consciousness model Definition and 1 Threads

The eight-circuit model of consciousness is a holistic model originally presented as psychological philosophy (abbreviated "psy-phi") by Timothy Leary in books including Neurologic (1973) and Exo-Psychology (1977), later expanded on by Robert Anton Wilson in his books Cosmic Trigger (1977) and Prometheus Rising (1983), and by Antero Alli in his books Angel Tech (1985) and The Eight-Circuit Brain (2009), that suggests "eight periods [circuits]" within the model. The eight circuits, or eight systems or "brains", as referred by other authors, operate within the human nervous system. Each corresponds to its own imprint and subjective experience of reality. Leary and Alli include three stages for each circuit, detailing developmental points for each level of consciousness.
The model lacks scientific credibility and has largely been ignored in academia.

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  1. .Scott

    Epothilone B study connected to 'Hard Problem of Consciousness' Model

    A new study published in eNeuro reports the results of administering Epothilone B to rats that are being anesthetized with isoflurane gas. Those results are described in light of the microtubule involvement on consciousness as theorized by Stuart Hameroff's - and famously advocated by Roger...