Angular momemtum Definition and 116 Threads

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  1. damarkk

    Hydrogen Atom in an electric field along ##z##

    There is an hydrogen atom on a electric field along ##z## ##E_z= E_{0z}## . Consider only the states for ##n=2##. Solving the Saecular matrix for find the correction to first order for the energy and the correction to zero order for the states, we have: ##| \Psi_{211} \rangle##, ##|...
  2. nafisanazlee

    Can Energy Conservation Solve the Angular Velocity Problem?

    Let the mass of the ball m₁ and the disk m₂ m₁vrsinθ = I₁ω + Ι₂ω I₁ = m₁r² and I₂ = ½m₂r², r=3m, rsinθ = 2m. Is this a correct approach? if not, what is? Can this be solved using energy conservation?
  3. Kostik

    A Electric and magnetic field lines in a plane wave of finite extent

    In an infinite plane wave propagating in the ##z## direction, the momentum density is ##\mathbf{p}=(4π)^{-1}(\mathbf{E} × \mathbf{B})## which points in the ##z## direction; therefore, the angular momentum density about the ##z##-axis ##\mathbf{L} = \mathbf{r} × \mathbf{p}## has no...
  4. R

    I Does the classical theory of angular momentum explain this video of a unicycle robot?

    Hi. I'm an enthusiast of physics applied to robotics (you know, modeling and stuff), I've been studying a bit of unicycle robot and how the gyroscope theory helps us in these cases. However, I'm totally drawing a blank about how to explain in the video below: Gyroscope theory tells me that...
  5. A

    System of two wheels of different sizes with an axle through their centers

    If I understand correctly : The angular velocity vector has two components: one along ##\text{-ve z-axis}## and one along ##\text{-ve x-axis} ## So the motion can be considered to be two rotations:(some animation might help) Rotation about ##\text{z-axis}## with angular speed...
  6. N

    Electron moving in an electromagnetic field and rotation operator

    Hello, The idea I had was to time evolve the state ##U(\hat{\textbf{b}}, \omega t)| \phi(t) \rangle##, but I'm confused on how to operate with ##H## on such state. I Iwould be glad if anyone could point some way. Thanks!
  7. kirito

    I How is the net force on the system equal to 0 initially?

    I understand that in the initial condition both the net torque and net force are zero since the system is in a static state , the net torque remains zero as the mass down is being pulled , the two blocks get pulled towards the axis of rotation by a radial force but I am wondering what is...
  8. Rayan

    Sequential Stern Gerlech experiment

    So I thought that when the $m_l = 1$ beam passes through the second SG-magnet, it should split into 3 different beams with equal probability corresponding to $ m_l = -1 , 0 , 1 $ since the field here is aligned along z-axis and hence independent of the x-axis splitting. And I thought that the...
  9. BroPro

    Angular momentum of rotating hoop

    Problem: Official solution: My calculation: \begin{align*} \mathbf L &= M \mathbf R \times \mathbf V + \mathbf L_{cm} \\ &= M R (\hat j + \hat k) \times (- \Omega R \hat i) + MR^2 \Omega \hat j \\ &= MR^2 \Omega (\hat k - \hat j + \hat j) \\ &= MR^2 \Omega \hat k \end{align*}
  10. X

    Is My Understanding of Angular Momentum and Trigonometry Correct?

    First, I have always consider that the angular momentum equals to inertia times angular velocity, but that’s not the case from the options perpective, is my memory wrong, or is there something wrong with the options? Another, I think I need to figure out the angle it went through, I think it has...
  11. AyushNaman

    Explain the phenomenon of decrement of angular momentum

    I tried to work out the net resultant postion of the normal force but could only come at a conclusion that normal force and mg, both pass through C.O.M(torques were considered about the edge of block).
  12. H

    I How to prove that the L and S (of the total angular momentum commute?

    I read here that L and S commute. these operators have not the same dimension. Do they act on a common Hilbert space?
  13. chris25

    Which system to apply conservation of momentum to?

    For this problem I was very confused whether conservation of angular momentum should be applied to the person, the swing or the person-swing system. It seems to me that there is no net torque on any of the three systems I listed above. However, it seems that the angular momentums of the three...
  14. C

    I How to Land a Tree Flat in 3/4 Rotation: Solving the Equations

    Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem? I have the stem of a tree that is X feet tall. It's just a cylinder as the top and all branches have been cut off. I want to cut off the top portion such that when it falls, it will do precisely a 3/4 rotation and land perfectly flat. What fraction...
  15. tbn032

    B Doubt regarding the terms used in the solution

    In the solution, the term Lcm and Icm is used. Explain the meaning of these terms? I think cm stands for centre of mass. why that is used in the subscript?does the term angular momentum from the centre of mass of the sphere makes sense? Is the term Lcm and Icm stand for angular momentum of the...
  16. G

    Tong QFT sheet 2, question 6: Normal ordering of the angular momentum operator

    My attempt/questions: I use ##T^{0i} = \dot{\phi}\partial^i \phi##, ##\dot{\phi} = \pi##, and antisymmetry of ##Q_i## to get: ##Q_i = 2\epsilon_{ijk}\int d^3x [x^j \partial^k \phi(\vec{x})] \pi(\vec{x})##. I then plug in the expansions for ##\phi(\vec{x})## and ##\pi(\vec{x})## and multiply...
  17. mohamed_a

    I Problem with understanding angular momentum

    I have a problem in understanding angular momentum equation (mrv), especially the part where radius is involved. imagine an elastic collision occurred between sphere of mass (M) attached to a string forming a circle of radius (R) and moving with velocity (V) and another stationary sphere having...
  18. S

    Kepler's Third Law vs Conservation of angular momentum

    The classic way to go about this problem would be to use Kepler's laws and thus find the new time period of earth. However I encountered this question in a test on rotational motion which deals with conservation of angular momentum. The equation used here would be I1ω1= I2ω2 Replacing I with MR2...
  19. mattlfang

    Perfectly inelastic collision of two moving and rotating disks

    two moving and rotating, uniformly weighted disks perfectly inelastic collide. The disks are rotating in opposite directions (see the diagram) At the moment of their collision, the angles between their velocity and the line connecting their centers are 45 degrees. The velocities are therefore in...
  20. mattlfang

    A bullet collides perfectly elastically with one end of a rod

    A bullet with mass m, velocity v perfectly elastically, vertically collide with one end of a rod on a slippery plane and the bullet stops moving after the collision. Find the mass of the stick M the bullet stops moving after an elastic collision, so all energy is transformed to the rod. There...
  21. H

    Why is the angular momentum negative in a disk and stick collision?

    figure 11.12 I need someone to explain why the angular momentum of the ball is ## L_{f} = -rm_{d}V_{df} + I\omega## rather than ## L_{f} = rm_{d}V_{df} + I\omega ##. How to distinguish the sign of the angular momentum?p.s. ##\Delta\vec{L}_{total} = \vec{L}_{f} - \vec{L}_{i} = (-rm_{d}v_{df} +...
  22. K

    What's the source of increase in rotational energy of carousel?

    A carousel has the shape of a circular disc with radius 1.80 m and a mass of 300 kg. There are two people with masses of 30 and 45 kg out on the edge while carousel rotates with the angular speed 0.6 rad / s. The people move towards the center of the carousel Calculations show that the...
  23. SpaceThoughts

    I Changing the RPM of a frictionless spinning wheel in a box

    Imagine a spinning wheel built into a hand size vacuum box. There is no friction between the axe bearings of the wheel and the box. Let's say that the wheel rotates with 60 RPM. Am I right if I assume: 1. The wheel continues to rotate, approximately as if in space. 2. It is not possible to...
  24. L

    What is the final angular displacement of a disk hit by two masses?

    1) By conservation of linear momentum: ##m_1 v_1-m_2v_2=(m+m_1+m_2)v_{cm}\Rightarrow v_{cm}=\frac{m_1}{m+m_1+m_2}v_1-\frac{m_2}{m+m_1+m_2}v_2=\frac{3}{8}\frac{m}{s}##; 2) By conservation of angular momentum: ##-Rm_1v_1-Rm_2v_2=I_{total}\omega=(I_{disk}+m_1R^2+m_2R^2)\omega## so...
  25. R

    Angular momentum of a particles in the form of ##L = mr^2\omega##

    ##\vec{L} = \vec{P} \times\vec{r}## ##L = mvr sin \phi##, where P = mv Since ##\vec{r}## and ##\vec{v}## are always perpendicular, ##\phi## = 90. Then, ##L = mvr## At this point, I don't see how to get ##L = mvr = mr^2\omega##, using ##\omega = \dot{\phi}## I know that ##\omega =...
  26. A

    I Time derivative of the angular momentum as a cross product

    I am trying to find the equations of motion of the angular momentum ##\boldsymbol L## for a system consisting of a particle of mass ##m## and magnetic moment ##\boldsymbol{\mu} \equiv \gamma \boldsymbol{L}## in a magnetic field ##\boldsymbol B##. The Hamiltonian of the system is therefore...
  27. M

    The propagator of eigenstates of the Total Angular Momentum

    To show that when ##[J^2, H]=0 ## the propagator vanishes unless ##j_1 = j_2## , I did (##\hbar =1##) $$ K(j_1, m_1, j_2 m_2; t) = [jm, e^{-iHt}]= e^{iHt} (e^{iHt} jm e^{-iHt}) - e^{-iHt} jm $$ $$ = e^{iHt}[jm_H - jm] $$ So we have $$ \langle j_1 m_1 | [jm, e^{-iHt} ] | j_2 m_2 \rangle $$ $$ =...
  28. Matejxx1

    Describe the motion of yoyos suspended from the ceiling

    I have trouble solving this problem any help would be appreciated.Problem statement ##J=\frac{mr^2}{2}## a) Determine the motion of yoyos for ##n=1,2,3## The case for ##n=1## is simple, however, I am having trouble with ##n=2## and ##n=3##. for ##n=2## I started by drawing all the forces...
  29. N

    Separating a wave function into radial and azimuthal parts

    I know how to work through this problem but I have a question on the initial separation of the wave function. Assuming ##\psi(\rho, \phi) = R(\rho)\Phi(\phi)## then for the azimuthal part of the wavefunction we have ##\Phi(\phi)=B\left(\frac \rho\Delta cos\phi+sin\phi\right)##, but this function...
  30. cemtu

    Quantum Mechanics Hydrogen Atom Expectation Value Problem

    I can not solve this problem: However, I have a similar problem with proper solution: Can you please guide me to solve my question? I am not being able to relate Y R (from first question) and U (from second question), and solve the question at the top above...
  31. E

    ABS system on a two-wheeled vehicle - Conservation of Angular Momentun

    Hello, The question I have pertains to conservation of Angular momentum on a motorcycle. I know that the dynamic friction is less than the static friction, so when you are braking on a (say a motorcycle) and the wheels lock up, the bike is bound to fall over. This is the reason ABS (Anti-lock...
  32. cpgp

    Why is angular momentum conserved here?

    A cylinder of radius R spins with angular velocity w_0 . When the cylinder is gently laid on a plane, it skids for a short time and eventually rolls without slipping. What is the final angular velocity, w_f? The solution follows from angular momentum conservation. $$L_i = I \omega_0 = L_f =...
  33. T

    Angular Momentum Vector and Torque Vector

    In studying gyroscopic progression, the angular momentum vector is added to the torque vector. As intuitively these two vectors seem to be qualitatively quite different, how do we know that both vectors are in the same vector field and that they can be manipulated using the rules of vector...
  34. A

    What is the Angular Momentum of a Baseball?

    k̂ direction = 0 kg*m^2/s ĵ direction = 0 kg*m^2/s î direction = (0.145kg) (20m/s) (6m) = 17.4 kg*m^2/s
  35. A

    Angular momentum of a falling ball

    (L) = (radius) * (mass*velocity) velocity= 0+ (9.8m/s^2) (0.7s) = 6.86m/s (L) = (0.77m) * (2kg*6.86m/s)= 1.05 kg*m^2/s angular momentum points towards Polly
  36. A

    I Relativistic Energy of Rotating Thin Ring: Quick Qs

    Quick question about the relativistic energy of a rotating thin ring, hoop or cylinder. Is there any reason why the relativistic energy would be anything different than ##E=\gamma_t m_0 c^2## where ##\gamma_t## depends on the tangential velocity ##v_t## observed by someone at rest with the...
  37. A

    Quantum numbers of a system of particles

    Hello everybody! I have a problem with this exercise when I have to find the possible angular momentum. Since ##\rho^0 \rho^0## are two identical bosons, their wave function must be symmetric under exchange. $$(exchange)\psi_{\rho\rho} = (exchange) \psi_{space} \psi_{isospin} \psi_{spin} =...
  38. A

    I Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and their sign

    Summary: Different sign in the combination of two ##\textbf{1/2}## isospins with opposite third component Hello everybody! I was doing an exercise regarding isospin and I noticed something from the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients that made me think. For example, if I consider the combination...
  39. Benjamin_harsh

    How is the magnitude of L calculated here?

    The green dot shows the position of the Earth at the instant the Sun disappears. The distance from the Sun, ##d##, is the Earth's orbital distance and the velocity ##v## is the Earth's orbital velocity. When the Sun disappears the Earth heads off in a straight line at constant velocity as shown...
  40. J

    Possible spins and parities of an odd-odd nucleus

    I'm actually not even 100% sure about the formulas, as in my book they explain j, s and l quite unclearly. Could anyone give me a proper explanation as how to see these and if I'm using them correctly. What i tried to do was determine the proton and neutron angular momentum, spin and parity...
  41. sergiokapone

    A Index Juggling: Angular Momentum Tensor & Inertia Tensor in 3D-Space

    Lets consider the angular momentum tensor (here ##m=1##) \begin{equation} L^{ij} = x^iv^j - x^jv^i \end{equation} and rortational velocity of particle (expressed via angular momentum tensor) \begin{equation} v^j = \omega^{jm}x_m. \end{equation} Then \begin{equation} L^{ij} =...
  42. D

    Angular momentum of a system relative to a moving reference frame.

    I don't have too much of a clue of how to begin the problem. I first wrote the angular moementum of the system of particles: →M=∑mi(→ri×→vi)M→=∑mi(r→i×v→i). Then I know that the angular momentum from of the moving reference frame would have the velocity as the sum of the velocity of the frame...
  43. Yingnan Xu

    I What is the definition of moment M_z in Arnold's book on classical mechanics?

    Hi guys, so in Arnold's mathematical methods of classical mechanics p43, he defined the moment M_z, or L_z, the angular momentum, relative to the z axis of vector F applied at the point r is the projection onto the z axis of the moment of the vector F relative to some point on this axis...
  44. D

    I Relation Between Cross Product and Infinitesimal Rotations

    Looking into the infinitesimal view of rotations from Lie, I noticed that the vector cross product can be written in terms of the generators of the rotation group SO(3). For example: $$\vec{\mathbf{A}} \times \vec{\mathbf{B}} = (A^T \cdot J_x \cdot B) \>\> \hat{i} + (A^T \cdot J_y \cdot B)...
  45. A

    How Do You Calculate the Ratio h/R for a Spinning Billiard Ball?

    1. Homework Statement A spherical billiard ball of uniform density has mass m and radius R and moment of inertia about the center of mass ( ) 2 cm I = 2/ 5 mR^2 . The ball, initially at rest on a table, is given a sharp horizontal impulse by a cue stick that is held an unknown distance h above...
  46. JD_PM

    Conservation of Energy and Angular Momentum in a Rotating Train-Disk System

    Homework Statement [/B] A train stands in the middle of a rotating disk with an initial angular velocity of $\omega_i$. The mass of the train is m and the moment of inertia of the train-disk is I. At one point the train departs on a straight track to a distance R from the disk's centre. (R...
  47. F

    Lagrangian for relativistic angular momentum

    Hi everyone, I have a question that can't solve. Does exist a lagrangian for the relativistic angular momentum (AM)? I can't even understand the question because it has no sense for me... I mean, the lagrangian is a scalar function of the system(particle,field,...), it isn't a function FOR the...
  48. AlanWWW

    Year1 Mechanics (angular momentum)

    Homework Statement A circular plate with radius 0.5 m and mass 5 kg is hung on the wall, fixed at a point that is 0.3 m above its center. The plate can freely rotate about the fixed point with no friction. A very short-duration impulse of 5 N sec, along a direction that is tangential to the...
  49. M

    Determining Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in a Coupled 2-Particle System

    Homework Statement Consider a 2-particle system where the two particles have angular momentum operators ##\vec{L}_1## and ##\vec{L}_2## respectively. The Hamiltonian is given by $$H = \mu\vec{B}\cdot (\vec{L}_1+\vec{L}_2)+\gamma \vec{L}_1\cdot \vec{L}_2.$$ Determine explicitly the eigenvalues...