I'm having difficulties finding the current for a 9-ohm resistor only, not the 20-ohm
My attempt was to find the voltage of a 20ohm resistor which is V = (0.75A)(20-ohm) = 15V. I got the 0.75A by adding the currents of the two resistors (8-ohm and 16-ohm) together that were in parallel and it...
Could somebody help me out with this combination circuit? The answer that I get is 62K but that is not one of the answers. At first, I thought the 10kohm and 20kohm wherein series and the other side as well. Then I thought they are all in parallel because of the different current flow they all...
Homework Statement
One 18 watt lamp and two 60-watt light bulb are plugged into a 120V circuit. For either DC or AC, the two bulbs are connected each other in parallel and in series with the lamp in the same circuit. Calculate;
i. the current flow through each light
ii. the total...
How do I accomplish this? The goal is to redraw the diagram of the ciruit shown below, until it becomes series in the end.
Here’s what I did:
Diagram 1
*I apologize for flipped images. iPhone camera is tricky.
Is this correct? If not, why?
Homework Statement
Realization of given three functions
\begin{array}{c} f_{1}=x_{1}\bar{x}_{2}\bar{x}_{3}+x_{2}x_{3}\bar{x}_{4}\\ f_{2}=\bar{x}_{3}x_{4}+x_{1}\bar{x}_{2}\bar{x}_{3}\\ f_{3}=x_{2}x_{3}\bar{x}_{4}+\bar{x}_{3}x_{4} \end{array}
using the PLA.
Homework Equations
I don't know...
Homework Statement
Find the total resistance of the circuit
Homework Equations
Parallel resistance: 1/Rtotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ..., Series resistance: R1 + R2 + R3...
The Attempt at a Solution
The 1470 ohm resistor is parallel to the 50 ohm resistor and the 1000 ohm resistor, but there is...
Homework Statement
a. Find the voltages Va, Vb, and Vc.
b. Find the currents I1 and I2.
Homework Equations
Ohm's Law, Current Divider
The Attempt at a Solution
My first attempt was to redraw the circuit. I know that these voltages are with respect to ground. Therefore Va to Ground is...
Homework Statement
What is the potential difference across each resistor?
I know that I'll have to incorporate the V=iR equation
but I don't know where to start though...
My first attempt was with these:
R1=4 R2=8 R3=5 R4=6 R5=3
but this lead me nowhere so I...
Homework Statement
All the batteries shown are 1 V.
What voltage is supplied by the batteries in this circuit?
What is the current through the branch of the circuit containing the 20 Ω resistor?
What is the current through the branch of the circuit containing the 30 Ω resistor?
What is the...
In a combination circuit, with 2 components, if the voltages across each is the same, why must the resistance of the components be equal to each other?
Homework Statement
Have to solve V, I, R and Power for all resistors and the circuit total. Known data is shown in table. The rest needs to be solved for
Homework Equations
Ohm's Law and Series Equation: 1/Er=1/R1+1/R2... and Tr=R1+R2...The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
Combinations of Resistors
Im not sure if the image will show up. If the image doesn't show up; it is similar to this picture http://www.ceb.cam.ac.uk/data/images/groups/CREST/Teaching/impedence/sparal6.gif
In the link's picture R1 is in the correct spot, R2 is R6-5-4 and...
Homework Statement
Determine the Req, IT, and the current and voltage across each resistor. Collapse each drawing into one resistor that equals Req. Find the total power used by the circuit. Also determine the voltage, current, and power for each individual resistor.
The one I'm having...
Homework Statement
In the attached circuit diagram, I have to find the Total resistance of the cicuit, the current at I1, the voltage over R6 and the current through I5.
Homework Equations
V = IR
The Attempt at a Solution
Rt = 12Ohms
I1 = 1A
R6 = 6v
I5 = 1A
Homework Statement
Homework Statement
Find the resistance in resistor MN. Diagram is attached
Homework Equations
in series circuit
R = R1+R2+R2+...Rn
in parallel circuit
\frac{1}{R} = \frac{1}{R_1}+\frac{1}{R_2}+\frac{1}{R_3}+... \frac{1}{R_n}
The Attempt at a Solution
I have no idea on how to get...
I have been given this problem, I've simplified it down to a total resistance however I'm unsure on whether I have done it correctly. Any pointers would be nice, thanks.
First of all I added the two resistors together in the top right as they are series. I then used that product with the...
Homework Statement
For the circuit shown in the figure below, calculate the current I4 through the 1.94Ω resistor.
As shown, R1 = 4.05Ω, R2 = 8.11Ω, R3 = 6.17Ω, R4 = 1.94Ω, I1 = 2.97A and E1 = 12V
Homework Equations
ƩI in a junction = ƩI out of a junction
ƩV in a loop = 0
Homework Statement
Hello forum, please see the attached image.
This problem amounts to finding the equivalent resistance for the circuit and using Ohm's law to solve for the current.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
What I really need help with is learning how...
The problems says "In the circuit shown in the figure all the resistors are rated at a maximum power of 1.20W"
Then it asks "What is the maximum emf that the battery can have without burning up any of the resistors?"
Really, The only part I think I'm having trouble with is finding what the...
Homework Statement
Three identical resistors are connected in parralel. The equivalent resistance increases by 700 ohm when one resistor is removed and connected in series with the remaining two, which are still in parrallel. Find resistance of each resistor
Rt1 + 700ohms = Rt2...
Homework Statement
What is the power dissipated in the 34-Ohm resistor?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have found the total current in the system as well as the current through the resistor, and keep getting 1.88, which is incorrect. Any suggestions on...
Homework Statement
Find the current flowing through each of the resistors in the circuit shown, where \xi = 14V and R=6.3\Omega.
Homework Equations
where I=current (Amps), V=potential different (Volts), R=resistance (\Omega).
Resistors in Series:
Homework Statement
So this Monday I will have a test, and I know for a fact that one of the free response questions will be a circuit with a combination of series and parallel resistors.So my question is can you guys give me some tips on how to do these successfully. I know that I need to...
How To Implement A "combination Circuit" Using ..
how to implement a "combination circuit" using PROM and a "shift register"
i have sequential circuit i know how to build the flip flop part
in it
but i need to implement the "combination circuit" using PROM and a "shift register"
Question 3. Find the total resistance of the following circuit.
R= V/I
If the # of resistors connected in series is n, the equiv. resistor is given by
Rs = R1 + R2 +... + Rn
likewise with resistors connected in parallel,
1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +... + 1/Rn
V0 =...
hi to all
can anyone help me to solve this problem ?
A small corporation has 7 shares of stock, and each share entitles its owner to one vote at a
stockholders meeting. The 7 shares are owned by 3 people as follows:
Mr.W:1 share
Mr.X:3 shares
Mr.Y:3 shares
Each of these persons has a...
The voltage is 120 and its asking me to find total voltage, resistance, power and current. The resistance is given, its all 3 its asking for voltage, power and current for each bulb///please help me...thanks a looot and the picture for this problem is down please click com.jpg...thanks a loot