Compton effect Definition and 69 Threads

  1. MathematicalPhysicist

    How Is the Scattered Photon's Energy Calculated in the Inverse Compton Effect?

    Problem statement A photon of energy E0 head on with a free electron of rest mass m0 and speed v. the photon is scattered at at 90 degrees. find the energy E of the scattered photon. attemtp at solution the answer in the book is E=\frac{E_0(1+ \frac{v}{c})}{1+\frac{E_0}{E_i}} where...
  2. S

    Compton Effect: Finding Final KE of Electron

    Homework Statement In the compton effect a .150nm photon strikes a free staionary electron in a head-on elastic collision and knocks it into the foward direction. The rebounding photon recoils directly backwards. Use the collision conservation laws to find the final kinetic energy of the...
  3. G

    How Do You Derive the Compton Effect Equation from Conservation Laws?

    oK SO... I have been given the task of deriving the Compton effect equ. ( \lambda\prime-\lambda=\frac{h}{m_ec}(1-cos\theta)) exactly from the 3 following: 1) \frac{h}{\lambda}=\frac{h}{\lambda\prime}cos\theta +\gamma m u cos\phi 2) 0=\frac{h}{\lambda\prime}sin\theta-\gamma mu sin\phi...
  4. B

    The Compton Effect: Usage, Why & Importance

    what is the area of usage of compton effect,why do we use it and where do we use?what is the importance of it?please help me!
  5. L

    Standard Compton Effect Explained Classically/Semiclassically

    I know this topic has already been covered many times, but, is it possible to explain classically or semiclassicaly the standard Compton effect?
  6. B

    How can I eliminate phi and u to derive the Compton effect equation?

    Hi everyone, Right now, I am working on a homework problem asking me to derive the Compton effect, which is given by \lambda\prime-\lambda=\frac{h}{m_ec}(1-cos\theta) A diagram of the situation can be found here:
  7. E

    How Does the Compton Effect Explain Photon-Electron Collisions?

    In the Compton effect, a 0.100nm photon strikes a free electron in a head-on collision and knocks it into the forward direction. The rebounding of the photon recoils it directly backward. Use conservation of (relativistic) energy and momentum to determine: a) the kinetic energy of the electron...
  8. O

    Compton effect with no scattering angle

    How do I find the endpoint energy for photons when an .75 MeV electron beams stops inside a tungsten target? I just don't understand how to solve it without the scattering angle.:confused:
  9. Pengwuino

    A KE derivation from Compton Effect

    I have an odd problem here. I need to show that: KE = \frac{{\frac{{\Delta \lambda }}{\lambda }}}{{1 + (\frac{{\Delta \lambda }}{\lambda })}}hf I've basically derived KE = \frac{{hc}}{{\lambda _o }} - \frac{{hc}}{{\lambda '}} down to… KE(\frac{{\lambda '}}{{\lambda _o ^2 }}) =...
  10. U

    Compton effect and visible light

    why is it extremely dificult to observe the compton effect using visible light? is it because visible light does not have a short enough wavelenght to excite the electrons?
  11. A

    Comparing Compton Effect: 10pm vs 20pm Wavelengths for Electromagnetic Waves

    for the following question: for electromagnetic waves A of wavelength 10pm and electromagnetic waves B o f wavelengthh 20 pm, which produces more pronounced Compton effect? my problem: the question doesn't give the scattering angle or final wavelength, so isn't this question too ambiguous?
  12. A

    Is the Compton Wavelength of a Sodium Atom Comparable to X-ray Wavelengths?

    for the following question: x-rays scattered by a crystal are assumed to undergo no change in wavelength. show that this assumption is reasonable by calculating the compton wavelength of a Na atom and comparing it with the typical x-ray wavelength of 0.1nm. my problems: 1) why doesn't...
  13. ?

    Photons (compton effect, pair production)

    How can a photon knock an electron from a shell, entirely out of the atom? (i.e PhotoElectric Effect) Photons have 0 rest mass, and little relativistic mass? For force, F = ma For example, let m = negligable (like the photon's mass is) mass so = mn If F = (mn)a and mn is small...
  14. B

    Compton Effect: Electromagnetic Interaction with Electrons

    Here's what I know... the xray hits an electron and the electron goes of at some angle, with the xray deflecting the other way. I was curious if a certain portion of the electric versus the magnetic waves are transferred into the electron for momentum and another portion for the new(is it a new...
  15. S

    Confidence in traditional interpretation of Compton effect ?

    It appears more and more people are challenging the traditional interpretation of the Compton/Photoelectric Effects. Cramer back in 1986 used the Hanbury-Brown-Twiss effect to show that there is not a 1:1 correspondence between the emitted and dected quanta. You have to combine fractions of...
  16. P

    Maximum energy transefer in COmpton effect - rutherford

    In the Rutherford scattering experiment a very thin gold foil target is bombarded with a beam of a particles of known kinetic energy. A detector which can be moved on a circle around the target counts the scattered particles. What was the impact parameter of a 4.57 MeV a particle if it was...
  17. P

    Maximum Energy transfer in Compton Effect

    A photon having E = 14.7 keV energy scatters from a free electron inside a metal. What is the maximum energy the electron can gain from the photon? Lamda'-lamda= change in lamda = h/mc (1-cos(theta)) ...having problems figuring out theta ... I know E=hc/lamda so lamda = hc/E
  18. P

    Compton Effect and Transmutation

    Suppose you have some thin film of pure carbon graphite sitting on some metal, like iron. Now we start irradiating some EM energy on it the graphite, but at a specific frequency. Is it possible to select a frequency, and potentially some sort of spread/interference pattern to the EM energy...
  19. W

    Visible Spectrum and the Compton Effect

    Hi,I need some help here. Why the Compton effect can not be noticed when we are using light from the visible spectrum?