Basic physics Definition and 151 Threads

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to physics:
Physics – natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through spacetime, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.

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  1. Florian Geyer

    B The application of Newton's laws to fluid equilibrium

    Hello respected members, I have been studying Sears and Zemansky's university physics, and I have encountered the following statement. I could not understand it well, so my question is: Why is fluid equilibrium based on Newton's first and third laws? Here is my try: - Newton's first law...
  2. JasmineMasown

    I How Do Different Wavefront Shapes Appear to the Human Eye?

    I learnt that wavefronts can be spherical, cylindrical or planar. But i wonder, if one were to observe light waves of different wavefronts with naked eyes, how would they appear? Would they appear all the same or would there be any difference in how we see them? Just a basic question that I felt...
  3. C

    What are free online resources for very basic physics?

    I am teaching an ESL student in English very basic physics like friction and forces- it needs to be very simplified with quantitative explanations- a lot more easy to understand with pictural descriptions and I basically have to show what I bring from home and this being Japan the resources...
  4. vibha_ganji

    B What Happens When The Applied Force Equals the Static Friction Force?

    In my teacher’s notes, it said that when the applied force on an object equals the maximum static frictional force, the object begins to move at constant velocity. My question is if both the applied force and the frictional force cancel as they are equal in magnitude, what force accelerates the...
  5. A

    B Why Is Initial Velocity Not Always Zero?

    There is something I don't understand. Isn't every object, if thrown, the initial velocity is zero? Please take a look at below example. Why the initial velocity in the below example is 98 ms^-1? Please explain. I also would like to ask what textbook contain a lot of basic physics example for...
  6. A

    Intro Physics Book Question (Practice/Exercise/Workbook/Problems on Basic Physics)

    Can someone please tell me what basic physics book for workbook/problem/exercises with answers/solutions is best for beginner. I am looking for book with famous publishers such as McGraw-Hill, John Wiley, Prentice Hall, Addison Wesley, Brooks Cole, Cengage Learning and so on. Thank you.
  7. A

    Intro Physics Which Physics Book Offers Extensive Examples and Illustrations?

    Can someone please tell me what basic physics book that has many examples especially on below subjects and has good illustrations? Kinematics in one dimension Kinematics in two dimensions Dynamics: Newton's Laws of motion Circular motion Gravitation Work and energy Linear momentum Rotational...
  8. A

    Intro Physics What Is the Basic Physics Book for Learning About Organ Pipes?

    Can someone please tell me what basic physics textbook that teach organ pipe? Thanks
  9. E

    Mechanical Advantage for an Ebike Trailer

    Hello everyone! I am trying to figure out a work load / Pulling ability of trailers for the company I work for. We produce Electric bikes that have attachable utility trailers.. The general Wattage output for these E-bikes is 1000w. The trailers Mechanical advantage = 62.15MA. (WR=11 & AR=...
  10. ali PMPAINT

    Classical What book should I study for basic Physics?

    So, I actually haven't had read a textbook on physics except for Mechanics, and I would like to self-study the classical physics topics. For my mathematics, I know till basic Calculus(Currently studying Thomas Calculus). So I studied first "The Project Physics Course, Concepts of Motion unit 1"...
  11. B

    Kinematics- Exercise: Driving a car on a Motorway (1eq, 2variables)

    The car in front of us ( ## s_2=v_0t ## The car that is accelerating ( ## s_1=x+2l+s_2= \frac{1}{2} at^2 ## Now, if we substitute the equations, we get ## x+ 2l+ v_0t= \frac{1}{2} at^2 ##. I have now 1equation with 2variables (a, t)- any suggestions on how to continue?
  12. EEristavi

    Motion in 2 Dimensions & Relative velocity

    Homework Statement The water in a river flows uniformly at a constant speed of 2.50 m/s between parallel banks 80.0 m apart. You are to deliver a package across the river, but you can swim only at 1.50 m/s. (c) If you choose to minimize the distance downstream that the river carries you, in...
  13. Lapse

    Need to find final Height, Equation not Working

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The kinematic equations--namely, Sf = S0 + V0Δt The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I am a bit confused as it seems this problem is very straight-forward. My known variables: X0 = 0m Y0 = 1.7m Δt = 3.92s V0 = 29m/s Θ = 60ο Yf = ? So, I just use the above...
  14. Lapse

    What is the expression for the velocity of the Car in Vector

    Homework Statement Homework Equations v = I + j + k v = d/t The Attempt at a Solution I thought the answer was as simple as: v = 63i + 0j + 0k, since the car only has motion in one direction... ...but I got it wrong, so clearly I'm missing something here.
  15. L

    B Long term sustainable energy bounds

    Is there an upper bound on the amount of sustainable energy/unit time that could ever be made useful to mankind? For instance, if we imagine that the entire surface area of the Earth were covered with deserts and no cloud ever appeared in the sky and then computed the rate of sunlight energy...
  16. T

    B Does Energy Have Mass and Other Beginner Physics Questions?

    Can someone please answer a few questions I have? I am relatively (get it) new to physics and I just have a few questions. 1) Does energy have mass? It seems like energy does not have mass but i thought e=mc2 proved that it does. 2) Does gravity have an effect on energy? 3) If photons do not...
  17. topologyfreak

    Studying Should I start with a basic physics book without calculus?

    Hi, I want to start learning physics as I have never studied it in my life but have now taken an interest towards it. I have quite literally zero knowledge on physics, so assume I haven’t taken middle school or high school courses on physics, as I haven’t. I’m 17 currently, but that shouldn’t...
  18. jamiebean

    Basic physics units problems involving the Ideal Gas Law

    Homework Statement The following is the equation of ideal gas law, where p is pressure (Force/Area), V is volume, n is number of moles and T is temperature in Kelvin. What is the fundamental unit of R? pV = nRT A. kg^−1 · m^−2 · s^ 2 · K · mol B. kg^−1 · m^−4 · s ^2 · K · mol C. kg · m^4 · s...
  19. K

    Basic mechanics question -- Two cables supporting a stage light

    Homework Statement Homework Equations [/B] apparently noneThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] Hi, this is a question from the OCR for self studying purposes. Only the first question is relevant for me. I know that the solution is 120N in the opposite direction to the weight, but i can't get to...
  20. H

    What Is the Average Speed of a Car on a Round Trip?

    Homework Statement a car starts from hither , goes 50km in a straight line to yon , immediately turns around, and turns to hither . the time for this round trip is 2 hours . the average speed of the car for this round trip is ? Homework Equations average velocity = disrance covered /time The...
  21. jrp95

    Modeling Acceleration at Impact

    Hi all, Background: I'm working on a project where I am dropping an arduino with an accelerometer from ~100 ft in the air to measure it's acceleration during free fall and at impact. I need to compare my collected data with predicted models. I have the model for free fall (just 9.8m/s^2)...
  22. N

    Answering Basic Physics Questions with Precision and Accuracy | Homework Help"

    Homework Statement So we are given a group of numbers and just wants us to answer some questions. Pretty sure I got it right just want to confirm since we only get one attempt at submitting it. 1) 150+.0005cm 2) 150 + 1cm 3) 65 + 10cm 4) 170 + 10cm a) which one is most precise? b) Which one...
  23. Battlemage!

    Studying Should someone still learning basic physics worry about....

    Should someone still learning basic physics concern themselves with cutting edge theories, hypotheses, experiments, and so on? I am not sure, on the grounds that laymen translations tend to give the wrong impression.
  24. Si1entShad0w

    B Understanding the Equations and Units

    I have been struggling through my physics class this summer (it doesn't help that 5 months worth of material is crammed into 2 months in an online classroom). This site has helped me out a lot, but I am still stumbling through understanding when to use certain equations. When I started reading...
  25. H

    Explanation please -- public bus induction power -- into basic physics?

    Sorry for the title, and sorry if there is already a thread on it. This induction charger for a public transport bus. Can anyone break it down into basic formulas of high school physics. The air gap is frikkin huge. Earlier prototypes apparently had a secondary coil on the bus that was lowered...
  26. T

    What is the Coefficient of Friction for a Lab Using Spring Scales?

    Homework Statement I'm having trouble finding the coefficient of kinetic friction for a lab using spring scales. Mass=.411kg Normal Force=4.0278 Average Pull Force=.46N Frictional Force= -.46NHomework Equations μ k = Fk / N. The Attempt at a Solution μ k = -.46N/4.0278 μ k = -.1142
  27. T

    How to find the specific heat capacity of a mixture?

    Homework Statement For my physics IA, I am finding the specific heat capacity of water-solute mixtures and finding how the specific heat differs from that of just water alone. I have the mass of the mixture, for example baking soda and water was 914.75g and changed 175.8 degrees Fahrenheit in...
  28. Anama Skout

    Resistive Force Proportional to Object Speed Squared

    Straight from my physics textbook: For objects moving at high speeds through air, such as airplanes, skydivers, cars, and baseballs, the resistive force is reasonably well modeled as proportional to the square of the speed. In these situations, the magnitude of the resistive force can be...
  29. J

    Studying What are good (cheap) physics books for noobs?

    I'm extremely interested in physics at the moment and I'm kind of giving physics a beta test to see if I'd like it as a career... and so far I love it; I have rented a physics book from my library and I'm able to do only a few equations but it can be difficult to understand what the text is...
  30. S

    Basic physics question (frequency/energy relation)

    I almost feel embarrassed to ask this. I've always understood it to be that the higher the frequency, the higher the energy (at least from what I've been taught). However, something has always bugged me: why then, when a medium is involved, are the lower frequencies the ones that make it...
  31. A

    Intro Physics Looking for a concise algebra-based book on basic physics

    I need a book that is under 400-500 pages which covers all of basic physics nicely. Every introductory algebra-based physics book I have seen has over 1000 pages and I just need a concise book right now, for some personal reasons. It should cover the following topics: 1. General physics 1.1...
  32. jlefevre76

    Understanding the Physics of a Coilgun: A Beginner's Guide

    Hey, I've seen a few posts on this without any responses I really thought helped (at least help answer my question). So, I was hoping somebody on the forums here could help walk me through the basic physics of a coilgun. Basically, how could you characterize the magnetic field inside the...
  33. Y

    Why is math crucial for understanding and achieving advancements in physics?

    ok, i know this is really basic, but if you don't ask then nobody can help. I'm trying to understand the basic way that math works with physics. for example, if i wanted to build a time machine, why would i need to use the math of physics? why would i need to solve math equations? wouldn't i...
  34. M

    How Do You Determine Maximum Angular Separation in Vector Problems?

    So I was given this on a recent physics problem. I understand vectors completely, I just don't know where to start. Specifically where it mentions maximum angular separation am I confused. Any type of hints/assistance is appreciated.
  35. O

    Basic Physics Ramp & Friction Question

    A 90 kg box is pushed by a horizontal force F at constant speed up a ramp inclined at 28°, as shown. Determine the magnitude of the applied force. a. when the ramp is frictionless. b) when the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.18. Fnet = ma Fg= mg Ff=uk(Fn) a) With upwards and right as...
  36. D

    Is a computer required for basic physics experiments in the laboratory?

    As you can see in the below image, they use computers for some of their experiments. What will students do with it?! (Who are `they`? Find them here.)img: img2: and Quantum Wave...
  37. C

    I lack the competence in basic physics

    Homework Statement A bike and its rider have a total mass of 86kg. If the rider is coasting on level ground at 9m/s and a 40N head wind acts on the rider for 12 seconds. What is the final velocity of the rider? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Assumption (Converting...
  38. BrainMan

    Why did the pennies fly up when a skydiver dropped them?

    (Problem) I was watching a show and it showed a skydiver drop some pennies as he was falling. The pennies flew straight up into the air. I was wondering why this happened. Shouldn't the pennies have stayed next to the diver since they would have the same acceleration due to gravity? I know that...
  39. S

    Need help with Newton's Laws, basic Physics

    Hi, I am taking a high school physics course, and there are a few points at which I am getting a bit of confusion. My first area of confusion relates to Newton's Laws. There are a few scenarios in which I am not clear as to the interaction of forces, etc. a) Exactly why does putting...
  40. J

    Why Is My Speed Calculation for the Accelerating Car Incorrect?

    So as I have been completing my physics homework, there is one question I can not get passed. However I feel as if I already have the answer. The question is: What is the speed of the car 10.0 s after it begins its motion if it continues to move with the same acceleration? The original...
  41. G

    Basic physics question - alpha particle moving through B-field

    An alpha particle is moving in the positive x direction with a speed of 0.0050c = 1.50 * 10^6. When the particle is at the orgin, find the magnetic field at a) P3: x = 1.0,y = 1.0,z = 1.0 The book answer is r3 = sqrt(3) = 1.73 and vecto r3 from q to p3 and vector v form a plane that makes...
  42. F

    Help, a very basic physics problem.

    Homework Statement An object moves with the velocity of 3.7 m/s, ahead there is a "hill". How far up the "hill" will the object get before it stops? Calculate "h". Assume there is no friction. The Attempt at a Solution Well, I really don't know much about how to calculate these...
  43. X

    Basic physics confusion in my structure

    My physics core is a little bit weak, and this one question confuses me. Homework Statement A 3kg box sits on top of a 7 kg box. The object accelerates at 1 m/s^2. Find the force applied on the bottom block; if there are no forces besides this one. Homework Equations F= ma The...
  44. S

    I need the definition of a few basic physics terms. Can anyone help?

    So, I know this stuff is probably very elementary for most of the people on this site, but I have never had physics before, and I just started physics I at college. The professor has asked us to learn a few basic physics terms and I am having a hard time finding clear definitions for some of...
  45. U

    Basic physics understanding. Could someone explain?

    I'm trying to get a grip on some classic physics by watching a Stanford lecture. I've made it through the first one, and now in the second one all the professor ever talks about is 'derivatives' without actually explaining what they are. I guess the Stanford population would be assured with some...
  46. R

    How can I learn some basic physics?

    I'm 15 (going to be 16) and will be going into my junior year of high school. I will be taking Pre-cal and Chem 2, but I would like to learn a little bit of physics during this summer. Do you guys have any suggestions or should I wait until I get done with pre-cal? I would just like to know...
  47. G

    Anyone know of some basic physics papers to 'critique'?

    Hey, I have been put in the position in which I have required to write a formal 'critique' of a physics related journal article. The catch is that I am limited to more basic theories as the people who will be reading the critique are from the facaulty of arts, which blew all of my ideas out...
  48. T

    Best Book for Learning Basic Physics?

    I'm a freshman in High School who is, like most of you, interested in learning about physics. I am, however, fairly new to the topic and have been looking at some books to learn from such as: Physics I for dummies, Basic Physics : A Self-Teaching Guide, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics...
  49. C

    Can an electromagnet effectively trap metal particles in a cube?

    The most physics I ever took was Physics C in high school (physics with calculus). I have now forgotten almost all of it, with remnants of memory here and there (Biot-Savart law comes to mind). Anyway, this not a homework question. I am trying to trap some metal particles at a particular...
  50. D

    There is no good basic physics book.

    I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a good physics book. Every one has multiple problems with it. The only book which approaches the level of mathematical rigor necessary for learning the general principles of physics is Alonso-Finn. The rest are just plug-and-chug...