I am given the ckm matrix and told that B0s decay to Ds- and pi+ with a branching frcation of 3x10-3. I am then asked to find the branching fraction for other decays. I have done this easily enough for decays like B0s to Ds-K+ by using the ckm matrix elements. However the J/psi meson is a charm...
Hi Pfs,
I read a paper about the Cabibbo matrix and the CKM matrix.
The first one is a 2*2 real matrix and the other a 3*3 matrix with complex entries.
In this article i read that a n*n matrix has 2 n*n real degrees or freedom.
The unitarity (orthonormal basis) devides this number by 2.
I read...
When we try to see if the weak sector is CP invariant, we CP transform all the fields in the charged interactions terms and we get a condition involving the elements of the CKM matrix and the arbitrary phases of the CP transformed fields:
$$V_{ij} = V^*_{ij} \, e^{i(\xi_W + \phi_{d_j} -...
A pre-print of a conference paper from eleven months ago analyzes the extent to which the available data on the CKM matrix element values rules out beyond the Standard Model Physics.
It finds that in the most rigid model dependent analysis, that new physics are excluded up to a characteristic...
I find that the quark mixing factor say for example ##V_{ub}## is the same for:
u ##\Leftrightarrow## b
##\bar{u}\Leftrightarrow## b
Does this have something to do with weak interaction being unable to distinguish these from one...
Do you know any books or reviews that explains these in sufficient detail?
I am having some small problems in understanding the triangles of the CKM matrix elements and experiments conducted for their measurement...
I am having some difficulties in understanding something I found. Speaking about CKM matrix for N quark generations...
I know that the Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa matrix is unitary, so it has N^2 free real parameters.
Although I cannot understand how by an overall face they get (2N-1) less :/...
Hi all,
I'm being a bit thick in following some introductory lectures on the Standard Model: http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/hepsummerschool/Teubner-%20Standard%20Model%202008.pdf
The thing I'm struggling to understand is the treatment of how "box" diagrams contribute to B-Bbar mixing (see page 70...
Weak eigenstates d', s', b' are a mixture of mass eigenstates. For example,
This doesn't seem to be the case for u, c, t quarks. For example, there is no
Why is that?
I understand that a 3x3 unitary matrix needs 9 real parameters to be specified (18 real parameters to start with then 9 equations of constraint arising from unitarity), but what I'm struggling to understand is how we can make phase changes of the form:
\mathrm{e}^{-i\beta_I} V_{IJ}...
Homework Statement
I'm trying to get familiar with how to use the CKM matrix when tackling such questions as "which of these two decays is more likely".
My example question is:
Which is more likely c\bar{d} ---> s\bar{d} or c\bar{d} ---> d\bar{d}
Homework Equations
This is a known fact that CKM matrix, a matrix that is used to connect the weak interaction eigenstates to mass eigenstates is unitary. I have studied that this is due to the conservation of probability. i.e. an up type quark will decay into exactly three type of d quarks, nothing more.
Are the coefficients of the CKM matrix the same for all interactions?
If yes, why does the CP violation occur only in very specific interactions and not in all of then?
If no, why does the coupling between family quarks interaction dependent?
First off, what is a mass eigenstate?! Is there a (hermitian) operator associated to mass? What should I picture when discussing a non-mass-eigenstate?! The same goes for a 'weak eigenstate' as the CKM matrix is supposed to be the basis transformation between these two... :rolleyes:
The I...
I'd like to know if someone has seen/read, at least in part, some of this rumbling anywhere (beyond my own speculations, this is). It should be nice to know if it coincides with some other "speculator".
Postulate an undeterminacy principle for GR:
when transforming locally to minkowskian...