Car crash Definition and 61 Threads

A traffic collision, also called a motor vehicle collision, car accident, or car crash, occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree, pole or building. Traffic collisions often result in injury, disability, death, and property damage as well as financial costs to both society and the individuals involved. Road transport is the most dangerous situation people deal with on a daily basis, but casualty figures from such incidents attract less media attention than other, less frequent types of tragedy.A number of factors contribute to the risk of collisions, including vehicle design, speed of operation, road design, weather, road environment, driving skills, impairment due to alcohol or drugs, and behavior, notably aggressive driving, distracted driving, speeding and street racing.
In 2013, 54 million people worldwide sustained injuries from traffic collisions. This resulted in 1.4 million deaths in 2013, up from 1.1 million deaths in 1990. About 68,000 of these occurred in children less than five years old. Almost all high-income countries have decreasing death rates, while the majority of low-income countries have increasing death rates due to traffic collisions. Middle-income countries have the highest rate with 20 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, accounting for 80% of all road fatalities with 52% of all vehicles. While the death rate in Africa is the highest (24.1 per 100,000 inhabitants), the lowest rate is to be found in Europe (10.3 per 100,000 inhabitants).

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  1. K

    Car Crash Simulation: Calculating Damage & Enhancement Effects

    Hi.. I am trying to create a car crash simulation. what i want to do is to simulate two cars crashing and calculate the damage that was induced on both cars with the given speed, mass etc. part 2 of that simulation is an enhancement on car A. I would put beams on the doors of the cars to lessen...
  2. A

    Why do cars get deformed in high-speed crashes?

    I have a question. Let's say a car is moving at 100 miles an hour and hits a 15 inch thick steel beam, the car would most likely go flying back and get deformed (assuming the beam is being held into place somehow, like being bolted into the ground or something). Based on my understanding of...
  3. B

    Calculate Speed of Light & Heavier Car After Collision at Intersection

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  4. A

    Car crash collision calculation

    i am doing a physics project where you have to draw a situation and explain as much physics as possible. So me and my friends anre doing a car crash, actually a car hitting a pole. And we want to know a formula to calculate how much the pole will be pushed back/dented or if broken from base.
  5. Pengwuino

    Are VW Car Crash Commercials Too Disturbing or Effective?

    I'm sure some people have seen it but in short, the commercials go something like this: Family or friends talking in a car, driving along, or something very casual and normal. Their conversation seems random enough. All of a sudden, you see (from an in-car viewpoint) a car/truck coming...
  6. F

    Car Crash Scenario Math: Is 114285 Pa Too High?

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  7. V

    Estimating Car Crash Force: Can We Determine Impact in LBS?

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  8. M

    How can I prove my innocence in a three-car crash using physics?

    I need to do some homework for court. It has been more than 30 years since I was in a physics class. I was the middle car in a three-car crash at a stop light - traffice started to move after the light turned green, then all of a sudden someone in the line in front hit their breaks. The...
  9. F

    Fatal Pressure in Car Crashes with Airbags & Seatbelts

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  10. U

    Inelastic Car Crash problem. HELP

    The problem is: The red car rear ended the blue car(who was stopped at a stop sign, with handbrake partly on) the cars ended up seperately on the other side of the intersection. We are asked to explain what happened, was the driver of the red car speeding etc. I am unsure how to start this...
  11. N

    Help with minor car crash physics

    Hello, I am new to forums so please excuse my post if it is in the wrong area. I was wondering whether someone could help me out with understanding the physics involved in a minor car crash between 2 cars (both traveling at 5 mph). *This is not homework etc, trying to understand a real...