Circular orbit Definition and 90 Threads

A circular orbit is an orbit with a fixed distance around the barycenter; that is, in the shape of a circle.
Listed below is a circular orbit in astrodynamics or celestial mechanics under standard assumptions. Here the centripetal force is the gravitational force, and the axis mentioned above is the line through the center of the central mass perpendicular to the plane of motion.
In this case, not only the distance, but also the speed, angular speed, potential and kinetic energy are constant. There is no periapsis or apoapsis. This orbit has no radial version.

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  1. R

    Acceleration of two bodies in circular orbit provided by own gravity

    If two bodies are moving about a common point, with one orbiting the other, in a completely circular orbit, from knowing just their periods (which are equal) and the graviational constants of each body times mass, how would you determine the radius of each of their circular orbits? You can get...
  2. P

    How Do Radius and Orbit Affect Satellite Dynamics?

    For a satellite in circular orbit above earth, state how the following properties depend on radius? a) period b) kinetic energy c) speed This is the question i need help with folks... I've answered it using words so far (correct me if I'm wrong) but I'm wondering how i could go about this...
  3. L

    Delta-v for Hohmann transfer from hyperbolic trajectory to circular orbit

    I get different result than stated in the book. What am I doing wrong? Homework Statement A spacecraft returning from a lunar mission approaches Earth on a hyperbolic trajectory. At its closest approach A it is at an altitude of 5000 km, traveling at 10 km/s. At A retrorockets are fired to...
  4. S

    Circular orbit and gravitational questions

    the answer for a is .571 rad/s for b, I am not sure do i use like kinematics?? and I am lost on c? If feel a is velocity = distance/time so is it 2pi*3040/60? and not sure on b either.Sorry these are a lot of questions, but i am trying to learn and get an A, so i want to make sure I get all of...
  5. M

    What Speeds Are Required for a Satellite's Circular Orbit?

    This is my first question here, so I'm a little new at this. I've really learned a lot from this forum in the past. Here goes: 1. Suppose you are responsible for a no-engine rocket project which carries a new satellite into space a. What is the the minimum initial speed of the rocket to...
  6. A

    Work required to lift object from earth's surface to circular orbit

    Homework Statement How much work must be done by a rocket engine to lift a 1000kg payload from rest on the Earth's surface to a circular orbit of radius 2Re (2 times the radius of the earth)? Homework Equations Eg = -GmM/r Ek = GmM/2r The Attempt at a Solution I know ΔE = W I...
  7. M

    Verifying Circular Orbit of a Spacecraft

    Homework Statement If given a speed of a spacecraft , and a radius from the sun, how do you prove that it was or was not in a circular orbit about the sun? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution To prove it is not do I just find the mass of the spacecraft and the size of...
  8. Z

    Kepler's 3rd Law, circular orbit, 2 planets

    Homework Statement this is the question. Homework Equations T^2=\frac{4\pi^2a^3}{GM} E=-\frac{GMm}{2a} The Attempt at a Solution I have none. My question is, does the fact that there are two planets affect the equations for period and...
  9. B

    Period of satellite in circular orbit

    Homework Statement Given: G = 6.67259 × 10−11 Nm2/kg2 The acceleration of gravity on the surface of a planet of radius R = 4190 km is 6.5 m/s2. What is the period T of a satellite in circu- lar orbit h = 14120.3 km above the surface? Answer in units of s. Homework Equations...
  10. C

    Calculating Orbit Velocity Around a Star

    I'm toying with the idea of making a little 2D space orbiter game so I've implemented Newton's universal gravity law into this little app. It works really well, even. The problem I'm having is when I want to create an asteroid-belt. I spawn little asteroids randomly around an area around the...
  11. D

    Satellite following circular orbit.

    Homework Statement A satellite with a mass of 5.00 x 10^2kg is in a circular orbit, whose radius is 2r_e, around earth. Then it is moved to a circular orbit with a radius of 3r_e. a) Determine the satellite's gravitational potential energy from the first orbit to the second orbit. b)...
  12. M

    Magnetic field of a proton in circular orbit

    Protons having momentum 7.63*10^-16 kg*m/s are held in a circular orbit of radius 1 km by an upward magnetic field. What is the magnitude of the field? Answer in units of T (Tesla). r=mv/qB; where r is the radius of the circular orbit, m is the mass of the particle, v is the velocity of...
  13. R

    Satellite moving in a stable circular orbit

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  14. K

    Work on a magnet's circular orbit and Magnetic Flow

    Hello there! Long time no see! I've been struggling with this thing for a long time, and finally I've been able to write something down and wonder whether it is correct or not. Unluckily, I am trying to do something that may be more difficult than it seems, so I need your help. I am going...
  15. G

    Circular orbit VS Elliptical orbit? Differences?

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  16. S

    Relativistic Particle in Circular Orbit

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  17. Math Jeans

    Oscillation of disturbed constrained circular orbit

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  18. fluidistic

    Question about sending satellite circular orbit

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  19. A

    Gravitation - Satellite in circular orbit

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  20. T

    Orbital question(elliptical vs circular orbit)

    are there two points or one in an elliptical orbit where the speed is equal to the speed of a circular orbit at the same radius? if so what is the expression for this point? Thank you
  21. S

    Asteroid in a circular orbit about the Sun

    If the Earth's period is 365.25 days and its distance to the (center of the) Sun is one astronomical unit (AU), what is the period, to the nearest day, of an asteroid in a circular orbit about the Sun with a radius of 3.04 AU? please show steps so that I can learn. thanks a lot.
  22. J

    What Are the Correct Calculations for a Geosynchronous Satellite's Orbit?

    [SOLVED] Circular orbit question...please check answers Homework Statement Given: G = 6.67259 × 10^-11 N m^2/kg^2 . A 956 kg geosynchronous satellite orbits a planet similar to Earth at a radius 201000 km from the planet’s center. Its angular speed at this radius is the same as the...
  23. C

    Calculating Period of Hubble Telescope Orbit

    Homework Statement The Hubble Space Telescope orbits Earth 615 km above Earth's surface. What is the period of the telescope's orbit? Homework Equations T = 2(pi)r/v The Attempt at a Solution T = 2(pi)(6.37x10^6)/9.8
  24. B

    Calculating Energy for Circular Orbit to Launching Satellites

    [SOLVED] energy for circular orbit This one should be easy for you guys, I've been workin on it for a while and need pointed in the right direction. For starters, here's the question: Neglecting Earth's rotation, show that the energy needed to launch a satellite of mass m into circular orbit...
  25. Q

    Quantizing Radii of a Mass in Circular Orbit

    This is yet another sample exam problem which I don't quite know how to approach. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 5) Consider an object of mass m that moves in a circular orbit caused by a central force given by F=-kr, where k is a constant. Suppose that the Bohr quantization...
  26. M

    The space shuttle is in a 300 km-high circular orbit

    Homework Statement The space shuttle is in a 300 km-high circular orbit. It needs to reach a 610 km-high circular orbit to catch the Hubble Space Telescope for repairs. The shuttle's mass is 7.00×10^4 kg. Homework Equations ½(-G(M-earth)(M-telescope))(1/r2 –1/r1) G=6.67*10^6 Mass of...
  27. E

    Why Do Orbiting Particles Collide in Tau/4√2 After an Instant Stop?

    Homework Statement If two particles are orbiting each other in a circular orbit with a period of tau, show that if you stop them both in an instant, they will fall into each other after a time tau/ 4 sqrt2 .Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So, we know that they must be along a...
  28. J

    Space shuttle releases a sattelite into a circular orbit

    The space shuttle releases a sattelite into a circular orbit 680 km above the Earth. How fast must the shuttle be moving (relative to the Earth's center) when the release occurs? I know that G (m*m(earth)/r^2) = m (v^2/r)...with r = r(earth) + h. In this equation, r=6380+680=7060 km. There...
  29. B

    What is the Radius of a Satellite's Circular Orbit Around Earth?

    Homework Statement A satellite is in a circular orbit around the earth. The period of the satellite is 22.0 hr. Calculate the radius of the orbit of the satellite. Data: Mass of the Earth = 5.98·1024 kg. Homework Equations I thought I could use... T^2 = (4pi^2/GM) * r^3 but I am not...
  30. J

    How Does Physics Calculate Satellite Orbit Speed and Escape Energy?

    You will need to use the Momentum Principle to do the first part of this problem, and the Energy Principle to do the second part. A satellite of mass 6500 kg orbits the Earth in a circular orbit of radius of 8.4 106 m (this is above the Earth's atmosphere).The mass of the Earth is 6.0 1024...
  31. T

    Speed of satellite in circular orbit

    Homework Statement A satellite is in a circular orbit about the Earth (M = 5.98 x 1024 kg). The period of the satellite is 9.93 x 104 s. What is the speed at which the satellite travels? Homework Equations v=(2*pi*r)/T v=sqrt((GMe)/r) The Attempt at a Solution...
  32. K

    How Do Spacecraft Velocities Change in Different Orbits?

    Homework Statement A spacecraft of mass 1000 kg is in an elliptical orbit about the earth. At point A the spacecraft is at a distance of 1.2 x 10^7 meters form the center of the Earth and its velocity ( 7.1 x 10^3 m/s) is perpendicular to the line connecting the center of the Earth to the...
  33. B

    Few random questions collision, circular orbit, trajectory, etc

    a body of mass m1 and speed v1 collides with a body of fmass m2 at rest. the bodies ad here; the collision is perfectly inelastic. what fraction of the initial kinetic energy remains? a body of mass m, moving with velocity v1, strikes an ideintical body at rest, off center. friction and...
  34. S

    What is the orbital velocity of the 2nd satellite?

    Homework Statement PROBLEM What is orbital speed of 2nd satellite? VARIABLES velocity of satellite 1 is 17000 meters/second radius of satellite 1 to center of planet is 5250000 meters radius of satellite 2 to planet is 8600000 m Homework Equations Fc = mv2/r The Attempt at a...
  35. N

    Direction of a satellite in a circular orbit

    A satellite is designed to orbit Earth at an altitude above its surface that will place it in a gravitational field with a strength of 4.5 N/kg a) Calculate the distance above the surface of Earth at which the satellite must orbit b) Assuming the orbit is circular calculate the...
  36. B

    Investigating Circular Orbit Energy: Gravity & Kinetic

    Hello, For a college project I'm investigating energy involved in maintaining a circular orbit. The types of energy I'm investigating are gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. I'd like to see if there is any link between the two in order to maintain the orbit i.e. in the same way...
  37. P

    Circular orbit in schwarzschild solution

    Hello everybody, I've been working on a problem about circular orbits in schwarschild spacetime. Recently a infrared flare has been detected from SgrA*m and the lightcurve during the flare has shown some quasiperiodic oscillations with a period of about 17 minutes. Some astronomers interpreted...
  38. Dale

    Do Accelerating Masses Produce Gravitons and Cause Orbit Decay?

    When a charged particle accelerates it produces photons and loses energy which is part of the reason why an electron cannot "orbit" a nucleus. I would think that an accelerating mass would likewise produce gravitons and lose energy so that all orbits would eventually decay. Is this correct...
  39. B

    How Fast Will the Spacecraft Crash into the Lunar Surface?

    An unmanned spacecraft is in a circular orbit around the moon, observing the lunar surface from an altitude of 56.0 km. To the dismay of scientists on earth, an electrical fault causes an on-board thruster to fire, decreasing the speed of the spacecraft by 16.0 m/s. If nothing is done to...
  40. Y

    Can you assume that Jupiter has a circular orbit?

    When it is about the same distance from Jupiter, spacecraft on a mission to the outer planets has a speed that is 1.5 times the speed of Jupiter in its orbit. Why does the orbit of the spacecraft about the sun follow a hyperbolic orbit? Can you assume that Jupiter has a circular orbit...