In Quarks & Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics by Halzen and Martin page 42 reads:
I do not understand what the issue is, however. What do they mean by "we want... to transform in exactly the same way"?
Didn't they just show that they do transform in exactly the...
The charge associated with gravitational interactions is the mass. In the Standard Model, charge conjugation is the "flippin" of all kinds of charges (electric, color, etc). So, if we were to, say, incorporate quantum gravity in a beyond the Standard Model theory, what would the full charge...
Article in Stanford University News Service states "Antiparticles are virtually identical to ordinary particles, but their electrical charge and a few other more obscure properties are reversed".Can someone tell me what are the 'more obscure properties?
Are anti particles everywhere in the universe? Do they cover the vaccum completely? Do they have a constant mass or is that not the case because they are constantly coming in and out of existence?
Hi all,
I read on "Intoduction to Elementary Particle Physics" (A. Bettini) that baryons with positive strangeness cannot exist. I don't know what to conclude from this sentence: sigma-baryons have negative strangeness, since there's a sigma as valence quark. But these baryons have, of course...
I start by outlining the little I know about the basics of quantum field theory.
The simplest relativistic field theory is described by the Klein-Gordon equation of motion for a scalar field ##\large \phi(\vec{x},t)##:
$$\large \frac{\partial^2\phi}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2\phi+m^2\phi=0.$$
There is an assumption in cosmology say that there is another universe Composed of antiparticles?
I mean that the atom composed of positron rather than an electron, anti-proton rather than a proton and anti-neutron rather than a neutron.
What are antiparticles and what do they do?
How do we know that they do exist?
Could you explain these in layman's term,because I don't know much about quantum mechanics.
In physics we cannot easily imagine “negative” energy for a particle (not a field) in order to have “negative” mass, although the first concept of Dirac for antiparticles was that they were “holes” that were opposite to particle existence and there was a minus in front of mc2.Regardless of...
What is the relationship between negative energy, negative mass and antiparticles? I have read some articles but I am still confused. Does negative mass exist? Does negative energy exist with the exception of the Kasimir effect which I understand. Are antiparticles really only the negatice...
I have recently began studying quantum field theory and have just seen how the quantization of the complex scalar field, noting that there is invariance of the action under a phase rotation shows the existence of antiparticles.
I just have a couple of questions, apologies in advance if...
Dear all,
in a lot of undergraduate textbooks you find the claim that antiparticles can be motivated by Einstein's energy-momentum relation ## E^2 = p^2 + m^2 ##, which has both 'negative' and 'positive energy' solutions. In the context of a single wave function this is problematic. In the...
Hi!, I am studying for an introductory course in QED and Feynman Diagrams. Everything we see is like a first order approach and I am having some trouble understanding antiparticles in Feynman Diagrams:
Why is it that we put an antiparticle that is leaving as if it is entering the interaction...
From a recent thread:
Is this true of gluons? Doesn't the color charge invert under CPT? (For example, a red-antigreen gluon's antiparticle would be a green-antired antigluon.)
Hello All,
I was wondering if anybody could recommend some really good, graduate-level textbooks or sources on quantum field theory and antiparticles. I've browsed through several QFT titles, but if anyone has any books they think would be a good grad-level introduction I'd be grateful...
First I would like to say that I'm sorry if this question has been asked before- I'm new here. I was reading QED by Richard Feynman, and he mentioned that any given antiparticle is just it's regular particle counterpart moving backwards in time. How is this possible? I thought that it was only...
Hi. I am confused about something related to the creation of particles/antiparticles in a complex scalar field.
I read in the literature that \phi(x)|0\rangle describes the creation of a particle at point x . But given that
\phi(x) = \int \frac{d^3 p}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^3 2E_p}}...
An electron field is a superposition of two four-component Dirac spinors, one of them multiplied with a creation operator and an exponential with negative energy, the other multiplied with an annihilation operator and an exponential with positive energy.
So I assume one Dirac spinor creates a...
Has anyone ever heard of treating a particle and antiparticle as identical based on the formalism of quantum field theory? The argument given is that the creation operator for a particle is the annihilation operator for its antiparticle, but I can't find this idea of treating them as identical...
1.does antiparticles really travels backwards in time or is it just used to describe feynman diagrams and diracs negative energy states.
2.what does vacuum really means physically is it just a state in the fock space from which other particle states are created or it really means something...
I've been trying to understand the exact differences of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle.I know maybe the best way is via checking that the two particles annihilate each other when came to contact or not.But I'm talking about their properties now.
In some places,it is written that...
In the First Three Minutes Steven Weinberg wrote:
The word "destroy" really throws me off. When I think of destroy I think of complete elimination from existence, such as when you destroy a house it is completely gone, the timber may still remain but the house no longer exists. With...
Hey everyone,
I was wondering how the ca and cv vary for weak interactions with antiparticles. It seems that they must be different. Perhaps this is incorrect, but if this is the case I am not sure how there is a difference between e eantineutrino-> e eantineutrino differs from e eneutrino->e...
I'm not sure if my interpretation is correct, but this Dirac Sea interpretaton does as far as I understand this, tell us that every energy level from -infinity to a certain energy level E<0 is filled with anti-particles. And this should be true for every single location in the universe.
I know that Hawking Radiation is caused by the separation of virtual particles on the event horizon of a black hole, but I do not understand why the antiparticle is always the particle from the pair that falls into the black hole. It seems to me that the gravitational effects of the black hole...
Im a grade 12 student and I just started reading black holes aint so black in the brief history of time. However, I'm having a hard time distinguishing a difference between these two particles. What is a difference?
I wondered about the photon exchange mechanism when my AP physics teacher taught about it. Essentially, it's like shooting a basketball back and forth. I don't see the attractive part, but's that what the analogy was on the internet thing used. I assume it's in the math, anyway.
But my...
So a simple question, really: Given a particle, will its antiparticle always have the same spin or not? And if not, in which cases will the spin be different?
Thanks in advance.
Hi together ...
I wonder how one can deduce the existence of antiparticles from the Klein-Gordon equation.
Starting from (\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2} - \nabla^2 + m^2) \Psi(t,\vec{x})=0
one gets solutions \Psi(t,\vec{x})=\exp(\pm i (- E t + \vec{p} \cdot \vec{x})) leading to E^2=p^2 +...
...compared to normal particles?
I was told this was something about, for a particle moving forward in spacetime, its antiparticle can be considered as moving backwards in space time. but that really doesn't mean anything to me.
what's wrong with putting a forward arrow on an...
I was recenlty watching a lecture by Feynman where is talks about particles, and how all particles have anti particles. A photon is a particle but I can't find any discussion about a anti photon. Reason?
I have some questions that my teacher was unable (and unwilling) to answer in class, so I thought I'd ask them here.
The chemical potential
\mu=\left(\frac{\partial U}{\partial N}\right)_{S,V}
is given by the derivative of the energy with respect to particle number at constant volume and...
Is Uncertainity Principle is applied during particle antiparticle generation and is it a deterministic principle related to their positions and momentum in space ?
heuristic explanation of why quantum field theory imply antiparticles
I'm looking for a heuristic explanation of why quantum mechanics plus special relativity requires antiparticles, Does anybody want to take a crack at it? Or am I asking for the impossible?
And would the potential be equal in magnitude yet opposite in sign?
If you were to approximate a yukawa potential for some baryon and had it "near" its antiparticle, what would the potential look like. The same for a baryon and another baryon but opposite?
This would just be like a...
I am asking this question because I did not get it clarified in any of the books I have read.
What is the rule for having the quark structure of an antiparticle given the structure of the particle?Is it always OK to put bar on the quark symbols of the corresponding particle?
It is well known that photon is a quant of electromagnetic field. It is also well known that the electromagnetic field is produced by charged particles. Assume that some neutral particle annihilates with its antiparticle. Why a photon is emitted as a resuilt, not a quant of some other field?
I was reading that the antiparticle of a particle is the same, except it has an opposite charge, which cancels it out. if the charge of an electron is -1.60 x 10^-19, would that make the charge of the positron +1.60 x 10^-19? but isn't that also the charge of the proton? I must be missing...
[Q0]Is the only distinct difference between a particle and antiparticle the charge?
Does it apply to
Neutron(does it have a antiparticle?)
FCPs(do FCP have charge? well light doesn't but does a gluon...and what's the other one called not the graviton)...
Consider a particle-antiparticle creation, let's say an electron and a positron.
I am curious if there is any lasting connection* between particles and the antiparticles that they were born with (in terms of the physics of their interaction).
Has anyone ever predicted or observed such a...
so electrons would have an antiparticle called a positron?
and it's possible that the electron also has a superpartner called a selectron?
if so would the positron also have a superpartner?
I've been reading a lot lately, stephen hawkings mostly, a few others as well, but its difficult. The more things i read on the same subjects the better i understand the fundamental ideas, but its still difficult. One thing i have trouble grasping is anti particles. I've never been introduced to...