War Chief: How Did You Choose Your User Name?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, Zooby picked his username from a list of five that were selected by the ancient Southwest Native American ritual of "Tossing the Knuckles". He used old prescription pills and a homeless man to generate the first sounds that occurred to them. Later that day, he returned to see which of the names had been scuffed away, and found that one had. He then used the same name for his Diablo II account.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
How did you pick yours?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
how did you pick yours?
  • #3
yomamma said:
how did you pick yours?

Easy say it backwards.
  • #4
  • #5
wolram said:
Easy say it backwards.
Wow, what a coincidence! That's how I picked mine, too. Seems like everyone's favorite response to me is, "Gee, Bob ... "
  • #6
I selected my username from a list of five arrived at by the ancient Southwest Native American ritual of "Tossing the Knuckles", in which a set of armadillo knuckles are shaken up in a leather bag, then tossed onto the ground and "read" by the "Knuckle Man", head of the Armadillo Secret Society.

Since I had no armadillo knuckles, I used a bunch of old prescription pills I had at the back of the medicine cabinet, and since the last "Knuckle Man" died in 1957, I pulled a half sleeping, homeless man out of his cardboard and rag shelter on B-Street and told him to utter the first sounds that occurred to him upon seeing the pills land, and I carefully recorded each answer on the sidewalk in chalk. Then I left.

Later that day, I returned to see which of the names had been scuffed away by the feet of passersby, and which hadn't. That was a couple/three years ago now, so I don't remember anymore which one was left.
  • #7
wolram said:
Easy say it backwards.
:bugeye: Brilliant! I never noticed that before.
  • #8
zoobyshoe said:
I selected my username from a list of five arrived at by the ancient Southwest Native American ritual of "Tossing the Knuckles", in which a set of armadillo knuckles are shaken up in a leather bag, then tossed onto the ground and "read" by the "Knuckle Man", head of the Armadillo Secret Society.

Since I had no armadillo knuckles, I used a bunch of old prescription pills I had at the back of the medicine cabinet, and since the last "Knuckle Man" died in 1957, I pulled a half sleeping, homeless man out of his cardboard and rag shelter on B-Street and told him to utter the first sounds that occurred to him upon seeing the pills land, and I carefully recorded each answer on the sidewalk in chalk. Then I left.

Later that day, I returned to see which of the names had been scuffed away by the feet of passersby, and which hadn't. That was a couple/three years ago now, so I don't remember anymore which one was left.

Zooby, you should not keep old pills about, and how could you be so cruel
to that homeless man
  • #9
Moonbear said:
:bugeye: Brilliant! I never noticed that before.

They named the town after me :smile:
  • #10
EL said:

Even Less likely to shell out :smile:
  • #11
wolram said:
Even Less likely to shell out :smile:

Quite close...not :smile:
  • #12
Boilerplate military call sign phonetically composed of "E" for Enlisted, "6" for rank of Staff Sergeant, and "S" for my last initial. My last OIC gave himself the callsign "Il Duce" because he fancied himself somewhat. And yes, in the military, giving yourself a callsign is the same as civilians giving themselves a nickname, it just dosen't work. He was no leader.
  • #13
Echo 6 Sierra said:
Boilerplate military call sign phonetically composed of "E" for Enlisted, "6" for rank of Staff Sergeant, and "S" for my last initial. My last OIC gave himself the callsign "Il Duce" because he fancied himself somewhat. And yes, in the military, giving yourself a callsign is the same as civilians giving themselves a nickname, it just dosen't work. He was no leader.

I all ways fancied Romeo Mike, but that would have made me as bad as your
  • #14
wolram said:
Zooby, you should not keep old pills about, and how could you be so cruel
to that homeless man
Clearly, I "tossed" the old pills at the first opportunity, and the homeless man is now honored to be under the impression he is a "Knckle Man" and leader of the Secret Armadillo Society. Did wonders for his self-esteem.
  • #15
I just used the same name of my Diablo II account I created years ago.
  • #16
So I was like, "well, I define a hypermorphism to be a map from a person into the internet, preserving the structure of the person's original thought process"... Um, yeah. :-p
  • #17
hypermorphism said:
So I was like, "well, I define a hypermorphism to be a map from a person into the internet, preserving the structure of the person's original thought process"... Um, yeah. :-p

A bit like the Matrixs, and what a cheek putting an "f", in my UN, plagiarists
  • #18
arild is my first name, no is part of my last name.

If I recall correctly, Hurkyl was an avid fan of Magic:The Gathering earlier..
  • #19
arildno said:
arild is my first name, no is part of my last name.

If I recall correctly, Hurkyl was an avid fan of Magic:The Gathering earlier..

I have more fun thinking of your name as, "Arild! No!" I just figured you heard that a lot from your mom when you were growing up and thought it was your full name. :biggrin:
  • #20
Take a guess.
  • #21
jimmysnyder said:
Take a guess.

Named yourself after the super on One Day at a Time? :biggrin: (Was that character's first name Jimmy? Everyone just called him Snyder.)
  • #22
Actually, I've only been teased for my name once, when I was about 14-15 (is that junior high or something?)

A gang of us had appropriated a place outside the school's premises to be a smoker's corner (yeah, I know..).

Close by, there was this turf of grass which really was isolated from the rest of the vegetation.
One summer's day, someone carelessly threw a lit match onto this turf (I think it was me..), and all of a sudden, flames whooshed up.
I panicked, and started as best I could to stamp out the fire, yelling for the others to help me.
They, however, who saw it couldn't possibly turn into anything serious, burst into laughter and yelled in Norwegian "Aar(gh)! Fire!" over and over again.
Since the Norwegian word for fire is "ild", I guess they had doubly fun out of that episode..
  • #23
I just like the way "entropy" sounds.
  • #24
I don't even remember the site, but somewhere I used to be active at was making me pick a separate name to post on their forums from the name I already had at the main site. I didn't feel like thinking anything up, so I picked this because it rhymed with username. I've used it ever since.
  • #25
There once existed the Realm of Anthronia, where battles were fought for years on the dustplains of Scorvor between men and wolves. Eventually, Lord Anthross got thirsty, and asked his slave to bring him some ale. The slave took too long setting about this task, so Lord Anthross had him beheaded, and called for his new slave. The new slave hastily brought Lord Anthross his ale, but switched the contents of his tankard for a new kind of special, black, sugary ale (Coca Cola). "By Thrantor, what be this ale?" asked Lord Anthross, when he first tasted it. His new slave replied "Master, that be no ale. That be... Devillion's Brewnog!"

Needless to say, it was an instant hit, and Lord Anthross commissioned gallons of this new ale to feed his fatigued armies, who thenceforth got stronger, and won their epic battles, giving new life to his empire.
  • #26
brewnog said:
There once existed the Realm of Anthronia, where battles were fought for years on the dustplains of Scorvor between men and wolves. Eventually, Lord Anthross got thirsty, and asked his slave to bring him some ale. The slave took too long setting about this task, so Lord Anthross had him beheaded, and called for his new slave. The new slave hastily brought Lord Anthross his ale, but switched the contents of his tankard for a new kind of special, black, sugary ale (Coca Cola). "By Thrantor, what be this ale?" asked Lord Anthross, when he first tasted it. His new slave replied "Master, that be no ale. That be... Devillion's Brewnog!"

Needless to say, it was an instant hit, and Lord Anthross commissioned gallons of this new ale to feed his fatigued armies, who thenceforth got stronger, and won their epic battles, giving new life to his empire.

That is some strong coke you drink Brewey, may i have some Plllease
  • #27
arildno said:
Actually, I've only been teased for my name once, when I was about 14-15 (is that junior high or something?)

A gang of us had appropriated a place outside the school's premises to be a smoker's corner (yeah, I know..).

Close by, there was this turf of grass which really was isolated from the rest of the vegetation.
One summer's day, someone carelessly threw a lit match onto this turf (I think it was me..), and all of a sudden, flames whooshed up.
I panicked, and started as best I could to stamp out the fire, yelling for the others to help me.
They, however, who saw it couldn't possibly turn into anything serious, burst into laughter and yelled in Norwegian "Aar(gh)! Fire!" over and over again.
Since the Norwegian word for fire is "ild", I guess they had doubly fun out of that episode..

Ha, Ha, there goes old didno, the fire walker :smile:
  • #28
quite simple really, couldn't think of a clever name so thought i would stick to the one i was born with. Who am I to argue with my parents?
  • #29
Hypatia was one of the worlds first females involved in science, great life tragic ending.

read about Hypatia here
  • #30
hypatia said:
Hypatia was one of the worlds first females involved in science, great life tragic ending.

read about Hypatia here

Yes i did guess yours, it is sort of unforgetable :biggrin:
  • #31
I thought her flesh was scraped off her body with oyster shells, not broken pottery..
  • #32
arildno said:
I thought her flesh was scraped off her body with oyster shells, not broken pottery..

Ow do mate, you do have a bent for gory bits :biggrin:
  • #33
arildno said:
I thought her flesh was scraped off her body with oyster shells, not broken pottery..
I've read both versions.
  • #34
I explain mine in my sig. I was reading a lot of Robert Anton Wilson at the time when I first used this s/n and wanted something original, that is something that I wouldn't have to put numbers after. It's my e-mail adress and I use it everywhere.
  • #35
Moonbear said:
Named yourself after the super on One Day at a Time? :biggrin: (Was that character's first name Jimmy? Everyone just called him Snyder.)
No, he was Schneider and I don't think they ever mentioned his first name. I am Jimmy Snyder.

I came in second in the 1939 Indy 500.

I am a bookmaker, sport commentator, and author.

My band (Palomino Riders) was nominated for Band of the year (Non-Touring) by the Academy of Country Music in 1981.

I played the part of a male stripper in the movie Terminator 3

I managed the Mariners in 1988.
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