Boundary conditions Definition and 419 Threads

  1. Mohmmad Maaitah

    Engineering Double overhanging beam deflection

    Please help me finding the max slope and deflection im stuck on this problem for two weeks. I can't get anywhere with the boundry and continutiy conditions The problem and what I've d one:
  2. gltau99

    Maxwell Equations Absorbent Boundary Conditions

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to understand the purpose and functionality of absorptive boundary conditions used in simulations of electromagnetic fields. Specifically, how do this conditions 1.2c): with (and ν the unit outward normal on the boundary Γ; Pτ , the projection of the trace operator)...
  3. A

    Reflection and Transmission of String Waves

    To obtain the amplitude of the reflected and transmitted wave, I consider that the initial pulse is traveling to the right and I use the boundaries condition: 1. y_i(x = 0) + y_r(x = 0) = y_r(x = 0) 2. dy_i/dx |_(x = 0) + dy_r/dx |_(x = 0) = dy_r/dx |_(x = 0) The expression for the incident...
  4. cianfa72

    I Dirichlet problem boundary conditions

    The Dirichlet problem asks for the solution of Poisson or Laplace equation in an open region ##S## of ##\mathbb R^n## with a condition on the boundary ##\partial_S##. In particular the solution function ##f()## is required to be two-times differentiable in the interior region ##S## and...
  5. M

    A Rigid body motion (RBM) transformation

    Above are pictures of a problem in mechanics. An elastic body occupying domain ##\Omega## is supported below with a fixed support and from above with a rigid body. The following calculations aim to express the movements of the points located at the interface ##\Gamma_F## between the rigid and...
  6. P

    I Lagrangian density of a linearly elastic string under gravity

    This was inspired by this:Dropping an extended Slinky -- Why does the bottom of the Slinky not fall?. There is that famous demonstration of dropping a slinky, and the bottom of the slinky does not move until the center of mass reaches the bottom. I was trying to figure out how hard are the...
  7. E

    A Why is "method of image current" valid in magnetostatics?

    Hi wise folks, I am working through Jackson problems, and have just encountered problem 5.17: It is pretty straightforward to show that the given image current distributions will satisfy the boundary conditions (both tangent and normal) at the ##z=0## plane. But my question is actually: "why...
  8. Jaime Rudas

    I The boundary conditions at infinity

    Section 5 (pg. 29) of the Michel Janssen's paper EINSTEIN’S QUEST FOR GENERAL RELATIVITY, 1907–1920(*) says: 1. From the above I understand that the application of general relativity to an infinite universe was considered problematic. 2. On the other hand, I understand that it is currently...
  9. H

    A Boundary conditions for variable length bar

    Suppose I'm looking at a bar of length L(t) in 1D and I have the conservation of mass: \frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial}{\partial x}(\rho u)=0 In order to make things easier, I make the change of variable x'=x/L(t) so that in this frame of reference, the length remains constant...
  10. Fractal matter

    A Two degrees of freedom in GR after boundary conditions specified?

    I read there are 2 degrees of freedom in GR after boundary conditions specified. Does that mean 2 equations are enough for EFE equivalent? Those two seem like the amplitude and a phase.
  11. N

    Fortran Need help with Jacobi relaxation method for Dirichlet boundary conditions

    program r_jacobi implicit none !!!!Variables!!! real*8 V, V_1, V_2, Lx, Ly integer n ,i , j, k, nx, ny real*8, allocatable :: arrx(:), arry(:), phi(:,:,:) real*8 x, xi, xf, y, yi, yf, dx, dy real*8 d, q, bx, by V=1 V_1=V V_2=-V Lx = 2 Ly = 1 nx = 200 ny = nx/2...
  12. chwala

    A The boundary conditions in reference to Laplace's equation

    We have inhomogenous dirichlet boundary conditions (well understood)....the laplace equation is a steady state equation and we can clearly see that in will be defined by 4 boundary conditions and NO initial condition...having said that; kindly have a look at the continuation below... I...
  13. B

    Checking assumptions in boundary conditions of double well system

    The idea here (as I'm told) is to use the boundary conditions to get a transcendental equation, and then that transcendental equation can be solved numerically. So I'm making a few assumptions in this problem: 1. The potential ##V(x)## is even, so the wavefunction ##\psi(x)## is either even or...
  14. chwala

    A Solve the heat equation having Dirichlet boundary conditions

    I am going through these notes...they are pretty easy to follow. I would like more insight on the initial condition. In this problem, (attachment below), i guess the choice of initial condition is convenient as its easier to plug in the values of ##n=2## and ##b=3## (highlighted on the...
  15. warhammer

    I Query on Electromagnetic Theory (Dielectric Boundary Conditions)

    The given question from Electromagnetic Theory (which is based on Dielectric Boundary Conditions) is as follows: Interface b/w two dielectric medium has a surface charge density (suppose xyz C / (m ^ 2) ). Using boundary condition find field in 1 (relative permittivity =xyz) if field in 2...
  16. A

    MATLAB No End" Boundary Conditions in Wave on a String

    How did they impose boundary conditions here if "no end" is selected? Here: I would like to do the same thing without changing the wave equation of the string.
  17. A

    MATLAB Boundary conditions in the resolution of a PDE with the FFT method

    How to impose boundary conditions when solving a PDE with fft? For example here: If I copy this code I get periodic boundary conditions. Thank you
  18. L

    Engineering Hand tool boundary conditions - Forces determination

    Hello, I' m trying to make a linear static analysis (Finite Element Analysis) on the following hand tool. I want to determine the boundary conditions. In order to do that I have decided to use a force couple to represent the forces that a bolt exerts on the jaws of this spanner. Despite using...
  19. guyvsdcsniper

    Boundary Conditions for an infinite rectangular pipe

    Does setting up the problem symmetrically on this axis and the boundary conditions applied make sense? I don't believe I will have a problem solving for the potential inside, but i just want to make sure I have my B.C and axis correct before proceeding. EDIT: Or should this be a 2-D lapace...
  20. guyvsdcsniper

    Evaluating the boundary conditions for a rectangular pipe

    I have attached an image of the pipe in the attachmnts. The pipe is parallel to z-axis form (-∞,∞) and sides of length a. So my boundary conditions for this problem are as follows 1.) V=0 at y=0 2.)V=0 at y=a 4.)∂v/∂x=0 @ x=0 3.)V0 @ x=a I am a little confused on the fourth boundary...
  21. H

    I Is the scalar magnetic Potential the sum of #V_{in}# and ##V_{out}##

    Hi, I'm wondering if I have an expression for the scalar magnetic potential (V_in) and (V_out) inside and outside a magnetic cylinder and the potential is continue everywhere, which mean ##V^1 - V^2 = 0## at the boundary. Does it means that ##V^1 - V^2 = V_{in} - V_{out} = 0## ?
  22. JD_PM

    Error when creating boundary conditions (OpenFOAM)

    Let's give some context. I created a Mesh via snappyHexMesh and next I am setting the boundary conditions (BCs). First I copied the patches folder "createPatchDict" to my system's folder via the command "cp $FOAM_ETC/caseDicts/mesh/manipulation/patches/createPatchDict ./system" Taking into...
  23. H

    Boundary conditions ##\vec{B}## and ##\vec{H}##

    When asking for boundary conditions I'm wondering if this is enough in this situation to give ##\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{B} = 0 , B_{2\perp} - B_{1 \perp} = 0## ##\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{H} = - \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{M}, H_{2\perp} - H_{1 \perp} = - (M_{2\perp} - M_{1 \perp})## ##\vec{\nabla}...
  24. H

    Boundary conditions (E and D) for a dielectric sphere

    Since there is no free charge ##\int_S \vec{D} \cdot d\vec{a} = 0## and ##\rho_f = 0## ##\sigma_f = 0## ##\vec{nabla} \cdot \vec{P} = 0## since P is a constant ##\rho_b = - \vec{nabla} \cdot \vec{P} = 0## For a simple surface we can find the boundary conditions for ##\vec{E}## using a Gauss'...
  25. C

    I Non-Homogeneous Robin Boundary conditions and Interpretations of Signs

    I have been solving the constant coefficient 1D advection-diffusion equation ##\frac{\partial c}{\partial t} + v\frac{\partial c}{\partial x} = D\frac{\partial^2 c}{\partial x^2}## on ##0<x<L,t>0## with a variety of robin BC's. Namely $$vc + D\frac{\partial c}{\partial x} = J^f ~~at~~ x=L $$...
  26. Stefan H

    A Solving Laplace's equation in polar coordinates for specific boundary conditions

    Hello everybody, Currently I am doing my master's thesis and I've encountered a physics problem which is very difficult for me to solve. The problem I have is finding equations for the magnetic scalar potential inside and outside a ferromagnetic wire for specific boundary conditions...
  27. chwala

    Confused About Boundary Conditions for ##y## and ##x##

    I am going through this notes, i can follow quite only issue is on the highlighted part...i thought that we had two boundary conditions for ##y## ( of which one of them is non homogenous) and two boundary conditions for ##x##( of which both are homogenous)...kindly clarify on this part...
  28. C

    Boundary conditions in Ansys

    Hi, I have one question related to the boundary conditions I should apply in a Static Structural simulation for the following support. The support is subjected to the following loading conditions shown below...
  29. yucheng

    I Unraveling Laplace's Equation: Exploring Valid Domains and Boundary Conditions

    Hi! This thread might well be similar to: I'm self-studying Vanderlinde and having a great time. However, I think that I am conflating and confusing many different things. Let me just ask...
  30. R

    Boundary conditions for 2 ropes fixed to a massless ring with a damper

    Hi, I'm not quite sure if I'm correct. I need to find the boundary conditions for 2 ropes ##T_1 \mu_1, T_2 \mu_2## fixed at ##x=0## to a massless ring with a massless damper of force ##F_d - -bv_y## Here what I think, since the ring and the damper is massless ##\sum F_y = 0##. Thus, ##-T_1...
  31. N

    Periodic boundary conditions -> Shouldn't supports hinder all motion?

    Hello everyone, I am currently trying to understand periodic boundary conditions for the mechanical investigation of mechanical properties of a RVE. I found a good video explaining the theory behind it: But something is unclear to me: At the above linked time step, the individual conical...
  32. F

    Unusual boundary conditions in FEA software

    For a 2D problem with unknown displacements u(x,y) and v(x,y), is it allowed to give such a set of BCs u(0,y)=1 and vy(0,y)=0, the former being a displacement BC, the latter being a force BC (vy is the y strain)? How is this implemented in FEA software?
  33. B

    Set up boundary conditions for a simple elasticity problem

    [Mentor Note -- Thread moved to the ME forum to get better views] Let's consider an incompressible block of Neo-Hookean material. Let the initial reference geometry be described by ##B=[0,b] \times [0,b] \times [0,h]##. The professor gave me the following task: Of course there can be many...
  34. L

    A Ising model open chain and periodic boundary conditions

    One dimensional Ising model is often treated as open chain system with free ends. Then when external field is added it is treated with cyclic boundary condition. Can someone explain me are those methods equivalent, or not?
  35. D

    Is d'Alembert's Formula Correct for Neumann Boundary Conditions in PDEs?

    Hi all, I was hoping someone could check whether I computed part (4) correctly, where i find the solution u(t,x) using dAlembert's formula: $$\boxed{\tilde{u}(t,x)=\frac{1}{2}\Big[\tilde{g}(x+t)+\tilde{g}(x-t)\Big]+\frac{1}{2}\int^{x+t}_{x-t}\tilde{h}(y)dy}$$ Does the graph of the solution look...
  36. Hosein Javanmardi

    A Implementing FDM Boundary Conditions at a Red Point

    in Finite Difference Method (FDM), the boundary conditions can be implemented by applying the continuity of parallel component of magnetic field intensity. when it comes to the interface of two areas, it is done at ease, but consider this case at the red point: in FDM we exactly require on...
  37. Z

    Python Tackling Boundary Conditions in Python (Griffins Example)

    How to run a numerical simulation of Laplace equation if one of the boundary condition is like this: $$V(x,y) = 0 \text{ when } x \to \infty$$ I am trying to use Python to plot the solution of this Example 3.5. in Griffins EM
  38. Tony Hau

    Boundary conditions of linear materials

    The question is as follows: Solutions given only contain part a) to c), which is as follows: So I now try to attemp d), e) and f). d) The magnetic field of a uniformly magnetized sphere is: $$ \vec B =\frac{2}{3}\mu_{o} \vec M = \mu_{o}\vec H$$ $$\frac{2}{3}\vec M = \vec H$$ The perpendicular...
  39. LCSphysicist

    I Boundary conditions for TM and TE waves

    Theta in the incident angle Phi is the refraction angle '' denotes everything that propagates to the other medium, that is, everything related to refraction ' denotes the reflection in the original medium I am rather confused, would appreciate any help. I see the second equation of TE is...
  40. JD_PM

    I Assuming boundary conditions when integrating by parts

    Let's present two examples $$-\frac 1 2 \int d^3x'\big (-i \phi(x', t)\nabla^2\delta^3(x-x') \big )$$ Explicit evaluation of this integral yields $$-\frac 1 2 \int d^3x'\big (-i \phi( \vec x', t)\nabla'^2\delta^3(\vec x-\vec x') \big ) =\frac{i}{2}\phi(\vec x', t) \nabla' \delta^3(\vec...
  41. K

    Automotive Modal analysis - Input and boundary conditions given?

    My understanding in modal analysis is very limited. All I know is it helps to find a specific mode of vibration and the natural frequency corresponding to it. While I was discussing about this with my NVH team colleague, he told me that there is no force input or excitation input given to a...
  42. M

    I Vibrations of waves with pinned vs free boundary conditions

    Hi PF! Can someone explain to me why in math/physics the frequencies associated with waves (or say drum heads) tend to be larger when the boundaries are pinned as opposed to free? If possible, do you know any published literature on this? Thanks!
  43. Riccardo Marinelli

    A Boundary conditions of eigenfunctions with Yukawa potential

    Hello, I was going to solve numerically the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues problem of the schrödinger equation with Yukawa Potential. I thought that the Boundary condition of the eigenfunctions could be the same as in the case of Coulomb potential. Am I wrong? In that case, do you know some...
  44. E

    B Gradient of scalar field is zero everywhere given boundary conditions

    I'm struggling with a few steps of this argument. It's given that we have a surface ##S## bounding a volume ##V##, and a scalar field ##\phi## such that ##\nabla^2 \phi = 0## everywhere inside ##S##, and that ##\nabla \phi## is orthogonal to ##S## at all points on the surface. They say this is...
  45. R

    Engineering Relationship between the solution convergence and boundary conditions

    I create an algorithm that can solve [K]{u}={F} for atomic structure, but the results are not converge Do the boundary conditions affect the convergence of the resolution of a system of nonlinear partial equations? And how to know if the solution is diverged because of the boundary conditions...
  46. Leonardo Machado

    A Boundary conditions in the time evolution of Spectral Method in PDE

    Hi everyone! I am studying spectral methods to solve PDEs having in mind to solve a heat equation in 2D, but now i am struggling with the time evolution with boundary conditions even in 1D. For example, $$ u_t=k u_{xx}, $$ $$ u(t,-1)=\alpha, $$ $$ u(t,1)=\beta, $$ $$ u(0,x)=f(x), $$ $$...
  47. person123

    I Boundary Conditions For Modelling of a Fluid Using Euler's Equations

    Hi! I want to use Euler's equations to model a 2 dimensional, incompressible, non-viscous fluid under steady flow (essentially the simplest case I can think of). I'm trying to use the finite difference method and convert the differential equations into matrices to be solved using MATLAB. I set...