommended to spend enough time to complete the assignments accurately and thoroughly.

Can the homework section be completed collaboratively?

Collaboration on homework assignments is generally not encouraged as it may hinder students' individual learning and understanding. However, if collaboration is allowed by the teacher, it is important to give credit to all contributors and to still ensure that each individual understands the material.

What should be done if the homework section is too challenging?

If a student finds the homework section to be too challenging, they should first try to identify which specific concepts or problems are causing difficulty. They can then reach out to their teacher for clarification or seek additional resources for help. It is important to not give up and to continue practicing until the material is understood.

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