Aqa Definition and 16 Threads

AQA, formerly the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, is an awarding body in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It compiles specifications and holds examinations in various subjects at GCSE, AS and A Level and offers vocational qualifications. AQA is a registered charity and independent of the government. However, its qualifications and exam syllabi are regulated by the Government of the United Kingdom, which is the regulator for the public examinations system in England and Wales.
AQA is one of five awarding bodies which are recognised by schools across the country. AQA is also recognised by the regulators of the public exams systems for England, Wales and Northern Ireland to offer GCSE, AS and A Levels in the United Kingdom. AQA also offers the AQA Baccalaureate, a qualification also intended for students in Year 12 and 13 and which includes the study of three A-Levels, an extended project and extra-curricular enrichment activities. AQA is the largest examination board for GCSEs and GCE A Levels in England.

The organisation has several regional offices, the largest being in London, Guildford and Manchester.Due to the growing number of students taking GCSE and A Level exams, AQA has introduced computerized and digital marking in addition to traditional marking of examinations in order to increase efficiency and accuracy of the examination correction.

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  1. B

    AQA Exam -- oscilloscope question concept

    can anyone explain why the voltage reading is negative for the resistor over a time period , yet the capacitor reading always stays positive ? In AC generation the voltages goes from negative to positive, how exactly does this affect the circuit components voltages? I am not sure how AC affects...
  2. B

    Time constant question in an AQA exam paper

    I assumed that i had to take 5 time constants which would give the time taken to charge fully i assume then divide by 10 giving me a total number of readings of 34 , the answer is 6 yet they only used a single time constant to determine the number of readings? as this give me an answer of 68 or...
  3. B

    Potential at a point multiple choice question ( aqa)

    I understand how they arrived at the answer of 2Q , but i have a couple of questions on this. If one of the charges were negative for example how would the resultant potential be found then? at the middle point would i add the positive charges and subtracted the negative ? Also what would the...
  4. B

    Momentum vectors graph ( from aqa paper)

    If i were to take one point as my origin and draw the two momentum, one for the initial collestion and one going from the wall after, from the origin point, then drawing horizontally i would get the answer as B as the resultant? Should i assume that for any resultant vector the direction can...
  5. B

    First harmonic question ( from Aqa paper)

    The answer is f/square root 2 If F = 1/2l * square root ( Tension/ mass per unit length ) ---------> this becomes I am assuming 1/2l * square root ( length * Tension/ mass ) this would give an answer of F yet the answer is F/ square root (2)
  6. B

    June 2005 aqa physics paper question on stationary waves

    A couple of questions on this. How would the sound get reflected back from the surface of the water? And therefore create a stationary wave would the sound not travel though the water at a faster speed then reflect back and intefere? Or does a small amount of the sound reflect back? Part B...
  7. B

    AQA physics paper question: Where is the potential zero near these charges?

    This question is a bit werid because would there be a resulatant electric potential equal to zero as we have a positive and negative charge in which case there's no neutral point. As E1-E2 , they have to be acting in oppostie directions , in this case would they be acting in the same direction.
  8. B

    AQA physics paper On potential energy in mass spring system

    The spring constant of a helical spring is 28 N mñ1. A 0.40 kg mass is suspended from the spring and set into simple harmonic motion of amplitude 60 mm. i use the equation 1/2 change in extension times by force where the force i assume is mass times by 9.8 but the mark scheme uses 1/2 kx ^2 and...
  9. L

    Phase difference and Standing waves vs Progressive waves

    and Homework Statement Ok, so I am doing As physics at the moment and have been left confused by stationary waves. I have read that between adjacent nodes/ even numbers the phase difference is always 0 and between numbers of does it is pi radians. So in the attatched image why is my textbook...
  10. 1

    Can a 2MeV photon produce a proton-antiproton pair?

    Hi all - just a bit confused about an answer in the AQA AS Physics textbook: 'Explain why a photon of energy 2MeV could produce an electron - positron pair, but not a proton - antiproton pair' and the ANSWER is: 'The rest energy of an electron and a positron is less than 2MeV but...
  11. J

    Transcription AQA Question (incorrect MS?)

    Homework Statement Look at Q1bii) "Give the DNA base sequence that codes for threonine" Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So the DNA base sequence that CODES is on the sense strand mRNA is...
  12. R

    How Does Human Disturbance Affect Seashore Animals?

    Homework Statement Question 7eii) asks "What conclusions can you draw from the data in figure 3 about the effect of human disturbance on the animals living on the seashore. Explain The mark scheme...
  13. P

    AQA AS Maths question from '09 paper

    Hi, I have my AS Maths exam on Monday and so I was looking at some previous papers and I couldn't do this question: The quadratic equation (k+1)x² + 12x + (k-4) = 0 has real roots (a) Show that k² - 3k - 40 ≤ 0 I don't even understand where to start so I was hoping you could help me...
  14. F

    AQA AS Level ESA June 09 Exam Paper

    Homework Statement Does anyone know what's on the 2009 AQA AS level practical paper the ESA one? Homework Equations Any The Attempt at a Solution I don't know any thing but i guess it could have be on mechanics.
  15. C

    MHB Question 2, AQA AS Maths Pure Core 1, May 2011

    (a) (i) Express \(\sqrt{48}\) in the form \(k\sqrt{3}\), where \(k\) is an integer. (1 mark) ...(ii) Simplify \(\displaystyle \frac{\sqrt{48}+2\sqrt{27}}{\sqrt{12}}\) giving your answer as an integer. (3 marks) (b) Express \(\displaystyle \frac{1-5\sqrt{5}}{3+\sqrt{5}}\) in the form...
  16. C

    MHB Question 1 AQA AS Maths Pure Core 1, May 2011

    1. The line \(AB\) has equation \(7x+3y=13\). (a) Find the gradient of \(AB\). (2 marks) (b) The point \(C\) has coordinates \((-1,3)\). (i) Find an equation of the line which passes through the point \(C\) and which is parallel to \(AB\). (2 marks)(ii) The point \(...