Mark Felt Revealed as Deep Throat

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, it was Mark Felt after all. The identity of "Deep Throat," who leaked information to the media during the Nixon administration, has been confirmed.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
So it was Mark Felt after all.

Finally, I can sleep. :biggrin:
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  • #2
I guess he was waiting until retirement? I thought I had read that Deep Throat would be revealed after he died, which was making some wonder if it was Rehnquist? Finally, after 30 years...
  • #3
Is this for real?
  • #4
I smell a book deal.
  • #5
Everyone involved agrees, including Felt. This is all confirmed.

russ_watters said:
I smell a book deal.

I should hope, for history's sake if nothing else.
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  • #6
Here's the CNN coverage today:
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  • #7
One of the all time great cloak'n dagger stories. And the model for the X Files' smoking man. Now that's true fame! :biggrin:
  • #8

It is a good thing that we finally have confirmation of the identity of "Deep Throat." I sense he timed this info in consideration of changes/failures in news reporting over the last year that led to the retiring of Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw, unethical media activities that occurred in the 2004 Presidential election, and because of historically dangerous attacks aginst "free speech" and the press by the extreme Republican right. I suspect his health also played a role in his decision to come out now to allow him and others the opportunity to debate and proceed with retrospection. In this respect, we have been given a "gift of opportunity."

The best argument I've heard in support Mark Felt's actions were that he knew the Nixon White House was corrupted and already compromised (of which he was part), and he observed similar conditions at the FBI. Had he gone to either of the FBI, White House, or both, it is conceivable his "information" would have been used to "seal" the cover-up and destruction of evidence necessary prosecution, particularly the White House tapes.

The best argument against his actions have been that he "violated" his oath of secrecy to his post at the FBI, which he clearly did.

The question becomes one of, "Which was the greater violation: Remaining silent and aiding and abetting two corrupt institutions, or, breaching one's FBI oath to protect the greater institution, the Constitution and future of the United States?"

Felt's actions forever created a great new role of "responsibility" of the U.S. media to report on corruption - no matter what level of business or government it may reside. This would later lead Congress to enact the "Whistleblower Act" to protect those in government and business who come forward in such matters. Yet, the press has sadly since been "misused" on occassions as a "tool" to carry out lawless or profitable agendas, and sensationalize news for profit and ratings! Today, many Americans, including myself, question the media's committment to their greater role and the welfare of our nation and Constitution.

As an American, I wish I could entrust our branches of Congress, federal and state agencies, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the trial courts to carry out their respective oath of duties on important public policy matters that I and other citizens bring forward. Personal experience from 1995 to 2001 demonstrated this NOT to be the case.

So I pose the following question to government and viewers of this discussion: "When government thwarts U.S. law and its oath of duty, for political favor and/or lobby money, and harm is brought on America, what would you ask of us as American citizens?"

Next, I pose this same QUESTION to the U.S. media?

You will find a sugar-coated account of how I received a "known defective CNS Delta (brain) shunt" following a 1992 auto accident on my web site, and the extraordinary lengths I undertook to bring about positive scientific and regulatory changes, only to face Congressional and FDA cover-ups which brought harm to thousands of Americans and an industry. Read "carefully" at This site is a 21st Century effort to bring "constructive progress" to failed American government and business practices.
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  • #9
McGyver said:
…As an American, I wish I could entrust our branches of Congress, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the trial courts to carry out their oath of duties on important public policy matters I might bring forward. My experiences from 1995 to 2001 demonstrated that NOT to be the case…

Don’t attribute a higher moral character or a lower one to a government employee or politician, or to the business executive, then you would to the general population. We are all just animals but uniquely gifted with a sense of the future. This gift is what distinguishes us from what we consider the lower species. We recognize there will be a future consequence to our actions. We plan accordingly, driven by synaptic activity unique to each individual, part nature, part nurture. What elicits a joyous sensation in one may elicit fear in another.

Hope for the best but assume the worst and “to thine own self be true”.

  • #10
i was hearing something about he was trying to gain some publicity money to help fund his grandkids' education lol
  • #11

Timing is everything! It's hard for those on the outside to know Mar Felt's real motivation for speaking out now. So look for it to coincide with ...
  • #12
Woodward has already finished his book about this.

Whatever the motive, I'm glad that Felt came out before this death. Now all involved can agree or not as to the facts of what took down a President.

And let's be clear, even as the assistant director of the FBI, Felt told Woodward that he feared for his life. He stated that he was afraid that the Nixon machine would have him killed.
  • #13
Ivan Seeking said:
Woodward has already finished his book about this.

Whatever the motive, I'm glad that Felt came out before this death. Now all involved can agree or not as to the facts of what took down a President.

And let's be clear, even as the assistant director of the FBI, Felt told Woodward that he feared for his life. He stated that he was afraid that the Nixon machine would have him killed.
I was about to post similarly. The cover-up was so extensive Felt could not have gone any other route. Woodward and Bernstien have expressed relief that Felt has identified himself, therefore preventing possible skepticism as to the truth of who Deep Throat was, as well as why he did what he did.

The question of whether he is a traitor or hero... I say thank goodness the corruption was exposed, and hopefully all politicians will keep this in mind.
  • #14
Very perceptive and elloquently spoken, Ivan Seeking. It's a pleasure to be amoung such intelligent company on this forum.

FAQ: Mark Felt Revealed as Deep Throat

1. Who is Mark Felt and why is he important in the Watergate scandal?

Mark Felt was a former associate director of the FBI who was revealed as the anonymous informant known as "Deep Throat" in the Watergate scandal. He played a crucial role in helping journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the truth behind the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, ultimately leading to the resignation of President Nixon.

2. How was Mark Felt identified as Deep Throat?

For over 30 years, the identity of Deep Throat remained a mystery. In 2005, Felt's family came forward and revealed that he was the informant. This was later confirmed by Felt himself through his lawyer and in an article he wrote for Vanity Fair.

3. What motivated Mark Felt to become Deep Throat?

There are several theories on Felt's motivation. Some believe he was seeking revenge against the Nixon administration for passing him over for the position of FBI director. Others suggest he was driven by a sense of duty to expose government corruption and protect the integrity of the FBI.

4. Did Mark Felt face any consequences for being Deep Throat?

Felt never faced any legal consequences for his role as Deep Throat. However, he did face criticism and backlash from some who saw his actions as disloyal to the FBI and the Nixon administration. Despite this, he remained unapologetic and continued to maintain that he did what he believed was right.

5. How did the revelation of Mark Felt as Deep Throat impact history?

The revelation of Mark Felt as Deep Throat added a new layer to the Watergate scandal and provided a deeper understanding of the events that led to Nixon's resignation. It also shed light on the role of whistleblowers in uncovering government corruption and sparked further debates on their actions and motivations.

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