Advanced physics Definition and 58 Threads

  1. K

    Free softwares for advanced physics

    I wish to know whether there are free softwares available for doing calculations in quantum mechanics, special and general theory of relativity, quantum field theory and similar fields. Are there any computer related experiments for theoretical physics?
  2. C

    Calculators Are there any programs for relativity on the TI-89 calculator?

    I was wondering if any of you knew of any programs for the TI-89 that deal with relativity. I've searched with Google but get nothing.
  3. F

    Courses Which Universities Offer Advanced Physics Online Courses for Credit?

    Hi, I just finished up a B.A. in Physics at UVa, but I had some major holes in my curriculum. I took Modern physics, QM, and then GR, but never took E&M and Stat. Mech. Aside from MIT OCW, are there universities that offer advanced physics online courses for grade so I can patch these classes up...
  4. H

    What are some advanced physics of formula one?

    what are some"advanced" physics of formula one? I have a 15 minute presentation regarding the physics of formula one race cars. My teacher told me not to include any of the physics we've covered in class(grade 11). stuff we've talked about are velocity, acceleration, Newton's law, g force...
  5. N

    Trig homework question (yes, it involves fairly advanced physics)

    I'm a junior in an honors trigonometry class, and am also studying some more advanced physics on my own. So I've decided to try to solve the problem accounting for the speed of light. here is the problem. An airplane is sighted at the same time by two ground observers who are 4 miles apart...
  6. quantumdude

    Advanced Physics Tutorials: A Directory

    This thread is here to organize the many tutorials we have for Advanced Physics, which we take to be any and all Physics Courses after the typical calculus based General Physics sequence. This thread will grow as the number of tutorials grows.
  7. T

    AP Physics: Calculating Release Height for Loop-the-Loop

    A small block of mass (m) slides down a frictionless loop-the-loop track. The radius at the bottom of the track is R. The question is at what height above the bottom of the loop should the block be released so that it is on the verge of losing contact with the track at the top of the loop...
  8. H

    Lab Report: Advanced Physics Honors Lab - Measuring G

    I was assigned to do a Lab report on an experiment we did in class.. this is for advanced physics honors.. I want to know if there's anything I should have that I don't .. or if something doesn't sound right?? Also .. could someone help with writing the Abstract?? THANKYOU! Abstract...