When will we have 30,000 PF members?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
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In summary: Once he's deleted all of the inactive accounts, he'll start deleting active accounts. I would suggest becoming a contributor as those will be the last members to be deleted. :tongue2:
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Last check: 29,523

Day and time?

I'll guess next Monday at 8 PM PDT.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'll say next tuesday at 6:00 Mountain time.
  • #3
If everyone would just spend the rest of the evening joining up under assumed names, we could do it by midnight.
  • #4
I will guess 12,00 wednesday Bishops itchington time.
  • #5
Zooby, no prediction...? Come on, use your spidey senses. :biggrin:

Yomamma, you didn't indicate AM or PM.

Edit: and wolram...

Also edited another Zobby :smile:
  • #7
Are you purging again?
  • #8
Knocked out over 2k, whew.

I will say 4am. I will leave the date and time zone off, so that I can change them as needed.
  • #9
Greg Bernhardt said:
Check the number now, muahaha
That was curious.
  • #10
Well, that sure blows the hell out of my little contest.

Too bad, I as going to offer a $1000 cash prize, but why bother now? [oh yes, I forgot this, :rolleyes:]
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  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
Well, that sure blows the hell out of my little contest.
I figured that just by bringing attention to it you had created the temptation for people to play with the rate of increase.

Little did I know the power existed to make it go backwards.
  • #12
Greg is all powerful. :approve:

He also periodically deletes inactive accounts so that the membership number reflects actual active members, not every person that registered since the beginning of time. Some forums claim huge membership, but only have three members at a time online. :rolleyes:
  • #13
27,158, Hmmm, so we need another 158-1000 = well its 158+2 = 160
160 +40 =200 no its 2 +40 = 42 + 800 = 842

So i change my guess to 2200 Wednesday Bishops itchington time.
  • #14
Evo said:
Greg is all powerful. :approve:

He also periodically deletes inactive accounts so that the membership number reflects actual active members, not every person that registered since the beginning of time. Some forums claim huge membership, but only have three members at a time online. :rolleyes:

So true. I used to frequent another physics forum that claimed 50,000, but the threads only proceeded at a rate of a few posts a day; that is to say, the sum of all posts to all threads! 50,000... :smile: :smile: :smile: At the time, PF had ten times the level of activity with 3000 members.
  • #15
the prognosticator said:
Yomamma, you didn't indicate AM or PM.

I meant PM, sorry
  • #16
i say in 18 days from the very moment that i post
  • #17
*Rubs skull* "I am seeeeeiinngg innnttooo the fuuttuuurrree"

Wednesday... afternooon.. around dinner... just after simpsons... cable channel 64... and a half... 7:01... am...
  • #18
Yeah, I agree. The amount of members never seem to reflect the activity.

This is by far the best forum I've been on. Not the most active, but certainly the best.
  • #19
If the data was at hand (PF members over time) it would be possible to roughly extrapolate a date and time of when there will be 30,000 members.

Have to fit a curve to it though.
  • #20
motai said:
If the data was at hand (PF members over time) it would be possible to roughly extrapolate a date and time of when there will be 30,000 members.

Have to fit a curve to it though.
Pfft, my way is definitely easier than that. Get some psychic powers wimp.
  • #21
27169, that's 1 2 3 4 , some more since last time.
27,158 aha that's 11 more so, 11 in 4 hrs that's 110 in 40 hrs and we need
3000 so that will be hmmmmm
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  • #22
October 9th. It's a special day for me. 2:00 AM EST

Um, actually, that's rather soon. Maybe December 15th. 3:00 AM EST
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  • #23
October 10th. Just for spite. 2:00 AM EST
  • #24
Smurf said:
October 10th. Just for spite. 2:00 AM EST
Parasitic worm. :-p
Get off - you're sucking the luck out of my day!
  • #25
I have changed my guess to 22 past 12 BIT in the anno mento next
ticklmouse friday.
  • #26
Thursday at 2:30PM
  • #27
Ivan Seeking said:
Last check: 29,523
Are you sure? :bugeye: I see it's 27,176! :blushing:
  • #28
greg may have snipped a bunch recently.
  • #29
Smurf said:
greg may have snipped a bunch recently.
He did. In fact he did it because of this thread. See his post on page one. He also almost banned you, yommamma, and pengwuino to prevent the count from rising.
  • #30
I predict that we will never hit 30,000 because Greg will continue to delete members to prevent it. Once he's deleted all of the inactive accounts, he'll start deleting active accounts. I would suggest becoming a contributor as those will be the last members to be deleted. :-p
  • #31
Evo said:
I predict that we will never hit 30,000 because Greg will continue to delete members to prevent it. Once he's deleted all of the inactive accounts, he'll start deleting active accounts. I would suggest becoming a contributor as those will be the last members to be deleted. :-p
What happens if greg self-deletes?
Has he tried that out yet?
  • #32
Evo said:
I predict that we will never hit 30,000 because Greg will continue to delete members to prevent it. Once he's deleted all of the inactive accounts, he'll start deleting active accounts. I would suggest becoming a contributor as those will be the last members to be deleted. :-p
And if we want to be deleted first? :rolleyes:
  • #33
Greg cannot self delete, there is a fail safe. Rumor has it that the entire universe would vanish if that were to happen. :bugeye:
  • #34
The universe has to have a END!
  • #35
I feel save in my little gold letters :approve:

evo said:
Greg cannot self delete, there is a fail safe. Rumor has it that the entire universe would vanish if that were to happen.

hmmm...I just realized something! the universe is not entirely PF! :eek: only cyberspace would collapse, causing problems all over the world! So we'd invent a time machine to fix the problem, mess up something back in time...and...oh, yeah. the universe would collapse, never mind... :redface:

! said:
The universe has to have a END!
no it doesn't

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