Complex conjugate Definition and 79 Threads

  1. N

    [complex analysis] differentiation w.r.t. complex conjugate; does it make sense?

    Hello, Differentiability of f : \mathbb C \to \mathbb C is characterized as \frac{\partial f}{\partial z^*} = 0. More exactly: \frac{\partial f(z,z^*)}{\partial z^*} := \frac{\partial f(z[x(z,z^*),y(z,z^*)])}{\partial z^*} = 0 where z(x,y) = x+iy and x(z,z^*) = \frac{z+z^*}{2} and...
  2. M

    [Linear Algebra] Finding T*; complex conjugate linear transformation

    [Linear Algebra] Finding T* adjoint of a linear operator Homework Statement Consider P_1{}(R), the vector space of real linear polynomials, with inner product < p(x), q(x) > = \int_0^1 \! p(x)q(x) \, \mathrm{d} x Let T: P_1{}(R) \rightarrow P_1{}(R) be defined by T(p(x)) = p'(x) +...
  3. J

    Complex conjugate operator is linear

    My textbook claims that the complex conjugate operator is linear. I can't see how this could be. Could someone give me an example of how it is not linear?
  4. A

    How do you take this complex conjugate?

    What's the complex conjugate of \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+it}}, \quad t \geq 0.
  5. M

    Complex Conjugate applied to operators?

    I have a rather fundamental question which I guess I've never noticed before: Firstly, in QM, why do we define the expectation values of operators as integral of that operator sandwiched between the complex conjugate and normal wavefunction. Why must it be "sandwiched" like this? From...
  6. J

    Complex conjugate of the expectation value of momentum

    Homework Statement Compute the complex conjugate of <p> using eq 1.35 (<p>=∫ψ*(h/i)∂/∂x ψ dx) and prove that <p> is real (<p>=<p>*) Homework Equations equation 1.35 is given above The Attempt at a Solution to take the c.c. don't i just add a minus to the i and switch the stars like...
  7. R

    Partial derivative with respect to complex conjugate

    So, my complex analysis professor defined \partial f / \partial z^* as \frac {\partial f}{\partial z^*} = \frac {1}{2} \left( \left(\frac {\partial u}{\partial x}-\frac {\partial v}{\partial y}\right) + i\left(\frac {\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac {\partial v}{\partial x}\right)\right) where z...
  8. A

    Complex conjugate zeros in pure RC ckt

    Hi, Is there a possibility of getting a complex conj zeros in pure RC ckt. we never get complex conj poles but how about complex conj zeros. regards, Asif
  9. X

    Derivative of a complex conjugate?

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations Derivations and substitutions. The Attempt at a Solution Basically it seems like a very simple problem to me however I can't seem to get the right answer. First I just assumed that the c.c...
  10. W

    Prove Complex Conjugate: z=cisθ

    Homework Statement i am supposed to prove that for the complex number z=cis\theta the conjugate is \frac{1}{\overline{z}} Homework Equations if z=a+bi \overline{z}=a-bi The Attempt at a Solution all that i can think of is that \frac{1}{cos\theta i sin \theta} =(cos \theta i sin...
  11. zonde

    Probability is square of amplitude or it's product with complex conjugate?

    I have seen discussion about it here but it is still not clear to me whether probability is square of probability amplitude or is it product of amplitude with it's complex conjugate. I looked in HyperPhysics" and it says it's product...
  12. D

    Why is the derivative of a complex conjugate zero in quantum mechanics?

    Hi. Sometimes in my quantum mechanics course we encounter derivatives such as \frac{d}{dz}z^*, i.e. the derivative of the complex conjugate of the complex variable z wrt z. We are told that this is just zero, even though I know that the complex conjugate is not an analytic function ... Has...
  13. B

    Finding a Complex Conjugate value of wave function

    First, sorry for my poor English and any impolite behavior might happen. Here's two wave function(pic1) and problem below(pic2). and they are polar coordinate problem ψ(r,θ,Φ) You can see, problem requires conjugate function of ψ1. Is it possible to find one? or is there a possibility...
  14. S

    The limit of the complex conjugate as z -> 0

    Hi I'm wondering if the z- (complex conjugate of z) goes to zero as z does? Also what is the derivative of z- with respect to z? Thanks
  15. D

    Integrating the Complex conjugate of z with respect to z

    Im doing a bit of contour integration, and a question came up with a term in it am unsure of how to do: in its simplest form it would be \int\bar{z}dz where z is a complex number and \bar{z} is it's conjugate. Hmm i can't get the formatting to work out properly.. :S
  16. J

    Definition of Complex Conjugate

    Hey all, I was just curious: Why is the conjugate of a complex number (a + bi) defined as (a - bi)? If we instead change the sign of the real part (-a + bi), we still get a real number when we multiply the two. Is there a particular significance to the current definition...
  17. Amith2006

    Complex conjugate of wave function

    A wave function(psi) is a mathematical quantity which gives complete information about the state of a system at a particular instant of time. But what information does the complex conjugate of a wave function(psi*) give? Does it represent the same state as psi? Or does it just have a...
  18. V

    Is Complex Conjugation Differentiable and Are lp Spaces Complete?

    I have two questions Homework Statement Show that the function defined by complex conjugation is not differentiable. Homework Equations If z = x + iy then the complex conjugate of z is x - iy The Attempt at a Solution f'(z) = lim z -> z1 \frac{f(z) - f(z1)}{z - z1} So I...
  19. M

    Show that complex conjugate is also a root of polynomial with real coefficients

    Homework Statement Suppose that f(x) is a polynomial of degree n with real coefficients; that is, f(x)=a_n x^n+ a_(n-1) x^(n-1)+ …+a_1 x+ a_0, a_n,… ,a_0∈ R(real) Suppose that c ∈ C(complex) is a root of f(x). Prove that c conjugate is also a root of f(x) Homework Equations...
  20. H

    Is Complex Conjugate Integration Valid on Contour |z|=1?

    i was thinking this over, and i'd like to know if the following statement is valid: \oint\overline{z}dz = \oint1/zdz over the contour \left|z\right|=1 any thoughts?
  21. D

    Complex conjugate variables as independent variables in polynomial equations

    Hi, Is there any trick to treat complex conjugate variables in polynomial equations as independent variables by adding some other constraint equation ? Say, we have polynomial equation $f(x,x^{*},y,...) = 0$. where x^{*} is the complex conjugate of variable $x$. I might think of taking $x = r...
  22. camilus

    How can I solve a complex conjugate problem for my friend in college algebra?

    Homework Statement sun, I don't know why I am stuggling with a simple freakin problem. Its not even for me its for my friend who's in college algebra, but for some reaon I can't get the correct answer. {9 - 11i \over 6i} The Attempt at a Solution I multiplied by the conjugate twice and...
  23. C

    Complex conjugate an independent variable?

    It's very commong to use z and z* as two independent variables, differentiating with respect to one while keeping the other constant. Can you please give me some intuitive insight into this method, and why it works so well? Because every time I see this my first thought is that z and z* are NOT...
  24. E

    Complex Conjugate of Fourier Transform

    Hello All, As I understand it, the wavefunction Psi(x) can be written as a sum of all the particle's momentum basis states (which is the Fourier transform of Psi(x)). I was woundering if the wavefunction's complex conjugate Psi*(x) can be written out in terms of momentum basis states, similar...
  25. Pythagorean

    Is the Complex Conjugate of Sin Equal to Sin of the Conjugate?

    Homework Statement does (\sin{z})^* = \sin{z^*}? (where z is a complex number) Homework Equations \sin{z} = \frac{1}{2} (e^{iz} - e^{-iz}) The Attempt at a Solution (\sin{z})^* = \frac{1}{2} (e^{iz} - e^{-iz})^* = \frac{1}{2} (e^{-iz^*} - e^{iz^*}) = -\frac{1}{2} (e^{iz^*} - e^{-iz^*}) =...
  26. K

    Proving the Complex Conjugate of a Matrix Determinant

    Homework Statement show that det(A)=(detA)*= det(A$) where * denotes complex conjugate and $ means transpose Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Please help me to start the problem.I am not getting a way.
  27. Q

    How to take a complex conjugate of a 5*5 matrices?

    I'm doing a take home final and wanted reassurance that I'm doing the problem right. the question involves taking <Sz>of |psi>. I know it's <psi|Sz|psi>. I've never done it for a spin 2 particle which is a 5*5 matrix.Do i just take the complex conjugate of the values without switching their...