Brightness Definition and 146 Threads

Brightness is an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to be radiating or reflecting light. In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. It is not necessarily proportional to luminance. This is a subjective attribute/property of an object being observed and one of the color appearance parameters of color appearance models. Brightness refers to an absolute term and should not be confused with lightness.The adjective bright derives from an Old English beorht with the same meaning via metathesis giving Middle English briht. The word is from a Common Germanic *berhtaz, ultimately from a PIE root with a closely related meaning, *bhereg- "white, bright".
"Brightness" was formerly used as a synonym for the photometric term luminance and (incorrectly) for the radiometric term radiance. As defined by the US Federal Glossary of Telecommunication Terms (FS-1037C), "brightness" should now be used only for non-quantitative references to physiological sensations and perceptions of light.A given target luminance can elicit different perceptions of brightness in different contexts; see, for example, White's illusion.
In an RGB color space, brightness can be thought of as the arithmetic mean μ of the red, green, and blue color coordinates (although some of the three components make the light seem brighter than others, which, again, may be compensated by some display systems automatically):




{\displaystyle \mu ={R+G+B \over 3}}
Brightness is also a color coordinate in HSL color space : hue, saturation, and lightness, meaning here brightness.
With regard to stars, brightness is quantified as apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude.
Brightness is, at least in some respects, the antonym of darkness.

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  1. hraghav

    Find ratio of brightness & the distance the 6th dark fringe is from central fringe

    a) sinθ = y / L where y = 1.26 m and L = 1.29m sinθ = 0.9767 β = (pi * a*sinθ) / λ where λ = 517.4 * 10^-9 m and a= 3.96 × 10^−6 m β = 0.000012151 / 517.4 * 10^-9 = 23.485 I / Io = (sin(23.485) / 23.485)^2 I / Io = 0.0002879 which is 0.2879 * 10^-3 b) asinθ=mλ where m =...
  2. Z

    Derive surface brightness formula

    Derive formula for surface brightness The formula in question we wanna derive is: S(mag/arcsec^2) = M⊙ + 21.572 -2.5 log_{10} S(L⊙/pc^2). Best regards.
  3. S

    Brightness of two lamps in a circuit having a changing magnetic field

    The answer key is (D) but I don't understand how to approach this question. I am guessing the wire is acting as short circuit path but how to know which bulb will be short - circuited? Thanks
  4. milkism

    Oscillating dipoles, energy and brightness

    Problem: Attempt at solution: So "energy passing through per unit area per unit time" is equal to $$I = \frac{E_i}{A t}$$ So for a the graph will be in the form of ##y=1/x##? For b) do we have to solve the differential equation $$dI = \frac{E_i}{A dt}$$?
  5. L

    B How bright is the Sun compared to the sky?

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  6. Slimy0233

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  7. D

    B Exploring Light with a DIY Spectroscope

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  8. alan123hk

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  9. V

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  10. K

    I Do stars in the ecliptic seasonally change brightness?

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  11. M

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  12. LCSphysicist

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  13. K

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  14. J

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  15. M

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  16. K

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  17. O

    Comparing the brightness of each bulb in a circuit

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  18. Krushnaraj Pandya

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  19. J

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  20. B

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  21. M

    Brightness of bulbs depending on their watt level

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  22. B

    Current, voltage : brightness of bulb in parallel or series

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  23. G

    B What is the Relationship Between Candelas, Watts, and Brightness?

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  24. G

    How does changing projector lenses affect brightness?

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  25. J

    Brightness temperature in remote sensing

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  26. Asmaa Mohammad

    The rheostat and the brightness of the bulbs

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  27. Asamad

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  28. ikihi

    Ranking brightness of lightbulbs in a circuit

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  29. I

    How does the luminosity equation work?

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  30. Biker

    Transformer and the brightness of bulbs

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  31. dykuma

    Surface Brightness at any angle

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  32. RoboNerd

    Question on lightbulb brightness in circuit analysis

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  33. RoboNerd

    Lightbulbs and a battery circuit

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  34. C

    Brightness of Light Bulbs in a Circuit

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  35. kamhogo

    Identical bulbs, rank by brightness

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  36. Avijit Palit

    B How to increase brightness of projector

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  37. C

    Difference in Brightness between Two Bulbs

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  38. kamhogo

    Resistors (lightbulbs) Power & Brightness

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  39. NihalRi

    Stargazing Brightness of objects through a telescope

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  40. A

    Surface brightness and effective radius

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  41. S

    Calculating Relative Brightness of Type Ia Supernovae

    Dear all, I am trying to understand the plot below: by S.Perlmutter. However, I don't get the meaning of the "relative brightness" of SN. How is it calculated? Is the brightness of each SN compared to a special one?
  42. AstroJMT42

    Switches changing brightness of bulbs

    Homework Statement All bulbs are identical, (no information given on resistance so assuming all the same) All the switches are closed and then S1 is opened, Does bulb 6 get brighter, dimmer or stay the same? Does bulb 4 get brighter, dimmer or stay the same? Explain briefly why. Homework...
  43. M

    How Six 2V lamps could be lit to their normal brightness.

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  44. H

    What Is the Difference Between Surface Brightness and Apparent Brightness?

    I'm confused what the difference between the two are...I thought surface brightness was luminosity, but apparently it's not: L=Surface brightess x Area...But I came across a similar equation that seems to assume surface brightness is the same as apparent brightness. Please help! Edit: Also, why...
  45. B

    Brightness of bulbs in series and parallel

    Homework Statement Bulbs in series are less bright than those in a parallel circuit. But are all the bulbs in the series circuit equally dim? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I think for the purpose of high school physics bulbs in series are considered to be equally dim in a series...
  46. A

    Lamp Brightness with Varying AC: Understanding the Consistent Output

    AC is varying.So why does the brightness not vary?
  47. 2

    Stefan-Boltzmann law, luminosity, brightness and magnitude?

    From what I understand, in the equation P=\sigma AT^4, P is the power output of the star which is the energy radiated per second in EM radiation of all frequencies, and I think luminosity is also defined as the energy radiated per second in EM radiation of all frequencies. Therefore luminosity...
  48. G

    Determining the brightness on a projected surface

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  49. J

    Prism -- brightness of a ray of white light as it passes through a prism?

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