Cauchy stress Definition and 11 Threads

  1. L

    A Going from Cauchy Stress Tensor to GR's Energy Momentum Tensor

    Why do the Cauchy Stress Tensor & the Energy Momentum Tensor have the same SI units? Shouldn't adding time as a dimension changes the Energy Momentum Tensor's units? Did Einstein start with the Cauchy Tensor when he started working on the right hand side of the field equations of GR? If so, What...
  2. D

    I Cauchy Stress Tensor in Applied Strength of Materials

    I am in a course in applied strength of materials and we often use the 3D stress tensor for stress analysis of materials i.e. Mohr's circles, bending, torsion, etc. Is the stress-energy tensor in relativity basically a 4-d extension to the Cauchy stress tensor commonly used in mechanical...
  3. A

    Dependence of the stress vector on surface orientation

    According to Cauchy's stress theorem, the stress vector ##\mathbf{T}^{(\mathbf{n})}## at any point P in a continuum medium associated with a plane with normal unit vector n can be expressed as a function of the stress vectors on the planes perpendicular to the coordinate axes, i.e., in terms of...
  4. B

    Frame indifference and stress tensor in Newtonian fluids

    During lecture today, we were given the constitutive equation for the Newtonian fluids, i.e. ##T= - \pi I + 2 \mu D## where ##D=\frac{L + L^T}{2}## is the symmetric part of the velocity gradient ##L##. Dimensionally speaking, this makes sense to me: indeed the units are the one of a pressure...
  5. B

    Boundary condition: null traction on the boundary of an elastic block

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to understand the rationale behind the boundary condition for the problem "Finite bending of an incompressible elastic block". (See here from page 180).Here we have as Cauchy Stress tensor (see eq. (5.82)): ##T = - \pi I + \mu (\frac{l_0^2}{4 \bar{\theta}^2 r^2} e_r...
  6. B

    Finite bending of an elastic block - Equilibrium equations

    I am studying the finite bending of a rubber-like block, assuming Neo-Hookean response. In the following, ##l_0##,##h##, ##\bar{\theta}## are parameters, while the variables are ##r## and ##\theta##. The Cauchy stress tensor is ##T= - \pi I + \mu(\frac{l_0^2}{4 \bar{\theta}^2 r^2} e_r \otimes...
  7. Kushwoho44

    Understanding the Cauchy Stress Tensor: Clearing Up My Confusion

    I have been trying to fully grasp the concept of the Cauchy stress tensor and so I thought I'd make a post where I clear up my confusion. There may be subsequent replies as I pose more questions. I am specifically confused at how the stress tensor relates to the control volume in the image...
  8. L

    Cauchy Stress Components from Surface Force

    Hi, I've been trying to figure out how to get Cauchy Stress Tensor components (~9) from a surface force for a while now. My background in this subject is not too deep, but I'm trying to build a renderer simulation in my free time. I can get surface traction from a Stress Tensor: t =...
  9. C

    What Are the Key Differences Between τxy and τyx in the Cauchy Stress Tensor?

    Homework Statement[/B] I don't understand the difference between τxy . τyx , τxz , τzx , τyz , τzy ..What did they mean ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution taking τxy and τyx as example , what are the difference between them ? They...
  10. M

    Understanding the Cauchy Stress Tensor for Beginners

    Hello, I am not sure what the first indice in the cauchy stress tensor indicates For example, σ_xy means that the stress in the y direction, but does x mean the cross sectional area is normal to the x direction?
  11. F

    Cauchy stress principle & eigenvalues of stress tensor

    First of all, thanks for all the helpful comments to my previous posts. I'm trying to get a grasp of stress tensors and have been doing some studying. In the literature I've been looking at, it says something about the eigenvalues of stress tensors and the principle stresses. This is...