SoulWhat is the fundamental model of CIS according to Complementary Logic?

  • Thread starter Organic
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In summary: Symmetry Information's Symmetry Information's clarity-degree degree uniqueness (partial) (partial) (partial)In summary, Organic's theory is focused on developing a model of Self-Award-Complex-Systems (SACS) that highlights their ability to associate between opposing things in a non-destructive way. This association can lead to a new level of complexity based on deeper simplicity. To be a SACS, one must first be a Cybernetic-Information-System (CIS), and Organic's work aims to use Complementary Logic to construct a fundamental model of
  • #1
This thread is my point of view on us as Self-Award-Complex-Systems (SACS), which are part of their universe, therefore active participators in it.

I think that one of the most important properties of SACS is their ability to associate between opposite things in non-destructive ways.

The result of this kind of association can be a new level of complexity based on deeper simplicity.

To be a SACS is first of all to be a Cybernetic-Information-System (CIS).

I have found that Complementary Logic can be used to construct the fundamental model of CIS.

First Please read this:






From the above we can learn that when there is association between
{__}(=fullness) AND {}(=emptiness), there can be two basic directions for any information's flow: {__} to {} and {} to {__}.

{__} to {} creates the environment and {} to {__} creates the awareness to the environment, until it becomes self-award and then can fulfill its deepest connection with the environment through itself.

This thread is another point of view on
(by Max Tegram) that can be found in the thrad of phoenixthoth in:
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Mathematics news on
  • #2
Organic, please stop making up new names for things. If you're going to make up a name, make up just one and stick with it.

It only makes your posts more confusing and difficult to follow. Any time we try and focus on one of your ideas, you start a new thread with a new name and a new pdf. We're not accomplishing anything this way.
  • #3
Dear master_coda,

This thread is the goal of my work, which aims at developing a simple and comprehensive model about us as participators in this universe.

Only pdf number 5 is a new one, but now, when you read the list of pdf files, you can see the whole puzzle as an organic work.


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  • #4
i think SAS's will have to involve fuzzy logic.

consider how equivalently imprecise the following statements are:
x is intelligent
x is tall
x is self-aware
x is aware of y
  • #6
May I suggest, Organic, that your ideas might be better suited for the philosophy forum? You seem only interested in talking about your idea, and not the rigor to turn it into a mathematical theory... you might be able to do so over there.
  • #7
Dear Hurkyl,

It is a mathematical theory and from now on I need your help to address it in a formal rigorous way.

Please read all of my first post, and let us try together to address it.

I am not going to add more ideas, until this thread is fully addressed.

Thank you for your help.


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  • #8
Dear Hurkyl,

So, by the standard definition:

({},{_}):={x|{} < x AND x < {_}}

You tell me how what you said bears any resemblance to the definition.

Also note that a piece is still missing; the standard definition requires one to supply a total ordering, . Please clarify what this ordering is.
The total order has two levels.

1) The first level is the standard definition of total order.

2) the second level is the fading transition from multiplication to addition, where the quantity remains unchanged.

I need your help to address the second level in a formal way.

Thank you.



A second level example:

Number 4 is fading transition between multiplication 1*4 and
addition ((((+1)+1)+1)+1) ,and vice versa.

This fading can be represented as:
(1*4)              ={1,1,1,1} <------------- Maximum symmetry-degree, 
((1*2)+1*2)        ={{1,1},1,1}              Minimum information's clarity-degree
(((+1)+1)+1*2)     ={{{1},1},1,1}            (no uniqueness)
((1*2)+(1*2))      ={{1,1},{1,1}}
(((+1)+1)+(1*2))   ={{{1},1},{1,1}}
((1*3)+1)          ={{1,1,1},1}
(((1*2)+1)+1)      ={{{1,1},1},1}
((((+1)+1)+1)+1)   ={{{{1},1},1},1} <------ Minimum symmetry-degree,
                                            Maximum information's clarity-degree 

    3  3  3  3  |          3  3             3  3
    2  2  2  2  |          2  2             2  2
    1  1  1  1  |    1  1  1  1             1  1       1  1  1  1
   {0, 0, 0, 0} V   {0, 0, 0, 0}     {0, 1, 0, 0}     {0, 0, 0, 0}
    .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .
    |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |
    |  |  |  |       |__|_ |  |       |__|  |  |       |__|_ |__|_
    |  |  |  |       |     |  |       |     |  |       |     |
    |  |  |  |       |     |  |       |     |  |       |     |
    |  |  |  |       |     |  |       |     |  |       |     |
    |__|__|__|_      |_____|__|_      |_____|__|_      |_____|____
    |                |                |                |
    (1*4)            ((1*2)+1*2)      (((+1)+1)+1*2)   ((1*2)+(1*2))
 [b]4 =[/b]                                  2  2  2
          1  1                        1  1  1          1  1
   {0, 1, 0, 0}     {0, 1, 0, 1}     {0, 0, 0, 3}     {0, 0, 2, 3}
    .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .
    |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |
    |__|  |__|_      |__|  |__|       |  |  |  |       |__|_ |  |
    |     |          |     |          |  |  |  |       |     |  |
    |     |          |     |          |__|__|_ |       |_____|  |
    |     |          |     |          |        |       |        |
    |_____|____      |_____|____      |________|       |________|
    |                |                |                |
(((+1)+1)+(1*2)) (((+1)+1)+((+1)+1))  ((1*3)+1)        (((1*2)+1)+1)

   {0, 1, 2, 3}
    .  .  .  .
    |  |  |  |
    |__|  |  |
    |     |  |
    |_____|  |
    |        |
Multiplication can be operated only among objects with structural identity, where addition can be operated among identical and non-identical (by structure) objects.

Also multiplication is noncommutative, for example:

2*3 = ( (1,1),(1,1),(1,1) ) , ( ((1),1),((1),1),((1),1) )

3*2 = ( (1,1,1),(1,1,1) ) , ( ((1,1),1),((1,1),1) ) , ( (((1),1),1),(((1),1),1) )

More about the above you can find here (the first 9 lines defined by Hurkyl):

More about Complementary logic, you can find here:

More about the order concept can be found here:
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  • #9
There is a question: does 'everything' is 'one' OR 'infinitely many ...'?

Let us examine this question from simplicity point of view.

What is simpler, 'one' or 'infinitely many'?

'one' cannot be defined as 'many' and 'many' cannot be defined as 'one'.

Does 'one of many' = 'one'?

By quantity concept they are the same.

Is there another point of view where they are not the same?

If there is, then it is not a quantitative point of view.

A structural point of view:

First of all 'one' and 'one of many' are something (non-empty set's contents).

Therefore, if we translate them to the simplest existing structural representation,
we must get at least these two forms {.} , {__}.

{.} is 'one of many'.

{__} is an infinitely long line, representing 'one'.

When we have these two existing and simplest structural representations, we want to examine them also by quantity concept.

Quantity by set's concept, is the cardinality of some set's content.

There can be 3 basic kinds of some set's cardinality:

|{}| = 0

|{.}| = 1

|{__}| = 1

Let us say that power 0 represents the minimal power of some non-empty set's content.

When {__} is infinitely long line that represents 'one', it means that by structural point of view, 0 points included in it, but unlike {} content, {__} content exists.

Therefore its cardinality > 0.

When we combine between structural and quantity properties of {__} content, we can find its cardinality by this expression: 0^0 = 1 or |{__}| = 0^0 = 1.

In {.} content there are at least 1 point, therefore according to the above:
|{.}| = 1^0 = 1

Now we have:

|{}| = 0

|{.}| = 1^0 = 1

|{__}| = 0^0 = 1

And we can clearly distinguish between {.}(=1^0*1 or {. , . , ...}=1^0*n>1)
and {__}(=0^0).

By structural point of view the connective between . and __ is: . XOR __

Let us return to the first question, but now instead of OR we are using XOR.

Does 'everything' is 'one' XOR 'infinitely many ...'?

By more fine examination we find that there are at least two XOR connective levels:

1. ( {}XOR{.} ) OR ( {}XOR{__} )

2. {.}XOR{__}

Level 1 is invariant but in level 2 we can change XOR by AND connective.

As a result we get the new finite set's content {.__.} which is the minimal association between {., .}(= some pair) AND {__} .

-->(or <--) is approaching(but cannot become closer) to

And we get this general sets-structure: {} <--{.}AND{._.}--> {__} .

Now we have:

1. ( {}XOR{.} ) OR ( {}XOR{__} ) OR ( {}XOR{._.} ) OR ( {__}XOR{._.} ) )

2. {.}AND{__}

Level 2 connective is the base of Complementary Logic, which introduced very briefly here:

Now, by Complementary Logic the answer is:

'everything' is the balance of {} <--{.}AND{._.}--> {__} .

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  • #10

What attract me mostly
in your new definition of number is that
a*b is not b*a
not in group theory
but in natural numberS.

And This is very nice organic !

2500 year's in the history of the universe
is maybe less than one hour in one year

so let’s celebrate
this last's hours of this year
with this new nice understanding
and with the memory to Hipasus.



  • #11
Dear moshek,

By Complementary Logic multiplication is noncommutative, but I think that another interesting result is the fact that multiplication and addition are complementary, and as much as I know this point of view has a very deep influence on the question: "What is Number?"

A second level example:

Answer: Number is anything that exist in ({},{__})

Or in more formal definition:

({},{_}):={x|{} <-- x(={.}) AND x(={._.})--> {_}}

Where -->(or <--) is ASPIRATING(= approaching, but cannot become closer to).

If x=4 then number 4 example:

Number 4 is fading transition between multiplication 1*4 and
addition ((((+1)+1)+1)+1) ,and vice versa.

This fading can be represented as:
(1*4)              ={1,1,1,1} <------------- Maximum symmetry-degree, 
((1*2)+1*2)        ={{1,1},1,1}              Minimum information's clarity-degree
(((+1)+1)+1*2)     ={{{1},1},1,1}            (no uniqueness)
((1*2)+(1*2))      ={{1,1},{1,1}}
(((+1)+1)+(1*2))   ={{{1},1},{1,1}}
((1*3)+1)          ={{1,1,1},1}
(((1*2)+1)+1)      ={{{1,1},1},1}
((((+1)+1)+1)+1)   ={{{{1},1},1},1} <------ Minimum symmetry-degree,
                                            Maximum information's clarity-degree 

    3  3  3  3  |          3  3             3  3
    2  2  2  2  |          2  2             2  2
    1  1  1  1  |    1  1  1  1             1  1       1  1  1  1
   {0, 0, 0, 0} V   {0, 0, 0, 0}     {0, 1, 0, 0}     {0, 0, 0, 0}
    .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .
    |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |
    |  |  |  |       |__|_ |  |       |__|  |  |       |__|_ |__|_
    |  |  |  |       |     |  |       |     |  |       |     |
    |  |  |  |       |     |  |       |     |  |       |     |
    |  |  |  |       |     |  |       |     |  |       |     |
    |__|__|__|_      |_____|__|_      |_____|__|_      |_____|____
    |                |                |                |
    (1*4)            ((1*2)+1*2)      (((+1)+1)+1*2)   ((1*2)+(1*2))
 [b]4 =[/b]                                  2  2  2
          1  1                        1  1  1          1  1
   {0, 1, 0, 0}     {0, 1, 0, 1}     {0, 0, 0, 3}     {0, 0, 2, 3}
    .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .       .  .  .  .
    |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |
    |__|  |__|_      |__|  |__|       |  |  |  |       |__|_ |  |
    |     |          |     |          |  |  |  |       |     |  |
    |     |          |     |          |__|__|_ |       |_____|  |
    |     |          |     |          |        |       |        |
    |_____|____      |_____|____      |________|       |________|
    |                |                |                |
(((+1)+1)+(1*2)) (((+1)+1)+((+1)+1))  ((1*3)+1)        (((1*2)+1)+1)

   {0, 1, 2, 3}
    .  .  .  .
    |  |  |  |
    |__|  |  |
    |     |  |
    |_____|  |
    |        |
Multiplication can be operated only among objects with structural identity, where addition can be operated among identical and non-identical (by structure) objects.

Also multiplication is noncommutative, for example:

2*3 = ( (1,1),(1,1),(1,1) ) , ( ((1),1),((1),1),((1),1) )

3*2 = ( (1,1,1),(1,1,1) ) , ( ((1,1),1),((1,1),1) ) , ( (((1),1),1),(((1),1),1) )

More about the above you can find here (the first 9 lines defined by Hurkyl):

More about Complementary logic, you can find here:

More about the order concept can be found here:
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  • #12

Every big change
must start only
with the most little thing
like Einstein did
in the question
how you measure length.

In mathematics
number is a very fundamental concept
so it you look on a number
in a different way
and you real you that ( ab<>ba)
you are doing good work.

This is way i think
that you are one of the 10 in the world
who create today
the new non-Euclidean mathematics
despite the fact
or maybe because...
your really don’t anything
about Euclidean mathematics

now do you want to know
about the forest of the monkey?

  • #13
Hi Moshek,

I really hope that there are more then 10 persons that examine Math from its most simple concepts.

Please tell me what is the meaning of 'the forest of the monkeys'?
  • #14
Dear Organic,

I agree with master_coda:

"Organic, please stop making up new names for things.
If you're going to make up a name,
make up just one and stick with it".

well in my opinion Organic,
you are talking only
about one thing...

The creation that will take many years
of : "New mathematics" as a positive interpretation
to Goedel theorem by looking on numbers
in there inherent duality.
It will call "The general relativity of mathematics",
a vision that was first declared by Hilbert in 1900.
That will be also the solution to his 6th problem.

So i will answer on sandy to your question about
"The forest of the monkey" but i will do it on your:


maybe you are right and 100 mathematicians
are working today on this amazing voyager.

  • #16
Hi phoenixthoth,

I thing I understand;act=ST;f=15;t=34;st=0;&#entry717

If i understand it then from my point of view any kernel is only a platform for understanding, like a well tuned piano before we play on it.

The player does not want to deal with (to spend its talent on) piano’s technical problems.

So the first step before we play is to solve our technical instrumental problems.

We have to play on the piano whan we tune it.

This kind of playing is in the kernel level, and when it is tuned, we can go to the next step, which is the playing itself.
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  • #17
and what melodies will be played when the piano is tuned!

my understanding is that you in particular know exactly what I'm talking about and i know exactly what you're talking about. if i understand this thread at all, then this thread and that post are the same subject. that's why i called it kernel, partially to show it to you so that you might gain something out of it. we're very much on the same "wavelength" on quite a few things so maybe i can be the hardy to your ramanujan, except I'm no hardy and you may be no ramanujan.

writing is the passport (partly) to a symphony of well-tuned instruments. the music is in the master, not the instrument but who is the true master?

now when we tune our instruments, maybe, just maybe, we can forumalate a cybernetic kernel mathematically: self aware structures.

you may find my last post under "concretes and abstracts" on that board interesting; i wonder if logic itself is the fundamental SAS. it is located under philosophy/spirituality under miscellaneous. the basic idea is that fewer axioms and constants, like +, x, and &isin;, lead to more abstract and general theories. by abstract, i mean that a smaller structure is contained in a larger structure implies the larger structure is more abstract. for example, all rings are groups means that the group concept is more fundamental and abstract than the ring concept. not all structures are comparable, of course, though rings, modules, vector spaces, groups, semigroups, and fields can all be ordered in this hierarchy. well, if you go all the way, you get logic itself. logic is a basis for category theory and set theory. you just add constants to the language, permitted in logic, and axioms and you have different mathematics.

i think that with SAS's, there must be a quality of presence and consciousness. on one end, you have something that may be less present and conscious and more nebulously aware of what it contains and when you add structure, you have something with more presence and consciousness with less nebulously aware of what it contains and what its surroundings are. less nebulous and less aware. I'm not sure about any of this.

i wish the mind theorists like steve pinker and searle would get together with the people working on SAS's and maybe those masters can come up with something that concretes the abstracts I'm getting at.
  • #19
that first picture may be the best picture I've ever seen. infinity is like the green path with no beginning and no end, except that the center of the circle is the beginning and the end. the green path is longer than all other numbers, all other paths. that picture is a divine harp. what tunes can we play on it?

thomas 18:
The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?"
Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is.
Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."

edit: it also makes sense if the numbers and paths represent alephs with the green path being the cardinal number of the universal set which i would like to give cardinal number capital omega and capital alpha, alternatively.

another edit: it also shows how the green path is inaccessible from the other paths, ie, the other paths will never reach the green path.
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  • #20
The cardinality of the spine of the divine harp is stronger then any form of infinity, which described as "infinitely many ..." .

Therefore when we in the level of the spine of the divine harp, we have no alternatives but to accept it as "the non-factorized-one".

The power of the continuum is the divine harp spine.

The power of the Euclidian Mathematics cannot deal with it.
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  • #21
how about an infinity where instead of described by 'infinitely many', it is described by 'all'?
  • #23
For me U is the balance between opposite concepts, or what I call Complementary Logic.
what opposite concepts?

is U={__}?
  • #25
i think that {.} means a nonempty set that also does not equal {__}. is that right? so N could be a {.}, right?

but what is {.__.}?
  • #26

FAQ: SoulWhat is the fundamental model of CIS according to Complementary Logic?

1. What is the fundamental model of CIS according to Complementary Logic?

The fundamental model of CIS (Complementary Information Systems) according to Complementary Logic is based on the concept of duality. This means that every element in the system has a complementary element that together form a complete and balanced whole. This approach is used to design and analyze complex systems, as it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the interrelationship between different elements.

2. How does Complementary Logic differ from traditional logic?

Complementary Logic differs from traditional logic in that it incorporates the concept of duality, where every element has a complementary counterpart. Traditional logic follows the principle of non-contradiction, where something cannot be both true and false at the same time. However, in Complementary Logic, two complementary elements can be both true at the same time, as they are seen as two sides of the same coin.

3. What is the role of CIS in Complementary Logic?

CIS (Complementary Information Systems) play a crucial role in Complementary Logic as they are used to model and analyze complex systems. CIS are designed to incorporate the principles of duality and complementarity, allowing for a more holistic approach to understanding and managing complex systems. This approach is particularly useful in fields such as engineering, biology, and management.

4. How does Complementary Logic relate to the concept of soul?

Complementary Logic does not directly relate to the concept of soul, as it is a scientific approach used to analyze complex systems. However, some may argue that the concept of duality and complementarity in Complementary Logic can be applied to the human soul, as it is often seen as having both a physical and spiritual aspect.

5. Can Complementary Logic be applied to all types of systems?

Yes, Complementary Logic can be applied to all types of systems, as it is a general approach that can be used to understand the interrelationship between all elements within a system. It has been successfully applied in various fields, including biology, engineering, management, and even social sciences.
