An interesting paper in NATURE "A superconductor free of quasiparticles for seconds"
showing that superconducting (paired) electrons don't hop into normal states for seconds. The measurement device detects single pair-breaking-events for a large...
In the BCS theory the Cooper pair density depends on temperature, meaning that pairs can be created/annihilated by temperature variations. Obviously, momenta of annihilated pairs dissipate on the atom lattice, so an initial supercurrent dissipates. On the other hand, in some experiments a...
I know that BCS theory cannot explain high Tc superconductor.
Most high Tc superconductors belong to type-II ones.
Can BCS theory explain type-II conventional superconductor?
How to predict high Hc2 and low Hc1 for type-II conventional superconductor in BCS theory?
BCS theory is able to derive the London equations and the Meißner-Ochsenfeld effect.
Experimentally the Meißner-Ochsenfeld effect can be demonstrated via levitating superconducting rings. So we have the usual Lorentz force acting on the Cooper pairs carrying the current. However in order to...
In superconductors, electrons form Cooper pairs that move at the same speed. Also, magnetic flux becomes quantized. Can someone explain in layman's terms why and how the magnetic flux becomes quantized? Especially in contrast to the magnetic flux in a conductor. Does it have something to do with...
Can some one explain to me how superconductivity works exactly? I will type all I know about it so can you guys correct any misconceptions I may have?
Superconductivity is the phenomenon in which a conductor, when cooled sufficiently (past a critical temperature Tc) exhibits negligible...
I am reading through BCS's original paper from 1957 on PhysReview. It is very difficult for me to actually understand every word it says, I am unfamiliar with most terminology the paper mentioned. However I know most of the very basic mechanism of this theory. I understand how superconductivity...
I am reading Tinkham's "introduction to superconductivity" 1975 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Tinkham derives the BCS theory by canonical transformation. At the beginning of the chapter he writes:
"We start with the observation that the characteristic BCS pair interaction Hamiltonian will lead to a...
What is the meaning of the terms...
I'm unsure where this is meant to go precisely, so if needed, move this thread where necessary.
Our class just touched up just slightly on BCS theory. We were told that conventional superconductors (SC) with Tc<30K were explainable by this theory, while unconventional SC's with Tc>30K...
Hi all,
I'm am reading chapter 3 of Tinkham's "Introduction to superconductivity".
At some point several thermodynamic quantities are considered (sec. 3.6.3).
In particular fig. 3 compares the internal energies of the superconducting and normal states,
showing that they are different below...
Can the Schroedinger equation be derived from first principles in BCS theory? Zapperz suggests the Madelung and Schroedinger equations are not fundamental in BCS theory. If such is the case, how exactly does such a derivation work?
Today, Oct. 10 2007, marks the start of the conference at UIUC celebrating the This news report has a good summary of the discovery and also the significance of the theory beyond just condensed matter physics...
Hi guys,
What exactly is an order parameter? What does the order parameter in BCS Theory represent? I can't find anything on this anywhere.
Thanks in advance
The BCS Theory of Superconductivity was published 50 years ago in 1957, and it revolutionized the field of the quantum theory of solid. It besides being a landmark paper for nailing down the complete description of superconductivity, it also because one of the first papers to actually popularize...
Hello Everyone here:
I am reading the very paper of BCS theory by J.Bardeen, L.N.Cooper and J.R.Schrieffer (Phys.Rev.108, 1175,1957). But I find so many things hard to understand for me, though I have finished my Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Theory, especially a paragraph list below...