I find the following definition in my complex analysis book :
Definition : ## F(z)## is said to be a branch of a multiple-valued function ##f(z)## in a domain ##D## if ##F(z)## is single-valued and continuous in ##D## and has the property that, for each ##z## in ##D##, the value ##F(z)## is one...
I have a complicated function to integrate from -\infty to \infty .
I = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{(2k^2 - \Omega^2)(I_0^2(\Omega) + I_2(\Omega)^2) - \Omega^2 I_0(\Omega) I_2(\Omega)}{\sqrt{k^2 - \Omega^2}} \Omega d\Omega Where I0I0 and I2I2 are functions containing Hankel functions as...
I am trying to determine the contour required in solving part b. The branch points (poles) are at s=0 and s= -a and in between these two values, there is a branch cut.
I know that the branch cut cannot be included in the contour so does this mean the poles also cannot be in the contour? Would...
Homework Statement
∫-11 dx/(√(1-x2)(a+bx)) a>b>0
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I'm taking Mathematical Methods, and this chapter is making absolutely no sense to me. I understand enough to tell I'm supposed...
I have a difficulty to understand the branch cut introduced to solve this integral.
\int_{ - \infty }^\infty {dp\left[ {p{e^{ip\left| x \right|}}{e^{ - it\sqrt {{p^2} + {m^2}} }}} \right]}
here p is a magnitude of the 3-dimensional momentum of a particle, x and t are space and time...
Let's have any non-zero complex number z = reiθ (r > 0) and natural log ln applies to z.
ln(z) = ln(r) + iθ. In fact, there is an infinite number of values of θ satistying z = reiθ such as θ = Θ + 2πn where n is any integer and Θ is the value of θ satisfying z = reiθ in a domain of -π <...
Homework Statement
The integral I want to solve is
$$ D(x) = \frac{-i}{8\pi^2}\int dr\,d\theta \frac{e^{-irx\cos\theta}}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}}r^2\sin\theta$$
which I've reduced to
$$ D(x) = \frac{-i}{4\pi x}\int dr \frac{r\sin(rx)}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}} $$
by integrating over ##\theta##. However, I...
Homework Statement
I'm working through Zee for some self study and I'm trying to do all the problems, which is understandably challenging. Problem 1.3.1 is where I'm currently stuck: Verify that D(x) decays exponentially for spacelike separation.
Homework Equations
The propagator in question...
What is the Branch cut for the log(z) ?
Correct me if I am wrong.
I know that the function $f(z) = e^z$ , is periodic function with period $2 \pi $
so to define the function $\log(z) $ we have to restrict the domain of $e^z$
for example taking the points $D : z \in \mathbb{C} $ such that...
Just covered branch cuts in my undergraduate course but stuck on one of the questions...
Find the domain on which f(z) = arccot(z) is single valued and analytic.
Now, we've looked at ln(z) in class and I understand the principal of limiting the domain but I'm not having much success and...
Homework Statement
Given that g(z) = ln(1-z^2), defined on \mathbb{C}\backslash \left(-\infty, 1\right], i.e. the branch cut is from -\infty to 1 along the real axis. Find g(-i) given g(i) = ln(2).
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I tried drawing it out but I'm having...
Homework Statement
It is simply the same as the one for lnz i.e. does it go from 0 to ∞?
Also, is there any proper way to figure out branch points of a function?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I recently had to solve a problem in which i had to find the inverse laplace transform of some function with a branch cut from - ∞ to 0, so i used a contour avoiding that branch cut like this
my problem is as follows: i know the contributions from...
I understand most of the problem, but have yet to understand where a particular term came from. The problem is as follows:
Homework Statement
Show that (0 to ∞)∫dx/[(x2+1)√x] = π/√2
Hint: f(z)=z−1/2/(z2+ 1) = e(−1/2) log z /(z2+ 1). The Attempt at a Solution
I actually have a solutions...
Homework Statement
Find the continuous branch cut of a complex logarythm for C\[iy:y=>0]
One of the complex numbers, for example, is -4i
Homework Equations
I don´t understand what to do with the subset. How could I find the continuous branch cut in the subset?
The Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
Find the branch points of g(z) = log(z(z+1)/(z-1)) and defining a branch of g as the principle branch of the logarithm find the location of the branch cuts. Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Since g(z) = log(z) + log(z+1) - log(z-1) the branch points are 0, 1...
Homework Statement
I'm finding the residues of the branch cut of \int^\infty_0 \frac{dx}{x^{1/4}(x^2+1)}dx
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I am trying to find the residue of i
I am not sure how to handle lim z->i of \frac{1}{z^\frac{1}{4}(z+i)}
Any nudges...
Homework Statement Branch cut for cos(sqrt(z)).
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution Apparently there is no need for a branch cut for this function, but I am not sure why - I heard it has something to do with cos being an even function. Any clarification would...
In the expression ln(-s^2-i\epsilon) , s^2 and \epsilon are positive (this expression can result from for example a loop diagram where s^2 is a Mandelstam variable). In mathematics, the branch cut of ln() is usually taken to be the negative real axis, so that the value above the negative axis...
Homework Statement
Define the branch cut prior to solving the following:
integrate from 0 to infinity of [log x]^4/ [1+x^2]
Homework Equations
The only poles inside the upper half plane is i
The Attempt at a Solution
How do I separate the countour?---help.
I need help with a branch cut intgration. The problem is to show the following for 0< \alpha <1:
\int_{0}^{\infty}{x^{\alpha - 1} \over x+1}={\pi \over sin\alpha\pi}
I used the standard keyhole contour around the real axis (taking that as the branch cut), but using the residue theorem...
In complex analysis we say that for fn's like lnz we apply a branch cut along positive x-axis to make sure it's single valued. i.e restrict theta s.t 0<=theta<2Pi but we never allow theta to equal 2Pi as this would make lnz take on 2nd value.
Let us integrate around a contour which goes from...
Hi, I've typed up my work. Please see the attached pdf.
Basically, I am trying to sovle this problem.
\int_0^\infty \frac{x^\alpha}{x^2+b^2} \mathrm{d}x
for 0 <\alpha < 1. I follow the procedure given in Boas pg 608 (2nd edition)...and everything seems to work. However, when I...