Basic algebra Definition and 52 Threads

Elementary algebra encompasses some of the basic concepts of algebra, one of the main branches of mathematics. It is typically taught to secondary school students and builds on their understanding of arithmetic. Whereas arithmetic deals with specified numbers, algebra introduces quantities without fixed values, known as variables. This use of variables entails use of algebraic notation and an understanding of the general rules of the operators introduced in arithmetic. Unlike abstract algebra, elementary algebra is not concerned with algebraic structures outside the realm of real and complex numbers.
The use of variables to denote quantities allows general relationships between quantities to be formally and concisely expressed, and thus enables solving a broader scope of problems. Many quantitative relationships in science and mathematics are expressed as algebraic equations.

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  1. H

    Solving Polynomial Factors: Using Factor Theorem and Synthetic Division

    I was under the impression that any polynomial could be factored by using the Factor Theorem and synthetic division, but then I got to thinking: What if a polynomial has factors in the form (bx-a), as opposed to (x-a)? I can't find them with the Factor Theorem, so what do I do? I imagine the...
  2. K

    Would someone me with some basic algebra?

    How would I simplify this equation? (3a^3)^-3(9a^-1)^-2 When I put those carrots in that means the next number is an exponent. Is there any easier way to write exponents?