My attempt:
I realized after i had tried to solve the problem that the current must be constant in the cables. But no information about where the cables has radius a and b is given so how would I go about to find an expression for the current?
Thanks in advance!
I'm confused what's meant by a uniform surface current density since this plane has a thickness, It would need a current density distributed through its cross sections, I thought.Edit: I tried solving with proper LaTeX and all my steps, but it looked awful. For outside, I got B=µ_0jd/2.
Homework Statement
Determine the B-field inside the middle of a circular loop of current.
Homework Equations
Attempt at using Ampere's law: ##\oint \vec{B} \cdot d \vec{l} = \mu_0 i##
The Attempt at a Solution
##\oint B \cdot R d \theta = \mu_0 i \Rightarrow BR(2 \pi) = \mu_0 i \Rightarrow B...
Homework Statement
A current I flows along the surface of a hollow conducting cylinder. The radius of the cylinder section is r.
By using Ampere's law, show that the magnetic field B outside the cylinder is
B=\frac{\mu_0}{2 \pi} \frac{I}{r}
Homework Equations
Ampere's law...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
Biot-Savart's law and ampere's law expressing B = mu0 * I / (2 * pi * r)
The Attempt at a Solution
I know that for the first drawing, we have magnetic fields going into the page from both of the wires, and we have them being (infinitely) long, so...
Homework Statement
I have a rectangular coil with length L and the cross-section's sides has length a and b (b>a). A wire is tightly wrapped around N times. Calculate the magnetic field inside the coil.
Homework Equations
The problem I have is that in class we were taught how to calculate...
Homework Statement
There exists a current of 5A in the ay direction at x=2m,z=-2m where the ay is the unit vector in the y direction. Find the magnetic field strength at the origin.
Homework Equations
B = (μI/2πR) * r
B = μH
The Attempt at a Solution
B = (μI/2πr)
B= (4π*10^-7)(5)/2π(2)
The integral form of Ampere's law in vacuum is
(a) Using the relation between I and J, obtain the differential form of Ampere's
law. You may ignore any displacement current.
(b)Define the displacement current density J_{d} in terms of the displacement
field D and show...
For amperes law it is stated that:
My confusion is that B is that for example here now on Earth if I have a compass. It interacts with a the magnetic field of the Earth and points north. There is no I-enclosed yet there is still a magnetic field?
Also another Amperes Law...
I was asked to find the magnetic field of an infinite current sheet due to amperes law. Is my attempt to the solution correct ? The final answer is correct, but l am doubtful of how l got there.
Hi, I have some trouble understanding my book's derivation of Ampere's law. I have attached the derivation, and would like to ask the following. In equation 5.47 they throw away the first term because, ∇xJ=0. I don't understand why that is. Their argument is that J does not depend on the...
Homework Statement
an infinite slab is centered on the xy plane. the top of the slap is at z=a/2, the bottom of the slab is at z= -a/2. A volume current (J) is set up within the slab. find B everywhere
J = k (1 - z^2/a^2) \hat{y}
Homework Equations
amperes law
The Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
A constant magnetic field points to the right. B= 2.15 T. Answer in Tm .
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Just got introduced to these problems so not really sure how or what to integrate.3
Homework Statement
When I use Biot-Savart law to calculate the magnetic field at a distance from an arc, I get the well known
B=\frac{i\mu_{0}\phi}{4 \pi R}
Why can't I use Amperes law for this? I could imagine that the arc instead to be a complete loop of current. Then I could find...
If i have two cylindrical shells one inside the other , Like a pop can inside a larger pop can.
And let's say they are infinitely long . And on the inner one i have a surface current and on the outer one i also have a surface current but in the opposite direction. The B field in between the...
Lets take the infinite solenoid for example. Where we wrap wire around a pipe with current I.
We make our amperian path a rectangle, half inside the solenoid half out.
This site has the diagram I am talking about, a 1/4 way down the page...
This isn't really a homework problem, I just need to know how to do a problem similar to this one for the final and I don't want to fail, so I posted it here.
A solenoid with n turns per unit length, length l and radius a (l>>a) has a current I(t)==Io sin(wt) [w is omega], where I and w are...
It's evident that ampere's law is used to calculate the magnetic field produced by flowing charges. Can I use Gauss's Law to calculate the electric field produced by the flowing charges also?
I ask this question because in the middle of a solid conductor, there is a flow of charge. However...
Using the following identity curl(curl(B))=Grad(Div(B)-Grad^2(B) with maxwells equations in differential form in the absences of sources show that magnetic field obeys the wave equation Grad^2(B)- (1/(C^2))(d^2(B)/dt^2)
[b]2. The main probelm is I'm not sure what form of B i should use, i...
[SOLVED] Amperes Law
Homework Statement
Deriving the magnetic field through a solenoid.
Homework Equations
dB = mu0/4pi x Idlsintheta/ r^2
where I = current dl= a tiny change in length dB = a tiny change in flux density
sintheta is the angle to the normal r is the radius mu0 is the...
Hi, I am really stuck with these problems, is it possible you guys can help me out, by guiding me along this problem, I wil write the entire thing out, but would appreciate it if you guys help me step by step so that I can understand it, since I am having a VERY hard time with these problems...