Bundles Definition and 57 Threads

  1. M

    Extra dimensions and fibre bundles

    Hi, this is my first post. Congratulations to a very interesting forum. The issue, I want to bring up, has probably been discussed already, but hopefully at least not in exactly the same way. I have read the book "Road to Reality" from Roger Penrose, which by the way I found quite interesting...
  2. P

    Principle Bundles: Right or Left Action?

    Hey, I'm a little confused on the definition of a principle bundle. The basic question: "Do elements of the structure group, G, have to act on elements of the fiber, G, from the right?" I've read a bunch of papers that seem to imply that the fiber bundle structure group elements could act...
  3. A

    Vector Fields and Vector Bundles

    I need help solving the following problem: Let M,N be differentiable manifolds, and f\in C^\infty(M,N). We say that the fields X\in \mathfrak{X}(M) and Y \in \mathfrak{X}(N) are f-related if and only if f_{*p}(X(p))=Y_{f(p)} for all p\in M. Prove that: (a) X and Y are f-related if and only if...
  4. M

    Why Must the Projection Function in Fiber Bundles Have a Specific Form?

    I try to understand the notion of connections on fibre bundles from the lecture notes http://arxiv.org/abs/math-ph/9902027" by George Svetlichny. On page 27 stands what the attached picture shows. (I don't know whether the attached picture will be visible, so I copy the text here: )...
  5. F

    Calculus Tangent & Cotangent Bundles in Principal Bundles

    Hello, I've 2 qustions : 1.Calculus the tangent bundel TM and the cotangent bundles T*M like a bundles associates to the principal bundle B(M) of the reper of TM 2.If M has a riemannian structure set up the principale bundels B'(M) of orthonormal system of TM in case of M=S^2 , we can...
  6. F

    Corses on vector and principale bundles and spinorielle geometry

    Good morning, Can you help me to find a corses on vector and principale bundles and spinorielle geometry :rolleyes: thanks
  7. R

    Infinite Light Beams in Open Space: The Mystery of Non-Interference Explained

    i was wondering what happens where an infinite number of lightbeams meet in one point/knot in open space or anywhere.. how come they do'nt mess up one another? is this on account of their being massless? ..anything we see, any lightbeam that reaches our eye is crossed infinite times by beams...