I was thinking about a problem I had considered a long time ago in some thread, finding an example of a wave function ##\displaystyle \psi (x) =e^{iax}\phi (x)## with ##\displaystyle\phi (x)## being periodic with period ##\displaystyle L## and the corresponding Schrödinger equation...
So I thought I understood something well, and then I went to explain it to someone and it turns out I'm missing something, and I'd appreciate any insight you might have.
If I think about Bloch's theorem, it states that
ψk(r)=eik⋅ruk(r) where uk has the periodicity of the lattice. If u is...
to describe electronic transport and for example bloch oscillations, one uses a wave-packet build of bloch waves (with a band index n and an effective mass m*).
Do these wave-packets of blochwaves also spread (disperse) over time?
The time reversal operator, ##\hat{\Theta}## transforms a Bloch state as follows:
##\hat{\Theta} \psi_{nk}=\psi^*_{nk}##.
How does one proceed to prove the condition that ##\psi_{nk}## and ##\psi^*_{nk}## must satisfy in order for our system to be time reversal invariant?
Thanks in advance!
Homework Statement
I did not manage to get the final form of the equation. My prefactor in the final form always remain quadratic, whereas the solution shows that it is linear,
Homework Equations
w refers to wannier function, which relates to the Bloch function
##\mathbf{R}## is this case...
Homework Statement
Find band gaps for Dirac Comb potential
$$V = \sum_n aV_0(x-na) $$
Homework Equations
Bloch Theorem
$$\psi(x+a) = e^{ika}\psi(x)$$
The Attempt at a Solution
I can solve exactly up to
$$\cos(k a) = \cos(\kappa a) + \frac{2ma^2V_0}{\hbar^2}\frac{\sin(\kappa a)}{\kappa a} =...
Homework Statement
This is just a problem to help me understand. Determine the dispersion relations for the three lowest electron bands for a 1-D potential of the form
##U(x) = 2A\cos(\frac{2\pi}{a} x)##
Homework Equations
I will notate ##G, \,G'## as reciprocal lattice vectors.
A Bloch wave has the following form..
## \Psi_{nk}(r)=e^{ik\cdot r}u_{nk}(r)##
The ##u_{nk}## part is said to be periodic in real space. But what about reciprocal space? I've had a hard time finding a direct answer to this question, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that the entire...
How to understand that Bloch wave solutions can be completely characterized
by their behaviour in a single Brillouin zone? Given Bloch wave:
\psi_{\mathbf{k}}(\mathbf{r}) = u_{\mathbf{k}}(\mathbf{r}) \exp (i\mathbf{k}\mathbf{r})
I can write wavefunction for...
Homework Statement
(a) Find energies of states at ##(\frac{\pi}{a},0)##.
(b) Find secular equation
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
In 1D, the secular equation for energy is:
E = \epsilon_0 \pm \left| V(x,y) \right|
When represented in complex notation, the potential...
Background information:
The wave function for an electron in a crystal lattice is modeled by a Bloch wave. A Bloch wave is a function with the periodicity of the lattice multiplied times a complex exponential function. This exponential function has a wave vector k, called the crystal momentum...