Applied mathematics Definition and 101 Threads

Applied mathematics is the application of mathematical methods by different fields such as physics, engineering, medicine, biology, finance, business, computer science, and industry. Thus, applied mathematics is a combination of mathematical science and specialized knowledge. The term "applied mathematics" also describes the professional specialty in which mathematicians work on practical problems by formulating and studying mathematical models.
In the past, practical applications have motivated the development of mathematical theories, which then became the subject of study in pure mathematics where abstract concepts are studied for their own sake. The activity of applied mathematics is thus intimately connected with research in pure mathematics.

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  1. opperator

    What Should I Do After Completing My Physics/Math Double-Major BS Degrees?

    Hi, I'm an undergraduate student in the US going into their 3rd year (of 4), and I can start to feel the weight of deciding what to do after my undergraduate studies. I'll break down the concerns into 2 main questions, and any advice is greatly appreciated! For context, I am on track to finish...
  2. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    HI, I am an International Student studying in the US (at a "liberal arts" small college ranked in the Top 20 as per US News Rankings). I will graduate in 2024 and intend to apply for PhD programs in Mathematical Physics starting October 2023 for admission in 2024. GPA: I am a double major in...
  3. yezia

    Which MSc to do after BSc physics if you love to code?

    Hi everyone! Merry christmas first and I hope you're getting great rest with close ones around :) Well, as title may suggest it, I will graduate soon in physics and I'm not sure of the next step in my academic curriculum. I like theoretical physics, I've touched upon most fondamental physics...
  4. lucky31501

    Programs What courses would best benefit an Applied Mathematics degree?

    Hi everyone! I am looking for advice on what courses I should take to better flush out my degree/be more versatile. Currently, I am going into my sophomore year in Applied Mathematics. I originally wanted to change into a Math/CS degree, but it was full, so I had to settle with taking the...
  5. The applications of eigenvectors and eigenvalues | That thing you heard in Endgame has other uses

    The applications of eigenvectors and eigenvalues | That thing you heard in Endgame has other uses

    Zach Star gives an explanation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, with some applications
  6. K

    Adjacency matrices and network visualisations

    I have this set of adjacency matrices and networks given to me and I need to match the matrix to the network and then describe the dynamics. At first glance it seems to be Ac, Bb and Ca but I'm not sure if that's too obvious and I'm missing something as I haven't looked at visual...
  7. T

    Programs Experimental physics, applied math, or both?

    Hey all, So I'm about to be a senior at a US school, and likely want to do grad school. I'm posting here because my interests are really sort of disparate and don't really share a theme. I like dynamics, stat mech, doing stuff on computers, and doing stuff with my hands... Anyway, here's a...
  8. Shackleford

    PhD in Applied Mathematics - Finite Element Analysis

    My background is BS Math with Physics minor (3.5) and MA Math (3.7) from the University of Houston. My current plan is to explore the necessary background for doing research in finite element analysis. Over the next few semesters, I plan to take Numerical Methods for PDEs, Statistical Computing...
  9. T

    Undergraduate physics to graduate Applied mathematics

    I am an undergrad in physics and math (pure). I want to do msc in Applied mathematics . There are few things that worry me : 1. Topology, complex analysis, differential equations, calculus, Probability, 3 Analysis and 3 Algebra - these are roughly my courses. I didn’t take any “applied” kind of...
  10. Pi Pie

    Math Maximizing Employability with a Master's Degree After 30

    Hi, everyone. Here I am, once again, full of uncertainty as for my future. I've previously stated my situation in another thread so this time I'm going straight to the point. If all ends meet I'll be acquiring my Master's degree in applied and computational mathematics at the age of 32...
  11. J

    Applied Zee and Georgi Group Theory books

    Hello. I will be attending a course on Group theory and the book that the professor suggests is Georgi's Lie Algebras in Particle Physics. As I liked Zee's book on General Relativity, I thought that it would be a blast to also use his Group theory textbook for the course. Problem is that I don't...
  12. John Jacke

    Programs Masters in biotechnology after BS. in applied mathematics?

    Do you know about if this is possible or which schools offer a degree like this? Aside from mathematics I have taken the following courses related to biotechnology(science-based): General biology 1 and 2 with labs General chemistry 1 and 2 with labs General physics 1 and 2 with labs Mechanics...
  13. T

    Why Is Sin(theta) Squared in This Mechanical Engineering Problem?

    Hi! New to this forum and signed up because I've just started a foundation degree in mechanical engineering, and having been out of education for a very long time beforehand, getting back to grips with mathematics and the like! Anyway, I would like to ask for some advice on this problem, I know...
  14. S

    Subforum for quantitative and mathematical economics?

    Here I would like to take the opportunity to suggest the addition of a subforum for the purpose of discussing quantitative and mathematical economics. This idea came up after I posted in a few recent topics (1st topic, 2nd topic). I am also partially motivated by QuantEcon, a website pointed out...
  15. Indiana

    Which is More Mathematical: The Princeton Companion or Mathematics for Physics?

    Which is more mathematical among The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics and Mathematics for Physics by Michael Stone and Paul Goldbart? Both of them are applied mathematics books. What are the main differences between them? Which is more mathematical i.e. mathematically advanced...
  16. Avatrin

    Math Applications of discrete mathematics minus software

    Hi All applications of discrete mathematics I know of seem to be in computer science. I want to know if there is somewhere discrete mathematics are applied outside of software. What can I work as if I like discrete mathematics but do not want to program? (outside of academia, of course)
  17. U

    Programs Undecided between Masters Degree in BME, EE or Applied Math

    Background story: In high school, I fell in love with mathematics especially AP calculus (mostly because many other subjects in the sciences were not well taught in my school). I would often spend hours trying to learn the math in detail (often going more in detail then necessary on my own...
  18. PhysicsKid0123

    Other Computational mathematics vs Applied Mathematics

    Hello PF community, I have a question about a choice that I need to make soon and I would like some opinions from the community. So I am double majoring in physics and applied mathematics at the moment, and I have been thinking about changing my second major to computational mathematics instead...
  19. Nipuna Weerasekara

    A Simple Harmonic Motion Question

    Homework Statement As in the given picture, the cylinder is drowned (not completely drowned as in partially drowned) in water. The cylinder is attached with a spring which has the spring constant of 200 N/m. The spring has attached to a unmovable point in the ceiling. The weight of the...
  20. L

    Physics Physics or Applied Mathematics Undergraduate Degree

    My son is a college freshman at an Ivy League college. He is currently taking classes in Applied Math and Physics but will have to choose a major by the end of sophomore year. He is interested in going to graduate school but is not entirely certain where he would like to work. He is not...
  21. EternusVia

    Programs Intersection of Physics and Applied Math?

    Hello all, I am interested in both physics and applied math. One of my professors is willing to work with me to get into a great applied math school, but I don't want to abandon my passion for physics. Is there work being done at the intersection of applied math and physics? Is it reasonable...
  22. MidgetDwarf

    Programs Pure Math or Applied Mathematics

    I have a big choice to make which is not letting me sleep or study properly. For the last few years I have been attending community college. For financial reasons I left school during the 9th grade. Both of my parents were terminally ill. My father passed away, my mother still lives. I placed...
  23. J

    Applied Systems of 1st order PDEs with many independant variables?

    Does anyone know of any books or online resources that do a good job discussing systems of linear 1st order PDEs with several (more than 2) independent variables? I am not a mathematician, but can handle graduate level classical physics with the associated applied math. Analytical and...
  24. rose123456789

    I want to study applied mathematics on my own

    i want to study applied mathematics on my own, but i don't know where to start
  25. M

    Academic Guidence- Considering Gradschool

    Hello! I am new to the forum. Actually, I enrolled in the forum because of this question... It's been eating me for a while now. So I'll give you some background on my (convoluted) educational path. I started college undecided, then switch to a preprofessional chemistry path with hopes of...
  26. N

    Applied maths, monotonic function

    Hello, The equation is from a chemistry calculation; the textbook claims that the function is monotonic, without specifying whether it is monotonically increasing or decreasing. Depending on the starting conditions, the function can look different; I basically want to know if the following is...
  27. Ben Espen

    What's John D. Cook's Career Transition Advice?

    Computational Imagination has an interview up with John D. Cook. John is an applied mathematician who I have occasionally corresponded with, and in this interview he talks about his transition from academia to industry, the different careers he has had, and offers some tips on software...
  28. A

    Applied Mathematics job hunting advice

    Hi all, My husband has a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics and we've been job searching for over 6 months now. Only gotten a couple of interviews and sent out hundreds of resumes. I feel like we're doing something wrong because I've always read/heard that people with this major should be...
  29. M

    Job prospects with Masters in Applied Mathematics

    I am at starting to become increasingly worried and I need help/advice/what ever you can give me. My major is mathematics, I will be getting a BS in it next year. I have an interest in Analysis and Probability and will be taking a years sequence in Integration and Measure that year. My...
  30. A

    Programs Is a Double Major in Economics and Mathematics Worth It?

    I am an economics major with a minor in mathematics. I have three semesters left in college, but if I took an additional semester I could complete a double major in econ and math. If completed, I would be interested in pursuing a master's in applied mathematics. My hope is that this will be...
  31. H

    Applied Mathematics MS with Aero Engineering BS

    I have noticed in the last few months that my interests are moving towards applied mathematics and computing as opposed to engineering. My favorite subjects fluid mechanics, but sadly the aerospace industry is dead (ie, there haven't been many new advances in the last 30 years). I want to get a...
  32. FuturePhysicist

    Other Math Textbooks: Intermediate/Advanced Series for Physicists

    Hello I was looking for a volume set in intermediate/advanced math and I can't seem to find anything. I already have a book in calculus 2 but I'm looking to self study everything after that through advanced math. I want to be a theoretical physicist, but I'm open to learning interesting math...
  33. C

    How proof heavy is applied mathematics?

    Especially for 2nd & 3rd year courses I'm looking at such as PDEs, Fourier series & laplace tranforms, Vector calculus, intermediate level linear algebra, computational maths, lagranian and hamiltonian dynamics?
  34. G

    Finding the height of a ball with a geometric series

    Homework Statement A ball is dropped from one yard and come backs up ##\dfrac{2}{3}## of the way up and then back down. It comes back and ##\dfrac{4}{9}## of the way. It continues this such that the sum of the vertical distance traveled by the ball is is given by the series...
  35. Etienne

    U.N.A.M : Applied Mathematics & Computer Science?

    Hi, Well, my name is Etienne and this isn't my first time posting about my choice of major. I am in 12th grade, and I have an admission exam to UNAM next month, (National Autonomous University of Mexico), for APPLIED MATHEMATICS & COMPUTER SCIENCE or I have also seen it been called Applied and...
  36. WineRedPsy

    Mathematical Physics vs Applied Mathematics?

    (Sorry if these are the wrong forums) All right, so, I know the difference between pure and applied mathematics as well as mathematical vs theoretical physics. But, I don't quite get the difference between mathematical physics and applied mathematics. Aren't they both working on mathematical...
  37. M

    Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering

    Hi, I posted a thread a while back about a problem I had in a class, it has resolved itself fortunately but now I have another question. I am an undergraduate mathematics major and I initially planed to go to(and likely will go to) graduate school in applied mathematics. I have always had a...
  38. M

    What Are Good Electives To Take During Undergrad? (applied mathematics)

    I have 24 more upper division math courses to complete over 3 more semesters. I want to go full time which means I need to at least take 12 units (4 classes) of whatever I want. As someone who doesn't know what they want to do with an applied mathematics degree after I graduate, what sort of...
  39. _N3WTON_

    Applied Mathematics Graduate Degree

    Hello all, I am currently pursuing an undergrad degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. I choose to major in MechE because it seemed to me to be the most broad of the engineering disciplines and because I've heard the career prospects for people with engineering degrees are...
  40. M

    How to Calculate the Magnitude and Angle of the Total Force of Three Charges?

    How do you calculate compute the the magnitude of the total force of three charges and also the angle it makes with the x-axis? Knowing the magnitude and also the 2d co ordinates of the charges. I have deliberately not given any specific values because this is not homework its a question from...
  41. M

    MHB Master Thesis in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics

    Hey! :o What topics for master thesis could someone do at the field theoretical mathematics and what at the field applied mathematics?? At the field Theoretical Mathematics there are the subjects: Basic subjects: Algebra, Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds, Functional Analysis, Complex...
  42. PhysicsKid0123

    Programs Applied mathematics and physics major.

    I'm currently a double major in applied mathematics and physics, but I'm not exactly sure what I will be doing after I graduate. I will graduate in about 2 more years give or take, and I just started my 4th year in college (I transferred into UT so things are taking longer but this was my...
  43. A

    Usefullness of Web Development in Applied Mathematics

    Hello. Would web development be useful towards my career in applied mathematics ? The full story: I'm starting my MS in applied mathematics in one year. I would like to pick up a skill that would be useful to my career. I came across this program and seems quite interesting...
  44. E

    What exactly is applied mathematics?

    I'm a Math and Mechanical Engineering double major who is considering graduate school for Math in the future. If I have always been interested in epidemiology and combining my love of math with my love of engineering, should I get my phd in applied math? Thanks!
  45. T

    Applied Mathematics, or Physics undergrad?

    Hey guys, I'm kinda new here, and I have a bit of a perplexing personal question. I'm a first year engineering student right now, nothing too crazy, just the jr. college level. But the more projects we do, and the more the class progresses, the more I find myself leaning more toward theory and...
  46. Y

    Master in applied mathematics, MA in math, and Ms in math?

    Hello guys! I really need some help here. I will get my BA in mathematics in two months. I want to get a master degree in math online. However, I'm not sure what should I get. Here are three programs I saw. Master in applied mathematics, MA in math, and Ms in math. I'm not quite sure what...
  47. P

    From applied mathematics to physics.

    I am currently an undergraduate student at a department of applied mathematics. Its a 4 years (240 ects) program in which I can take lots of physics classes directly from the department of physics of my university as well. The thing is that I start to believe that I like more to do physics...
  48. L

    MSc in Applied Mathematics as compared to

    Hello, I'm a European EE/Engineering physics undergraduate (something of a mix of those two) trying to figure out what to major in. Up until now my main topic of interest has been nanotechnology. Now I'm not sure that's a good idea because of the seemingly small job market where I live. I want...
  49. K

    Applied Mathematics or Computer Science?

    Hi Everybody, I am in my final year of high school, and want to enrol with the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa next year, and I will hopefully be going for a Bsc in computer science, math and physics. However, I have been wondering a couple of things over the...
  50. W

    What can I do with an Applied Mathematics major?

    Hi all, I'm currently double majoring in applied mathematics and physics and minoring in computer science. I'm about 2 years away from graduating and I am starting to freak out because I don't know what I can do with my majors and minor. I don't know what kind of internships I can do with my...