Components of the Moons Acceleration

In summary, The conversation is about deriving equations for the moon's acceleration around the earth. The total acceleration is given by a=Gm/r^2, and the person needs to split this into its x and y components using ax=cos(x/r) and ay=sin(y/r). However, it is mentioned that this approach may not work as it doesn't make sense to take cosine or sine of a quantity without an angle. The issue is resolved by realizing that the correct equations are ax = a*cos(T) and ay = a*sin(T) where T is the angle with the x-axis. The person is then guided to find the expression for T using the time it takes for the moon to complete one orbit around the earth.
  • #1
Hello, I need help on deriving equations for the moon's acceleration around the earth. I've found that the total acceleration is a=Gm/r^2 (G is gravitational constant, m is mass of moon and r is the Earth to moon distance) what i need to do is split this into its x and y components, and derive equations in terms of a, r, x, and/or y. I have ax=cos(x/r) and ay=sin(y/r) but it's not working. I also have to take into account the direction of the acceleration (towards the earth)

Any help would be really appreciated.
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  • #2
neo32 said:
I have ax=cos(x/r) and ay=sin(y/r) but it's not working.

Is x/r an angle ? Is y/r an angle ?
Should you take sin and cos of this quantity ?
  • #3
well x and y are the coordinate positions from the Earth (which is at the origin) so this will make a triangle with the x-axis. Using trigonometry, x would be the adjacent side and y would be the opposite side, and r would be the hypotenuse (distance from Earth to moon). I'm supposed to use trig relationships so I would think that I need to take sin and cos of this quantity but I don't know why it won't work.
  • #4
It won't work because it doesn't make sense! Saying you are "supposed to use trig relationships" doesn't mean you just apply sine and cosine to whatever numbers you want.
It is true that [itex]sin(\theta)= \frac{y}{r}[/itex] where [itex]\theta[/itex] is the angle the position vector makes with the x-axis. That is NOT

By the way- the "m" in your formula is mass of the earth, not the moon. The gravitational force formula involves both masses. Since that is equal to mass(of moon) times acceleration(of moon), it is the mass of the moon that cancels.
  • #5
By the way i just noticed that those were supposed to be ASIN and ACOS. sorry. And thanks for clearing that up about the m value.

Anyways, what would i use then if I'm not supposed to apply sine and cosine? Should ASIN and ACOS work?
  • #6
I fixed my equations: they're ax = a*cos(T) and ay = a*sin(T) where ax is the x component and ay is the y component of acceleration, r is the earth-moon distance, and T is the angle with the x axis). The problem is I need to derive T as well and plug that into the two equations. if those equations are wrong too then can someone put me on the right track? thanks
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  • #7
Well, T is an angle, right? What's the angle corresponding to one complete orbit of the moon about the earth? And how much time does it take the moon to perform this orbit? Using those two bits of information, can you come up with an expression that gives you the angle for any given time?

Unless your assignment specifically states otherwise, it's probably reasonable to assume that the angle T=0 at time t=0.

FAQ: Components of the Moons Acceleration

1. What causes the acceleration of the moon?

The acceleration of the moon is primarily caused by the gravitational force between the moon and the Earth. This force is what keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth.

2. How does the mass of the moon affect its acceleration?

The mass of the moon does not significantly affect its acceleration. The acceleration of an object is primarily determined by the mass of the larger object it is orbiting around, in this case, the Earth.

3. Does the moon experience a constant acceleration?

No, the moon does not experience a constant acceleration. Its acceleration is constantly changing due to the varying distance between the Earth and the moon as it orbits.

4. What role do tidal forces play in the moon's acceleration?

Tidal forces do play a role in the moon's acceleration. These forces are caused by the difference in gravitational pull on the near and far sides of the moon from the Earth, resulting in a slight acceleration towards the Earth.

5. How does the moon's acceleration affect Earth's tides?

The moon's acceleration does not directly affect the Earth's tides. However, the moon's gravity does play a significant role in the formation of tides on Earth.
