Accleration Definition and 78 Threads

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  1. M

    Velocity and accleration diagrams

    how do we go about deciding the directions while drawing the velocity and accleration diagrams for a given slider crank or slotted crank mechanism.while drawing the accleration diagrams,2 components -tangential and radial component need to be shown ,so when we draw the tangential...
  2. O

    How Fast Will the Climber Accelerate and How Long Until the Rock Falls?

    A 75 kg climber finds himself dangling over the edge of an ice cliff, as shown in the figure below. Fortunately, he's roped to a 980 kg rock located 51 m from the edge of the cliff. Assume that the coefficient of kinetic friction between rock and ice is 5.5×10−2. What is his acceleration, and...
  3. D

    Help with calculating the range of error accleration

    Homework Statement Motion on an Incline. I did an experiment where I measured the acceleration of a cart rolling down an inclined plane using 5 different angles and comparing them to those predicted in Newton's 2nd law of motion. I am trying to figure out the equation I can use to find...
  4. M

    How can I calculate wheel thrust for a given acceleration and time?

    Ok so here's what I'm trying to figure out: Given a required time i need to figure out how much wheel thrust is required to accelerate a car or truck to a given speed. (ie take a 5000 lb car to 75 mph in 15 seconds...) I've been searching but can't find a good formula to use. please help
  5. Y

    Friction and Max accleration, please explain this example.

    Homework Statement I'm trying to develop an expression for the maximum accerlation of a person pushing an object up a slope. I've figured out an expression for acceleration using F = MA based on the forces acting on the person and the object. Now I need to find the max accerlation. We...
  6. H

    General question about accleration of box on inclined plane

    Homework Statement Is it possible for a box going down on a frictionless incline plane to have not a negative accleration but positive accleration? Please help, it is confusing. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  7. H

    Physics general question about accleration

    If you push an object on an incline up at force of 20N and the accleration is negative would that mean the object will start to go down or does that mean it will deacclerate to a stop.
  8. B

    Atwood machine mass accleration problem

    Homework Statement A light pulley can rotate freely about its axis of symmetry which is fixed in a horizontal position. A massless inextensible string passes over a pulley . At one end the string carries a mass 4m, while the other end supports a second massless pulley. A second string...
  9. S

    How Do You Calculate the Magnitude of Acceleration for a Particle in Motion?

    A location of a particle is given in m by x, y and z coordinates as function of time in s as: x= -11+9t+11t^2 y= -23-21t z= -93+25t+11t^2 What is the magnitude of the objects acceleration at t= 3.00s? Would I add the second derivatives for magnitude?
  10. WCOLtd

    Does Initial Velocity Effect Gravitational Accleration?

    Does it's initial velocity effect the acceleration a mass receives due to the gravitational field? If two bodies of equal mass were moving towards a massive body, and they started at the same radius from the surface but one went at 10 times the velocity of the other, when the bodies impact...
  11. clope023

    Speed and accleration of a turntable

    Homework Statement An electric turntable 0.740m in diameter is rotating about a fixed axis with an initial angular velocity of 0.290rad/s . The angular acceleration is 0.900rad/s^2 . a) Compute the angular velocity after a time of 0.194s. - .465rev/s b) Through how many revolutions...
  12. J

    Mechanics: Accleration as a function of position

    A particle is moving along a straight line with accelerated motion such that a=-ks, where s is the distance from the starting point and kis the proportionality constant to be determined. For s=2 ft the velocity is 4 ft/s, and for s=3.5 ft, the velocity is 10 ft/s. What is s when the velocity is...
  13. E

    How Can You Calculate Plane Acceleration with a Watch on a String?

    Another Problem A watch is tied to a string on an airplane. As the airplane takes off the string makes an angle of 25* to the vertical. The accleration takes about 18s. What is the accleration of the plane. I drew a free body diagram, but I am confused as to how I would solve this...
  14. N

    Velocity and accleration of a particle

    Homework Statement A particle moves along a curve whose equations are: x=3e^(-2t) y=4sin3t z=5cos3t where t is the time. a) Find the velocity and acceleration at any time. b) Find the magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration at time t=0. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  15. H

    Solve Uniform Acceleration: Find a = -12.4872 cm/s^2

    [b]1. An object moving with uniform acceleration has a velocity of 17.0 cm/s in the positive x direction when its x coordinate is 3.00 cm. If its x coordinate 2.60 s later is -5.00 cm, what is its acceleration? [b]2. x = x_0 + v_0 t + (1/2) a t^2 [b]3. X = 5 Xo = 3 V = 17...
  16. H

    Finding initial speed and accleration

    [b]1. A truck covers 50.0 m in 9.00 s while smoothly slowing down to final speed 2.40 m/s. Find the trucks original speed. Find its accleration. [b]2. Homework Equations im using x = v0*t + 1/2 *a*t2 and v2 = v02 + 2*a*x I believe this is what the question gives me. Xo =...
  17. D

    Acceleration of Gravity: Value in Low Earth Orbit

    About what is the value of the acceleration of gravity in low Earth orbit? <9,8m/s² ?
  18. S

    Electron Accleration Calculation | Homework Solutions

    Homework Statement In an electric tube, an electron of mass 9.1*10 to the power of negative 31 kg experiences a net force of magnitude of 8.0*10 to the power of 15 over a distance of 2.0cm. A)calculate the magnitude of the electron's acccleration B)assuming it started from rest, how fast...
  19. C

    Gravity's opposition to accleration

    I'm creating a pneumatic launching device to shoot projectiles vertically. I guess the closest thing to compare it to would be a regular gun. Once it leaves the barrel, it will be in a constant state of deceleration until it reaches its peak (no additional thrust provided). Ignoring...
  20. A

    What Angular Speed is Required for a Space Cylinder to Mimic Earth's Gravity?

    Homework Statement It has been suggested that rotating cylinders about 10 mi long and 5 mi in diameter be placed in space and used as colonies. What angular speed must such a cylinder have so that the centripetal acceleration at its surface equals the free-fall acceleration? Homework...
  21. H

    Centrieptal accleration and the poles of the earth

    Why does centripetal acceleration effect your weight at say that equator but not at the poles? Does it effect but just to a small extent?
  22. M

    How Does Work Affect Acceleration on an Air Track?

    Here is the queston. A student in a physics lab pushed a 0.100 kg cart on an air track over a distance of 10.0 cm, doing 0.230 J of work. Calculate the acceleration of the cart. The textbook doesn't show how to approach this problem. It is suppose to be bonus or somthing. These are my...
  23. J

    Calculating Acceleration and Angle on a Frictionless Air Track

    Please help me with this question. I understand how to calculate the velocity from the given conditions but I don't know how to figure out the acceleration or the angle. Thanks! A cart is released from rest at the top of a perfectly frictionless air track. After an elapsed time delta t =...
  24. O

    Average acceleration = inst accleration ?

    Can the average acceleration of a body be not equal to the instantaneous acceleration for at least an instant? I know the answer to the question above is NO. But I find the answer; using Mean value theorem in calculus. Let me know if there is any answer based on physics. Thanks
  25. R

    How to Calculate Tension and Acceleration in a System of Connected Masses?

    The question states: Find the acceleration of the masses shown, given that m1 = 1.0 kg, m2 = 2.0 kg and m3 = 3.0 kg m1 and m2 are on a table top connected by a rope, m3 is hanging off of the table connected to m2 by a rope and a pully. I have drawn free body diagrams for all of the...
  26. N

    How Is Centripetal Acceleration Calculated in Astronaut Training Centrifuges?

    A centrifuge is used for training astronauts to withstand large accelerations. It consists of a chamber (in which the astronaut sits) that is fixed to the end of a long horizontal and rigid pole. The arrangement is rotated about an axis perpendicular to the pole’s free end. Such a centrifuge...
  27. T

    Solving Acceleration Problem for Jaguar S-Type R

    First off, thanks to all who helped me on my last questions. It is greatly appreciated that you are willing to help alleviate my physics stress! I am sure there will be many more questions to come. In fact, here is another physic's predicament that I am stranded over. Background: I am doing a...
  28. F

    Calculating Average Acceleration of Styrofoam Ball

    This question was part of a 2 part question. I figured out the first part of it. I can't get the 2nd half of it. The formula for a lightweight object, such as a styrofoam ball is v=v_t(1-e^kt) where V_t=5.70 m/s is the terminal speed, k=1.72s^-1 is the drag coefficient of the styrofoam ball, t...