Calc 2 Definition and 96 Threads

The calc-alkaline magma series is one of two main subdivisions of the subalkaline magma series, the other subalkaline magma series being the tholeiitic series. A magma series is a series of compositions that describes the evolution of a mafic magma, which is high in magnesium and iron and produces basalt or gabbro, as it fractionally crystallizes to become a felsic magma, which is low in magnesium and iron and produces rhyolite or granite. Calc-alkaline rocks are rich in alkaline earths (magnesia and calcium oxide) and alkali metals and make up a major part of the crust of the continents.
The diverse rock types in the calc-alkaline series include volcanic types such as basalt, andesite, dacite, rhyolite, and also their coarser-grained intrusive equivalents (gabbro, diorite, granodiorite, and granite). They do not include silica-undersaturated, alkalic, or peralkaline rocks.

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  1. A

    Simple Convergence / Divergence Calc 2

    Homework Statement I have stared at this too long and do not know which test to approach it with, even writing it out. The problem is State the Convergence or Divergence of the given series: Summation n=1 to Infinity of 1 / sqrt (n^3 + 2n) Homework Equations I narrowed it down to...
  2. A

    Calculating Arc Length for a Polynomial Function on a Given Interval

    Homework Statement F(x) = (4/5)*x^(5/4) on the interval of [0,4] Find the Arc Length Homework Equations Arc Length = Integral (sqrt (1 + [f(x)']^2)) dx The Attempt at a Solution F'(x) = x^(1/4) Integral from [0,4] of Sqrt (1 + x^(1/2)) dx I'm not sure where to go with this...
  3. M

    Calc 2: Curves Defined by parametric equations

    these are fairly simple questions that only require you to plot points and then find a Cartesian equation of the curve. My question is when trying to solve for the Cartesian Equation, whether to solve for X first or Y? I will give an example. X=3t-5 , y=2t + 1 Graphing this is simple...
  4. H

    Balancing College Life: Should I Re-take Calc 2?

    HS student taking calc 2 at community college. Currently I will have 2 exams left, and by the way things are going I will probably have a B. My mother has this sick obsessions that I must have a 4.0 GPA in order to get a future scholarship and acceptance at university. She made me re-take...
  5. A

    Power Series Calc 2: Determine 1/(1+9x)^2 From n=1 to ∞

    Homework Statement Determine the power series for g(x)=1/(1+9x)^2 The sigma in the answer has to be from n=1 to infinity We also have to specify whether it is alternating by putting either (1)^n or (-1)^n This is an online problem and I have no idea why what I am putting is not right...
  6. B

    Calc 2 prove the series is itself

    Homework Statement A function defined by a power series \sum_{n=0}^\infty \(a_{n}x^n with a radius of convergence c > 0 has a Maclaurin series that converges to the function at every point of (-c, c) . Show this by showing that the Maclaurin series generated by f(x) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty...
  7. B

    Calc 2 series question: prove the inequality

    Homework Statement Use the Maclaurin series for cosx and the Alternating Series Estimation Theorem to show that \frac{1}{2} - \frac{x^2}{24} < \frac{1-cosx}{x^2} < \frac{1}{2} Homework Equations cosx = 1 - \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^4}{4} - \cdot \cdot \cdot = \sum_{n=0}^\infty...
  8. D

    Is Calc 2 and Physics 2 (E&M) at the same time?

    I'm taking Calc 1 and Physics 1 this semester. Things are going well, although Physics can be difficult at times. Next semester I would be taking Physics 2 and Calc 2 at the same time. I keep hearing from other students that this is a bad idea. Can someone shed some light?
  9. K

    Hydrostatic Force and Center of a Mass - Calc 2

    Hey guys, I have a couple of problems about hydrostatic force and center of a mass that I was hoping someone could help me out with. Center of mass Homework Statement Sketch the region bounded by the curves y=2x^3, x+y=3 and y=0. Find the coordinates of the centroid. Homework Equations Sorry I...
  10. S

    Material used in Calc 1 for Calc 2

    So i went to my first calc 2 class today, and i was lost =( i took calc 1 2 semesters ago and i don't remember anything (i got a B+ on calc 1) few students felt the same way, and ask the professor what to do, and his reply was "will you consider take calc1 again? Thats my best advise" But i...
  11. A

    Most Pertinent Topics; Calc 2 -> 3

    Most Pertinent Topics; Calc 2 --> 3 Heyo, Posted here a while back looking for books, as I was planning to study over spring and summer before I registered at a CC. Now it's time to pick my classes for my first semester. So, I was wondering which topics in calc II I should be reviewing...
  12. C

    How Much Harder Is Calculus 2 vs Calculus 1?

    Where 2 is mostly Intergral and Series and 1 is Derivative. I just want to know what to expect since I'll be taking calc2 with some other hard classes. I easily made an A in calc 1 and my calc 2 professor is supposed to be much better. Anything I should review before hand?
  13. S

    Calc 1 topics to prepare for Calc 2

    I am taking calculus 1 right now and we have been doing a lot of application problems. Like related rates and finding and relating maximum values. I don't have any specific question I was just wanting to maybe have an open forum where we could discuss tips in understanding math->language a...
  14. A

    Hard integration problem (calc 2)

    I've been going at this problem for at least 3 hours :cry: Just need to find the integral for: INTEGRAL(x^3e^x^2) / (x^2 + 1)^2 dxI've tried all kinds of different methods, filling up at 4 pages in my notebook! I think this is the closest I've gotten :confused: First I broke up the numerator...
  15. Z

    How Can I Improve My Study Habits After Failing Calculus 2?

    Unbelievable. I am such an idiot I can't even comprehend it... My mind is blown. I made a thread here a LONG time ago about how I failed Precalculus... well I overcame it, did great, then I did an introductory calculus course. Did great. Then I did calc 1. Did great. Just got my calc 2 mark...
  16. S

    Finding the Equation of a Plane with a Coefficient of x as 9

    Homework Statement Find an equation of a plane containing the three points (0, -4, 4), (5, -1, 1), (5, 0, 3) in which the coefficient of x is 9 Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Totally lost on this guy. Prof didnt go over anything like this, nor tell us what the...
  17. S

    What is the vector equation for the line of intersection of two planes?

    Homework Statement Find the vector equation for the line of intersection of the planes 5x−4y+z=3 and 5x+z=1 Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I know this much. r=<__,__,0>+t<-4,__,__> Could someone explain to me what I'm actually doing? I understand how the two...
  18. S

    Equations for a Line Passing Through Two Given Points in 3D Space

    Homework Statement Find the vector and parametric equations for the line through the point P(-3, 3, -5) and the point Q(-7, 4, -1). Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution r= <__,__,-5>+t<__,__,4> The -5 and 4 are given. Heres what I have so far. r=<-3,3-5>+t<__,__,__> I...
  19. S

    How to Calculate Tension on a Horizontal Clothesline | Calc 2 Physics Problem

    A horizontal clothesline is tied between 2 poles, 20 meters apart. When a mass of 3 kilograms is tied to the middle of the clothesline, it sags a distance of 2 meters. What is the magnitude of the tension on the ends of the clothesline in N? Ok, I am totally lost on this problem, I've...
  20. S

    How do I find the equation of a sphere with given diameter endpoints?

    Find the equation of a sphere if one of its diameters has endpoints: (-1, -5, -8) and (3, -1, -4) Ok, here's what I have so far, I can't find the radius and I am not sure if the rest of the equation is correct. Havin some issues with this one. (x-1)^2+(y+2)^2+(z+2)^2-?=0
  21. I

    Calc 2 Exponential Growth(differential equation)

    Homework Statement A tissue culture grows until it has an area of 9 cm^2. Let A(t) be the area of the tissue at time t. A model of the growth rate is that: A'(t) = k*(sqrt(A(t)) * (9-A(t)) a. Without solving the equation, show that the maximum rate of growth occurs at any time when...
  22. O

    Calc 2 - Taylor Expansion Series of x^(1/2)

    Homework Statement f(x) = \sqrt{x}, a = 4 Homework Equations f(x) = \sumf^{n}(a)/n! (x-a)^{n} The Attempt at a Solution f(x) = x^{1/2} f^{'}(x) = \frac{1}{2}x^{1/2} f^{2}(x) = -\frac{1}{2}*\frac{1}{2}x^{-3/2} f^{3}(x) = \frac{1}{2}*\frac{1}{2}*\frac{3}{2}x^{-5/2} f^{4}(x) =...
  23. C

    How do I evaluate the derivative of G(x) for my Calc 2 final tomorrow?

    calc 2 final tomorrow need urgent help! Evaluate the derivative of the function G(x) = ({integral} from x to x^2) of sin(-t^2)dt this was on my review for the final and i just cannot get an answer. any help will be greatly appreciated.
  24. D

    Calc 2 Finding volume of wedge

    Sketch: Find the volume of the wedge in figure (A) in above sketch by integrating the area of vertical cross sections. This is what I have so far: b(x) = length of base of triangle at position x h(x) = height of triangle at position x...
  25. T

    Calc 2: Doomsday for Rabbit Population

    Let c be a positive number. A differential equation of the form below where k is a positive constant, is called a doomsday equation because the exponent in the expression ky^(1+c) is larger than the exponent 1 for natural growth. An especially prolific breed of rabbits has the growth term...
  26. T

    Calc 2 Differentials: Carbon Dioxide in Room of 180 m^3

    The air in a room with volume 180 m^3 contains 0.20% carbon dioxide initially. Fresher air with only 0.05% carbon dioxide flows into the room at a rate of 3 m^3/min and the mixed air flows out at the same rate. (a) Find the percentage of carbon dioxide in the room as a function of time...
  27. C

    Calc 2 using washer meathod v.s cylindrical shells

    What are the reasons for using washer meathod v.s cylindrical shells? Cylindrical shells are much easier but there has to be some reason we can always use them Thanx
  28. T

    Solve Calc 2 Integral 0 to h: 1/((h-r)^2+r^2))

    Homework Statement this integral owned me, can anyone tell me what to do to solve it/ how to solve it or a step by step solution. from 0 to h, 1/((h-r)^2+r^2))dr Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Im thinking partial factions or trig sub...
  29. O

    How can I prepare for Calculus II during break after finishing Calculus I?

    I just finished up Calculus I and I have heard Calc II is a harder class, so I was looking to try and get a head start during the break before I start next semester. What do you guys recommend: trying to read ahead and start on my own, or just reviewing and practicing what I have already...
  30. L

    Differential Equations and Substitutions (Calc 2)

    Homework Statement Solve xy' = y + xe^(y/x) using the substitution v=(y/x) Homework Equations Solving differential equations, substitution The Attempt at a Solution x (dy/dx) = y + xe^(y/x) (dy/dx) = (y/x) + e^(y/x) Substituting v=(y/x) (dy/dx) = v + e^(v) I do not know...
  31. X

    Is My Integration by Parts on \(\int \frac{1}{(x-1)(x+2)} \, dx\) Correct?

    Homework Statement INTEGRAL 1/ (X-1)(X+2) DX Homework Equations I LET U = X+2 DU=X The Attempt at a Solution I GOT LN/(X+2)/+C I JUST DONT KNOW IF IM DOING IT RIGHT
  32. D

    Integration with Trig (Calc 2)

    Homework Statement \int\frac{(sin x)^{3}}{(cos x)}dx Homework Equations Trigonometric identities The Attempt at a Solution \int\frac{(sin x)^{2}}{(cos x)}(sin x)dx \int\frac{1-(cos x)^{2}}{(cos x)}(sin x)dx u = cos x du = -sin x dx - \int\frac{1-(u)^{2}}{(u)}du Where...
  33. J

    Why Use Parametric Equations in Finding Derivatives?

    ok we're learning the part of calc 2 where you have y = 3 + 4t; x = 4 + 3t then u multiply dy/dt * dy/dx / dx/dt but then u just plug in the value of t into dy/dt... so what was the point of finding the whole second part? lol it seems random and pointless to me. my friend says when u do...
  34. S

    Calc 2: Is it Really That Much Harder Than Calc 1?

    People seem to think Calc 2 is a very difficult course. Is it that much more difficult than calc 1?
  35. 2

    Struggling With Calc 1: Should I Stay or Switch for Calc 2?

    Ok i am currently in calc 1 and will be taking calc 2 next smester. I am doing well in calc 1 and am happy with it for the most part. Here is my problem the class i am in is a decent ways behind all the other classes. We just finshed the chain rule and the other classes have just started...
  36. L

    Help With Calc 2: Improve Test Scores & Pass or Resign?

    On my Calculus 2 class, I study and study, I feel I know the material, I can do most of the HW but when it comes to tests I just don't to to well on them. I am just asking for help. On my first test I got a 45 of 90. On my second test I thought I was so prepared and after felt very...
  37. C

    Taking Calc 3 w/out taking calc 2?

    hopefully this is the right place to ask this. But do you think I would be able to handle calculus 3 (multivariable) without taking (formally) calculus 2? I'm going to be a high school senior next year, and I've taken a class in calc 1. I've self studied the material in calc 2 and it doesn't...
  38. S

    Calc 2 Before Physics: Advantages & Disadvantages

    Is there an advantage in taking calc 2 before the first calc based physics class? Many have mentioned that integration is involved in first semester physics. I have a chance to take calc 1 this summer in a seven week course. I am taking calc based physics next january because that is the next...
  39. C

    Solving Differential Equation (dz/dt) + e^(t+z) = 0 with Arbitrary Constant C

    I have to solve the differential equation and let C represent an arbitrary constant. (dz/dt)+e^(t+z)=0 I can't seem to figure it out i wind up getting z=-2e^(t^2)+e^(C)
  40. S

    Calc 2 hydrostatic force problem

    Find the hydrostatic force on one side wall of the pool when it is full of water. how do i go about solving this? image is attached
  41. O

    Would anyone mind checking my work? - Calc 2

    The images below are scanned images of work for one of my assigned problems in Calculus 2. Right now I am only concerned with integrating in order to find a position function (ignoring the constant of integration for time being). How does it look? I am checking my work with Maple 10. I do...
  42. N

    I didn't learn things in Calc 1 that is needed in Calc 2

    I have a pretty big problem. I just got out of my first Calc 2 class and we are using James Stewarts Calculus 5th edition. The problem is that we are starting on ch. 12 in the calc 2 class, but we only went up to chapter 7 in my calc 1 class. I talked to my prof. and he said I should self...
  43. B

    Tips/Strategys for succeeding in calc based physics and calc 2?

    Tips and strategys for succeeding and getting the material?
  44. T

    Length of Curve (Calc 2) question

    So the length of a curve given by a vector r is: L = \int |r'(t)|dt If the vector is given by r(t) = < t, t^2/srt2, t^3/3> on an interval from 0 to 1, find the length I am incredibly confused here, as most of the examples we've used have been using the cos^2+sin^2 = 1 identity. I...
  45. J

    Preparing for Calc 2: What Topics Should I Review?

    Hello all. I am currently attending a community colleges Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 course, and have just been accepted to a University for the fall. My question is do you all think that I will be ready for calc 2, or should I retake calc 1? I am doing pretty good in calc 1, but I am...
  46. B

    Prepare for Calc 2 Final with Practice Exam - Study Guide and Tips Included

    Hey I have attach one of the practice exam that my professor gave out yrs ago as a study guide for our final. I think i need to use comparison for hte first two problems but have no clue where to start for the last one :(