Bode plot Definition and 78 Threads

  1. C

    What are the characteristics of a second order bode plot?

    What is the difference between second order zero bode plot and second order pole bode plot?
  2. N

    Magnitude and Phase Bode Plot Help

    Hi all, on a current homework I have been given a transfer function and asked to draw the straight-line (asymptotic) magnitude (dB) and phase (degrees) Bode plot. I first learned Bode plots roughly a year ago, and while being on spring break and my notebook from last year is at school, I'm...
  3. kandelabr

    What is the meaning of positive phase in a bode plot?

    Homework Statement I have a bode plot with a positive phase. Homework Equations this is a MATLAB code for the thing % bode phase plot w = logspace(1, 4, 100); G = 100*(1+0.017i*w)./(1i.*w.*(1+0.05i.*w).*(1+0.0025i.*w).*(1+0.001i.*w)); fi = atand(imag(G)./real(G)); semilogx(w, fi); % x-axis...
  4. P

    Bode Plot - Calculating ωgc and ωpc analytically

    I am learning to draw Bode Plots. I am able to figure out ωgc, ωpc, Phase Margin & Gain Margin graphically from the Bode Plot. But I was wondering if there is a way to calculate ωgc and ωpc mathematically with some formulas - how do I do this?
  5. P

    Bode Plot - why 20log instead of 10log

    Since the deci in decibels means 10, why is decibels of Magnitude in the Bode plot calculated as 20log instead of 10log?
  6. J

    Bode plot normalization process

    Hi, I have a 8th order s-domain transfer function that i would like to normalize for plotting a bode plot. The transfer function is in expanded form i.e. s^8 +s^7+s^6 etc. i want to normalise the frequency f by frequency f0 such that s = j(f/f0) instead of just s = j2πf. the reason i...
  7. A

    Creating a Bode plot by analyzing a transfer function

    Homework Statement I am constructing a Bode plot from a given transfer function. I having trouble because I am unsure how to rewrite the transfer function in the proper form. What makes this transfer function particularly tricky for me, is that there is no "jω" in the numerator, just ω^2...
  8. D

    MATLAB Making Bode Plots with GUI in MATLAB

    Hello guys! I have an issue, I'm trying to make a program in which you can get a bode plot by knowing the transfer function in guide. The basic idea is this: you enter 4 numbers in the interface and by those numbers you can know the transfer function, basically I'm doing this as a final step...
  9. K

    Plotting Bode Magnitude & Phase Plots By Hand

    How would you plot the magnitude and phase Bode plots for the system transfer function of (4s^3+40s^2)/(4s^4+405s^3+504s^2+400s) I plugged it into MATLAB and got a result but my professor wants hand calculations. Thanks
  10. J

    Bode Plot Question(Phase and Gain Margin)

    I have been drawing a few bode diagram by hand and i am ask to find the phase and gain margin of the plot. Can someone please explain what are phase and gain margin, including how to determine it from the bode plot?
  11. J

    Creating Bode Plot: Problem Determining Break Off Frequencies

    I am trying to manually make a bode plot for the transfer function: G(jw)= 5/[jw(1+jw0.6)(1+jw0.1)] I know how to plot it but I am having a problem determining all the break off frequencies. In particular for the term pole at (1+jw0.6). Could someone give...
  12. S

    Why Are My Bode Plot Results in MATLAB Different from LTSPICE?

    Homework Statement I'm working on a Lab for my Electronics Course and need to use MATLAB to create a Bode Plot to get the data for my theoretical Magnitudes at frequencies between 50Hz and 500 Hz. The Resistor has a value of 1k and the Capacitor has a value of 1uF. I need one for both a high...
  13. M

    Effect of Poles & Zeros on the bode plot

    Homework Statement What are the effects of poles and zeros of a transfer function on its magnitude graph. Note: The Transfer function is discrete. Homework Equations zeros= roots of numerator poles=roots of denominator The Attempt at a Solution I really don't have any idea. I...
  14. S

    Frequency Plot(or bode plot) in SIMULINK

    Dear all, Can anyone describe as to how we can plot frequency response in SIMULINK-MATLAB. One way is to use spectrum analyzer but it does not give accurate results for continuous time systems...another way could off course be to use commands but I need something which can compute bode plots...
  15. R

    Control problem. Transfer function given. Sketch Bode plot

    1. For the control system described by the transfer function H(s)=Y(s)/U(s)=10/(s^2+11s+10) Sketch the bode plot: amplitude and phase diagram. What is the bandwidth of the system? 2. General form of a second order system H(s)=wn^2/(s^2+2*zeta*wn*s+wn^2) Magnitude characteristic in...
  16. M

    Bode Plot Question: Homework Statement & Solution Analysis

    Homework Statement I'm doing a question that requires a Bode plot (magnitude and phase). The Attempt at a Solution I got a transfer function of H(\omega)=\frac{1+\frac{j*\omega}{3}}{1-0.1667(\omega)^{2}+0.4167j*\omega} So there is a simple zero at 3 rad/s; complex pole at 2.45 rad/s...
  17. M

    Bode Plot problem (Please check my work )

    Bode Plot problem (Please check my work :)) Homework Statement This is actually a circuits question. It required to find Vo(s) in a network with Vi(t) being 1V (so Vi(s) was 1/s). It then asked to plot the magnitude of Vo for a range of frequencies (from 100 to 1000Hz). The Attempt at a...
  18. S

    How Do You Determine Gain and Parameters from a Bode Plot?

    Homework Statement Transfer function: G(s) =\frac{k}{s^{2}+2\varsigma\omega_{n}s+\omega_{n}^{2}} a) if u(t) = cos(2t), find the steady state response b) determine the values for k, damping ratio (\varsigma), and the natural frequency. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  19. T

    MATLAB Creating Bode Plot in MATLAB - Tieske90

    Hi everybody, I did a few measurements at a printer. I have a signal that i put in the printer that gives the printerhead a speed. I have put a sinus on the printerhead, and did this at different frequencies with the same signal strength (20 to 500 Hz, with steps of 15 Hz). I want to...
  20. C

    Drawing a Bode Plot w/ Equation Example

    Homework Statement How do you draw a bode plot? I have a simple equation: H(S)=s+10 but no school book. Can you help me understand?
  21. C

    How to Draw a Bode Plot Without a School Book

    Homework Statement How do you draw a bode plot? I have a simple equation: H(S)=s+10 but no school book. Can you teach me?
  22. F

    Drawing Bode Phase Plots: Real Poles & Zeros in RHP

    Well, it has been awhile... and I need to remember how to draw a Bode phase plot quickly. The problem I am having is, how do I deal with real poles and zeros in the right half plane? I can quickly draw bode phase plots for transfer functions like: H(s) =...
  23. D

    Sketch Bode Plot for G(s)=10/s(1+ts)

    Homework Statement Sketch the Bode Plot for the following Transfer Function: G(s)=10/s(1+ts) where t=0.1sec The Attempt at a Solution G(jw)=10/jw(1+tjw) - frequency response... Gain = 20log(10) - 20log(tw^2+w) Does this mean that the Gain apporaches infinity as w approaches...
  24. tandoorichicken

    Bode Plots: Plotting Homework Statement

    Homework Statement I have to plot some data for a lab writeup. It's based on the frequency response of fluid catheter-transducer systems. Part of this writeup includes making Bode plots for the gain and phase shift. I know how to plot my data; the problem that I am having is that I want to try...
  25. N

    Engineering Circuits: Bode Plot for Frequency vs. Voltage Gain | Homework Help Statement

    Homework Statement sketch a bode plot of frequency versus voltage gain (in decibels) for the following circuit: Homework Equations Voltage divider: V_X = V_S \frac{Z_X}{Z_T} Voltage gain: A_V = \frac{V_O}{V_I} log(A)+log(B) = log(A*B) The Attempt at a Solution This is the most...
  26. B

    MATLAB Why Does My Z-Transform Bode Plot Show Incorrect Amplitude for a Sine Wave?

    Hi, I try to visualize a sine wave, z-transformed in a Bode plot. The frequency shows up correctly, but the amplitude is way off - why? Thanks for your comments. Bmalp function zdemo format compact syms w Ts n z phi t Ts = 1 w = 0.1 phi = 0 vz =...
  27. M

    Understanding the Bode Plot: Frequency vs. dB

    Is the x-axis of a Bode plot supposed to be angular frequency omega or just the frequency f? The y-axis is in dB. Thanks!
  28. G

    Determining r and c values by use of bode plot

    Hi, I have got difficulties with the following:a simple RC circuit (scheme of the circuit and measurements attached). I measured out the bode plot and now I have to find the values of R and C ,but I don't know how. Can someone help me please.