B.s. Definition and 90 Threads

A Bachelor of Science (BS, BSc, SB, or ScB; from the Latin baccalaureus scientiae or scientiae baccalaureus) is a bachelor's degree awarded for programs that generally last three to five years.The first university to admit a student to the degree of Bachelor of Science was the University of London in 1860.Whether Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degrees are awarded in particular subjects varies between universities. For example, an economics student may graduate as a Bachelor of Arts in one university but as a Bachelor of Science in another, and occasionally, both options are offered. Some universities follow the Oxford and Cambridge tradition that even graduates in mathematics and the sciences become Bachelors of Arts, while other institutions offer only the Bachelor of Science degree, even in non-science fields.At universities that offer both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in the same discipline, the Bachelor of Science degree is usually more focused on that particular discipline and is targeted toward students intending to pursue graduate school or a profession in that discipline.

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  1. C

    Physics B.S. in Physics, Needing Career Change

    I have a B.S. in Physics (from FSU, if it matters), and I've been teaching high school science for two and a half years. While it is rewarding to help students learn, this was not the career field I had in mind. I would like to change careers to one that is more hands-on in a physics or...
  2. G

    Schools Professor at college with only a B.S. in physics?

    Are there professors with only bachelor's degrees in physics who teach at the (non community-college) college level? What type of colleges and professors are these? Thanks
  3. M

    What are the career options for a BS in physics graduate looking for guidance?

    Hi guys, I'm kinda in a middle of career crisis here and I need your help. I know many of you are grown adults and perhaps many have also been through this sort crisis before. About me: 1) I recently graduated with a BS in physics from CUNY Brooklyn College (Not known for physics but this...
  4. Kal-El

    B.S. in Physics: Is it Worth It?

    Is a B.S. in Physics really worth it.(I have searched and read other threads on here) Well its almost time to declare my major at my school. I am a sophomore at Penn State. I am currently on the path for Aerospace engineering and or Mechanical engineering but I feel like engineering isn't for...
  5. Shackleford

    What are the job prospects for M.S. Finance and is it a good investment?

    What are the job prospects for the M.S. Finance? Is it a good investment? The only remotely-related course I've taken is intermediate macroeconomic theory. It's not really related at all. Basically, I'm looking at non-technical-to-slightly-more technical graduate programs that might yield a nice...
  6. P

    Physics Good job with a B.S. in Physics?

    I have been reading the American Physics Society website and according to some of the information I can earn a good living with a B.S. in Physics. I am desperate to get out of the field I'm in and on to something I know I will love but I worry about being able to support my wife and myself
  7. R

    B.A. or B.S. in Physics: Which is Better for Grad School in MS&E?

    I'm an undergrad getting ready to transfer as a junior from a 2-year college to a 4-year college. My declared major is physics, but I want to go to grad school under an MS&E program. Should I go for a B.A. in physics? My reasoning is that it would allow me to take more chemistry and engineering...
  8. C

    Math Should I get a B.S. degree in math?

    I'm an engineering physics major at a mexican university (ITESM) with good school grades (98 out of 100). I want to know if I should get a B.S. degree in math in an american university (probably from a top 10 math university) before I go for a PhD. in physics. I am interested in optics...
  9. 1

    Physics Career options for people with a B.S. in physics and educational physics?

    Hey there, I'm majoring in physics/educational physics with a concentration in astronomy I'm planning on getting my phD but i also want to know if there are any career options for people with a B.S. in physics/educational physics? I'm only asking because i need my first pay check in order to...
  10. T

    Physics Finding a job with a B.S. in Physics?

    Here's some background information about my academic career to explain my situation: I came into college with a huge head start (>45 AP credits) and went straight into higher level physics classes; my original plan was to graduate in 3 years. My first year I did really well one semester...
  11. M

    Engineering Dual Degree in Physics and Engineering, B.S.

    Howdy, I need help sorting out a plan... again. It has come to my attention, the various opinions on how hard it is for a bachelors in physics to get a job. Here's what i originally had in mind: B.S. physics -> get a job -> M.S. & Ph.D. physics. It is indeed a crude plan but to specify the...
  12. G

    Engineering B.S. Degree in Engineering Physics?

    Hi, I was wondering what kind of jobs are available to someone with such a degree. Could I pass as a mechanical or electrical engineer with such a degree even though I don't have a B.S. in mechanical or electrical engineering? I'm going to college and am currently signed up to go to school...
  13. M

    Schools Advantages of going from Engineering B.S. to Physics Grad school and vice versa

    A little background: I'm finally going back to school to finish my degree. I'm a sophomore and need to decide which path will be the most valuable. I'm a practical person with a Physics/Math envy. I understand the material most when I get to the experiment. Endless book learning will make me...
  14. C

    Programs B.S. in Applied Math to grad degree in physics

    I'm currently a senior at the Coast Guard Academy (graduating in May). My degree is in Applied Math (specifically Operations Research) but am looking to get a grad degree in physics or applied physics in a few years. What courses am I missing to A. get into a physics grad program and B. have...
  15. L

    Solving an Improper Integral Problem: 1/(4x-2)^5 dx from 2 to infinity

    Homework Statement Find the value of Integral from 2 to infinity of 1/(4x-2)^5 dx. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution When I integrated I came up with -(1/(16(2-4x)^4)), top - bottom which ends up being 0-(-.0004822) but it says that is wrong. Help please!
  16. Shackleford

    Any of you B.S. Physics guys go the engineering graduate route?

    A few of my university friends are probably going that route. I'm keeping my graduate options open, so I'm considering a myriad of things. M.A./M.S. Physical Sciences M.A./M.S. Physics M.A./M.S. Applied Physics Professional Science Masters (PSM) Physics or some sort engineering graduate...
  17. G

    Programs B.S. in Physics, PhD in Philosophy?

    Has anyone here majored in physics as an undergrad and switched to philosophy as a graduate student? Thanks
  18. K

    The difference between a B.S. in physics and B.A. in physics

    What is the difference of having a B.S. degree in physics and a B.A. degree in physics? I need to decide soon when I transfer to a university up north in the spring term 2011.
  19. D

    School doesn't have a B.S. in Chemistry? Only a B.A.

    I'm torn between Chemistry and Physics as a major. After looking at the Chemistry degree they only offer a B.A. It's still accredited by the ACS but I'm just a little weirded out by that. Especially after browsing some jobs for Chemists, they specifically say a "B.S. in Chemistry". This school...
  20. E

    What are the benefits of pursuing a B.S. in Physics at DePaul University?

    Hi, I'm new here. I've been admitted to DePaul and want to get a B.S. in Physics. I know that there are a few better universities in Chicago, but right now DePaul is my only option (I can get into the specifics if you want me to, but it's just boring). I tried searching on google, but I can't...
  21. T

    B.S. M.S and Phd in Nuclear Engineering

    I recently finished an associates degree in Mathematics from a local college in Georgia, and I am entering the University of Tennessee at Knoxville for Nuclear Engineering. If you have any experience with this Uni. how good is their nuke program? Will I be hurting from getting a degree from...
  22. L

    Engineering Can one get a job in engineering with a bachelor's degree (Say B.S. Electrical eng)

    Would you suspect that one might actually get a job in the field of some type of engineering with just a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering? Or would one need a higher degree, such as a master's or a P.H.D. ? What might some possible career options be with a B.S. in Electrical engineering?
  23. C

    Math Career Choices with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics.

    I am currently a junior in College, and for awhile now, I have had my heart set on going to graduate school to get a masters and PhD, and eventually become a professor. But lately, I have been thinking that Graduate school in math may be a bit too hard and stressful for me. What are some other...
  24. P

    Physics Where to find entry-level jobs? B.S. in Physics

    I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics with a minor in Mathematics. I graduated with honors, 3.30 GPA (cum laude) but have no internships and no experience except for undergraduate research and independent study. Where are some good places, other than USAJOBS.gov, where I can find...
  25. T

    The age old B.A. vs B.S. question: Mathematics

    My career aspiration is to teach Mathematics at a post-secondary level. Whether it be Community College, a private university, or state university. Which would be better to go after? A B.A. or a B.S. in Mathematics? I understand that I would need at least a Master's to teach at Community...
  26. D

    Math Does a B.S. in Math Benefit a Physics PhD Holder?

    Hey all, I'm a double major in math and physics right now. I like math and I'll probably take a lot of math courses anyway, definitely get a minor, but I wanted a double major partly because of job options- in case I ever want a job that goes to bachelors in math more than bachelors in physics...
  27. S

    Should I Get a Second B.S. in Math?

    I recently graduated with my bachelors in physics and had intended to finish a bachelors in math at the same time. I ran out of time to get both done so I finished up my physics degree. If I return for one more semester I can complete the last 14 credits I need to get my math degree. However...
  28. M

    Diff B.Sc. vs B.S. Hons: Which is Better?

    what is the difference between B.Sc. And B.S. hons? and which one is better?
  29. A

    Is it Possible to Get Jobs in Bomb and Gun Building with a B.S. in Physics?

    so i just survived my first semester at a real college, (transferred from community college), and got my A@# handed to me. I did however pass everything and learned a ton. I learned what real studying is and that I am probably not cut out for grad school, but we shall see. i am curious if its...
  30. H

    Advice on Transferring Universities for Physics/ME B.S.

    Hi, I'm studying at CU-Boulder now and going to transfer to another university. Actually, I'm hesiteting between university of wyoming and university of alabama at huntsville. Is there anyone can advise. I'm going to study Physics and mechanical engineering. One thing more I'm undergrad student...
  31. J

    Math Math B.S. - no prior work experience

    Hello, I just graduated from Penn State this past May with a bachelor's degree in math and a minor in psychology. I tried out the NYC Teaching Fellows program for a few months, but I've recently quit my job there. As I'm still living in the city, I was wondering what sort of jobs might be...
  32. L

    Comparing B.A. vs B.S. in Math: What's the Difference?

    B.A. vs B.S. in math?? Hey guys, I tried to look around a bit, on the forum and also on the net, but was really not finding the answer I was hoping for. I am planning on attending college next year for engineering, a major that not all schools that I have been looking at have. However, the...
  33. E

    Programs Engineering science B.S. -> physics phD?

    Engineering science B.S. --> physics phD? Hello PF, I will graduate next spring with a B.S. in engineering science, and will be applying this fall for graduate school. I have found physics much more fulfilling than engineering and would like to enter a physics phD problem. Unfortunately...
  34. JasonJo

    Just graduated with a B.S. in math, having a hard time finding a job

    I just graduated this May with a B.S. in applied and pure mathematics. I plan on coming back next semester to do 3 research projects and reapply for graduate school, but in the meantime I was hoping to find a summer job. I am having an absolute nightmare finding a job. I would have thought...
  35. L

    Getting a B.S. in Physics was a big mistake aparently.

    I have a B.S. in physics from a reputable school with a good GPA, numerous publications in highly reputable journals and I am still not able to get a job anywhere. Hell, I can't even get an interview because very very few jobs want someone with a degree in physics. They want an engineering...
  36. N

    Engineering B.S. Physics, Engineering Career

    Hello friends, After graduating with a B.S. in physics from a State University recently, I among others in my class are looking for work. Realizing the line of work I am most interested in resembles research and development, and perhaps electrical engineering, I'd like to go back to school...
  37. D

    How difficult is it for one with a B.S. in Applied Physics

    How difficult is it for one with a B.S. in Applied Physics to get into this field? How about if one also knows a little bit about Unix and programming?
  38. A

    Programs Medical Physics Jobs with a B.S. in Physics: What Are Your Options?

    Are there really any jobs that you can get doing medical physics with only a bachelors in physics with a concentration in medical physics? Maybe like a technician/assistant to a medical physicist... I will be going to grad school for medical physics eventually after I get my bachelors, but...
  39. Clausius2

    What Are the Latin Origins of Ph.D. and B.S. Titles?

    Your educational system involves the Ph.D and B.S titles. But I have never known which is the historical origins of this words (Doctor of Philosophy, Bachelor of..etc). They look like stated by the former british imperium. Anyone knows about it? Thanks in advance.