Automatic Definition and 99 Threads

An automatic rifle is a type of autoloading rifle that is capable of fully automatic fire. Automatic rifles are select-fire weapons that are capable of firing in semi-automatic and automatic firing modes (some automatic rifles are capable of burst-fire as well). Automatic rifles are distinguished from semi-automatic rifles in their ability to fire more than one shot in succession once the trigger is pulled. Most automatic rifles are further subcategorized as battle rifles or assault rifles.

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  1. R

    Manual or automatic save power in water heater geyser

    Water heater geyser(15 lit) for bathroom. We use geyser from morning 6am to 11:30 am only. So which would save power keeping the geyser on automatic mode or turning it "ON" in the morning and turning it off at 11:30 am. I know for e.g if the temp is set to 60 deg, on automatic mode...
  2. Pengwuino

    Automatic light switch while away from home

    Dear PF, How are you? I am fine. So we are going to be out of the house for a month and I figure it would be a terrible waste of electricity if we had someone house sit for us. Does anyone know if anyone makes some sort of device that will turn on and off a light in our house for certain...
  3. N


    Hello everyone, I am a music composer and total noob. So please excuse my lack of engineering knowledge. I am attempting to build a music box that can play without having to turn the gear's crankshaft manually. Here is a picture of the music box: I have been doing some research and think I...
  4. A

    Manual or Automatic cars accelerate faster?

    We have a long debate on which transmission can accelerate faster. My idea is manual and I drive a manual, and I could pass other AT car (same capacity) quite easily. But some say automatic because the auto shift is very short. How about your idea?
  5. H

    Sheet Metal Automatic Split Detection

    I am running a project on trying to find a method of detecting splits that are present in pressed metal. The system is to be placed into a manufacturing press line of car panels that will automatically detect and notify when a split has occurred during production. Some methods I have come...
  6. R

    Automatic differentiation for numerical integration

    I've written a Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear optimization routine that employs the reverse-mode automatic differentiation algorithm for building the Jacobian. So far it has worked marvelously for me. However, now I have to use functions that contain integrals that cannot be analytically taken...
  7. J

    Build Automatic Water Switch with Engineering Knowledge

    I am wanting to make something that allows me to open a valve to turn water on or off. I am wanting to figure out a way to make my system somehow that would use maybe an alarm clock or some sort of digital timer to send a signal to a receiver that then would open/close a valve. I guess it's...
  8. T

    Engineering Exploring the Future of Engineering: Automatic vs RF and the Evolving Job Market

    Question is simple: Automatic vs RF engineering in future? And if you can tell some of precise jobs about any option. For example, I heard that, if you want to work in oil industry (on rigs etc.), automattics are way better option... Specific advantages about RF still not sure... (I know it's...
  9. D

    Automatic Transfer Switch Problem

    Hello, I have an ONAN OTUDD100-4/1201C (Serial j810595543) automatic transfer swicth for a 30 KW 120/240 V 3PH Generator. The control panel is also 3PH. Nonetheless, the power company electric supply is 120/240V 1 PH 3 Wires. My issue is: 1. When we connect the above-mentioned current...
  10. B

    Automatic Control Systems Homework Proof on Linear Algebra

    Homework Statement Show that the geometric multiplicity (denoted by Qi) associated with an eigenvalue(lamda i) of an nxn matrix A can also be expressed as Qi=n-rank(A-(Idendity Matrix)*(lamda i)). P.S.:: Lamda i is simply a scaler quantity since it is an eigenvalue where A and...
  11. J

    Save me automatic measurement system for solar panel

    [b]1.I need to create an electronic system that automatically can measure and derive the IV and I-P characteristics (graph) and it must show maximum power point on the graphs. [b]2.The system must include a homemade voltage controlled electronic load that can load the solar cell with a well...
  12. H

    Solve Automatic Switch Problem in Molina, Chile

    Hello all, This is my first post so forgive me. I am currently doing a internship for a wine company in Molina, Chile. They currently have a problem with the electricity; at 19:00 or so, the electricty company shut down the power, and they have to manually turn on the diesel generators for...
  13. R

    How do automatic fire hose nozzles work?

    How do "automatic" fire hose nozzles work? I'm hoping someone can explain to me how "automatic" fire hose nozzles work. As in TFTs (Task Force Tips). I have a background in physics and since becoming a volunteer firefighter for my own interest have been working through some of the physics...
  14. R

    My Handmade Excavator: Thoughts on Making It Automatic

    Hi friends I have made an excavator along with one of my friends. It's surely not that large to move a mountain but a very small scale model just as my classroom hydraulics project. It works nice. You can see it here working: But problem is that didn't make it automatic i.e i operate it...
  15. L

    How Do Sensors and Motors Work in Automatic Toothpaste Dispensers?

    I apologize in advance if this is in the incorrect forum, but I really couldn't find anywhere concerning designing, I figured it would be closest to engineering (is an engineering course...) Anyway, we are supposed to design concepts for an automatic toothpaste dispenser, and I was planning on...
  16. M

    Automatic detection using wireless sensors

    I am designing a system that must automatically detect if a person is inside their office. The trick here now is that there are people going in and out and i just want to detect the owner of the office. Tracking them is useless since the average office sizes are not big, 5m width maximum so my...
  17. H

    Detailed circuit with explanation on the automatic voltage regulator

    I want a detailed circuit with explanation on the automatic voltage regulator for synchronous generators if anyone has
  18. N

    Designing a Two-Source Power System with Automatic Switchover

    Hello, I have two 120V sources. One is inverter and one is normal AC from sticking contact. And i want only one of them as output. Output will be from inverter or 120V from sticking contact. I want normal AC from sticking contact to be active. If it is shutdown so i want output will...
  19. R

    Automatic gear changing bicycle

    hi.. i want to make a automatic gear changing bicycle in which instead of manual changing of gears they change automatically with variation of speed... for this project i need help..if you know any thing about this then please posting
  20. L

    SCR as a switch control for automatic light dimmer

    Hi guys, can u guys help me on this?? I want to design and construct an automatic light dimmer circuit that controls the energy delivered to a 12V or 24V DC light bulb corresponding to the ambient light intensity. The control of energy will be established through switching action to improve...
  21. L

    Automatic light dimmer using SCR as switch control

    Hi guys, can u guys help me on this?? I want to design and construct an automatic light dimmer circuit that controls the energy delivered to a 12V or 24V DC light bulb corresponding to the ambient light intensity. The control of energy will be established through switching action to improve...
  22. V

    Need help regarding automatic transmission

    hiiii... i needed some help in collecting some articles related to automatic transmission...i need the basic idea of it,and comparison with manual transmission...
  23. G

    Automatic glass filling system for champagne

    Hie i am doing my final project, and i will be working on an Automatic glass filling system for champagne.This will involve emptying the champagne into 4-5 glasses and having them ready for delivery to the respective tables. I am trying to find out if anyone has an idea of how i can sense the...
  24. C

    Automatic charging in cell phones

    how do automatic battery chargers in cell phones work? pleasezz give me a detailed explanation on this , as i couldn't find information on the net
  25. L

    Can Software Automatically Create Tree Diagrams from Research Paper References?

    Hello everyone! Quick question, anyone know of any computer codes that will take in a long list of block data linked to other lists of block data and will create tree diagrams? My specific problem is for documents (research papers) that reference other papers and so on. If not, should I...
  26. wolram

    How Does the Automatic Fruit Depositor Handle Frozen Berries?

    This marvel of modern enginuity consists of a slated conveyor, two slats hold the exact amount for one trifle, an operator sweeps the soft fruit (berries) from a fixed tray into the slats, the berries travel along the conveyor and drop down chutes into the trifle cups, simple yes. Only imagine...
  27. J

    Can I Automatically Transfer Emails from My Old Hotmail Address to a New One?

    hi I was wondering, if there was a way , if i created a new hotmail address, that messages sent to my old address are automaticly transferred to my new one. Or, if this could not be done with hotmail settings, a program that creates a process at startup that will automaticly check messages...
  28. S

    Automatic Control: Specifications for 3rd-order systems and higher?

    I'm designing a lead-lag controller to control a robotics-arm (part of an excercise). I have found diagrams showing the correlation between overshoot and phasemargin for a second order system but in my excercise I have a third-order system. Can I apply the the relations for a 2nd-order system...
  29. T

    Is there a more efficient and cost-effective way to recycle at home?

    Hey everybody, For those interested in recycling at home, is there a commercially available recycling unit for homes (about as expensive and as large as about a washer/dryer machine)? I'm designing one at home using CAD, but I am curious as to if it already exists in the home already. I sure...
  30. A

    Automatic Marking System for tank target

    I am in the process of developing an automatic marking system for range practice by the tanks. I wish to utilize sensors to check the hits or misses on a 6ftX6ft target (in the shape of paper/cloth on square metal frame). The sensor should be capable of detecting rounds hitting the target at...
  31. S

    How to Implement Automatic Update Checks in MFC Applications?

    I have a dialog-based application in MFC, and I was wondering what class or component do I need to implement in the app to check for new updates? For example, on start-up have the app check for a new update from a designated website. I am using VSC++2005. Let me know if you need more info or a...
  32. V

    Automatic Transmission - Saveing Gas

    I have a 2005 Mazda 6, AT, 4 speed... I was wondering how much harm does it do to the transmission if you were to put the car into neutral just as you go down a hill then put it back into drive once the hill levels out? Of course this saves gas and allows you to increas speed. I used to drive an...
  33. R

    Automatic Light Dimmer: Experiment at Home w/ 10 120VAC Bulbs

    Hey everybody!...i want to do an experiment at my house!, i want to do an Automatic Light Dimmer!...that regulates itself with the ambient light, i want to automatize ten(10) 120VAC light bulbs!...the circuit that i have, i got i from "Home Remote Control & Automation Projects" by Delton Horn...
  34. Z

    Automatic Charger Circuit for 12V 10A Battery

    Homework Statement i need to build a circuit which can charge a 12V 10 A battery to reach a votltage A and then stops charging until it reaches a voltage B it will rechrge again . i want to do this using thyristor Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i found a circuit...
  35. ranger

    LaTeX Effortless LaTeX Conversion: Simplify Equations with Automatic Typing Conversion

    Is it possible to have some sort of setup where plain text typing can be converted to latex? It can sometimes be annoying to try and analyze posts that have long equations and so on. Most new users to PF probably arent even aware of the latex setup that we currently have. Much less try and learn...
  36. F

    Automatic A if You Answer This Question

    "Automatic A if You Answer This Question" My astronomy proffessor gave us this question in class today, and said anybody that could answer it would receive an automatic A. You would think that'd it be really hard but it doesn't look too dificult. There is a block with mass "M" which is at a...
  37. J

    How Can I Implement Automatic Climate Control for My Master's Thesis?

    Hi all Iam doing my master's degree. I want help regarding implementing Automatic climate control. I found one in MATLAB but it doesn't meet my specifications. Can anyone help giving me any idea or providing equations regarding AirConditioner and Heater.
  38. C

    How to Control Speed of One Wheel in a Table Tennis Ball Serving Machine?

    For my leaving cert project (Ireland) I have to build a table tennis ball serving machine. I'm settling on a design that uses two spinning rotors to fire the ball out as it passes between them, but I'm wondering is there any way to automatically adjust the speed going to one of the rotors (each...
  39. O

    Automatic trasmission and rear axel

    i have a v8 350 carburated vortec motor and a automatic trasmission th700r4 4 speed , i want to know which one rear axel i get more displacement when the car to go in high speed, because with the actual rear axel it feeling forced, the rear axel have a gear crown inside 42 grooves. and i want...
  40. V

    Help in design of automatic floor scrubber

    Hi, I am currenty doing a project which involves building an automatic floor scrubber. I am thinking of using planetary gears for my design. Could someone please give me some advice on the design. Are there any good books that i can refer to. Any form of help would be greatly appreciated...
  41. D

    How can I use automatic gain control for variable resistance in electronics?

    Hi, I am new to electronics and haven't been successful in my search, nor my efforts to create a solution to the problem. I need a circuit or IC that downconverts voltage but keeps the same frequency and signal pattern as the input over a very wide range of frequencies. No matter what the input...
  42. M

    Understanding Automatic Door Systems: Photodiodes & Lasers

    how does a automatic door works? anythings about the photodiode? and lazer? plx help~~~~
  43. Clausius2

    Driving a New Automatic Transmission Car - Advice for Long Durability

    I've just bought an automatic transmission car (7 speeds), and I am used to drive manual cars. My question is the next: -do you have any advice for ensure a long duration of the transmission?. I mean, sometimes I don't know if it is correct to drive with the overdrive speed at low velocity...
  44. Pengwuino

    Automatic peanut butter and jelly maker?

    I think I want to build an automatic peanut butter and jelly sandwhich maker. Sounds crazy? Probably. Have you lost all respect for me? I bet. Did you ever have any respect for me? Dream on. I figure it can't be that hard! It's such a simple process in the first place... so how hard would it...
  45. wolram

    Automatic voice activated loo seat opener/closer and flusher

    I have invented an automatic voice activated loo seat opener/closer and flusher. how do i go about marketing my invention.
  46. D

    GPIB automatic test equipment system

    Give a general description of the folowing aspect of the GPIB automatic test equipment system: The digital logic of the GPIB and the general use of open collector gates
  47. Pengwuino

    Automatic Painter: Is It Feasible?

    Hey guys i was wondering something... First of all, are those systems that 'spray' paint (instead of you having to use a brush/roller) any good? I hear they suck.. but some people say there great (so I am thinken user error?). Anyhow, if they are good... what's the feasibility in having...
  48. C

    Difference between a automatic weapon or a semi automatic weapon

    Does anyone know the difference between a automatic weapon or a semi automatic weapon or a manual weapon? The difference between a submachine gun or assualt rifle? Or the AK's and the M's.
  49. mattmns

    Turn off automatic help in MS Word

    Is there a way to turn off everything in word. I am doing a works cited paper and all this automatic "help" stuff is really annoying me. for example <url> turns into a url that is clickable and blue I am using ms word 2000 btw. edit... Also how do I turn off grammar check? Thanks.