Hello All,
I have a problem to understand this equation:
$$ \dot{m}_{in} - \dot{m}_{out} = \frac{dm_{CV}}{dt} $$
It supposed to describe change in the mass of the control volume during a process.
Two terms on the left are the total mass flow rates in and out of the system. I struggle to...
I'm trying to figure out how the mathematics of conservation of mass in compressible flow works for a simple setup. I posted this problem in hw physics section, and the conversation turned to the physics model and appears to have gone kaput. This was supposed to be a mathematics question (but...
Suppose I'm looking at a bar of length L(t) in 1D and I have the conservation of mass:
\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial}{\partial x}(\rho u)=0
In order to make things easier, I make the change of variable x'=x/L(t) so that in this frame of reference, the length remains constant...
In the derivation of the conservation law of the conservation of mass, the flux on one side enters and the flux on the other side leaves the control volume. I presume this is due to the assumption that the volume is infinitesimally small and hence v(x,y,z,t) will not change directions...
Does the law of conservation of mass fail to meet the first postulate of the special theory of relativity(the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference)?
Summary:: Control volume question that has a brine solution entering a tank and mass accumulates over time.
Hello, I'm currently struggling with a control volume approach question that has a brine solution entering a tank. I get to a point where I have a first order differential equation. I...
Hi, I'm writing a short story which addresses an issue in time travel that I don't really see getting addressed, and I was wondering where I could find the original quote where it is written that mass or energy can neither be created nor destroyed? I'm aware the original won't be in English...
I understand that ##\dot m=\rho Q## and ##{\dot m}_{in}= {\dot m}_{out}## . So one can say that ##\rho Q_1 = \rho Q_2##. But I'm not sure if that equation is correct. I don't know if the density remains constant, or the volume flow rate. And then how I'm also supposed to tie a state equation in...
Homework Statement
A mechanical servo-mechanism comprising of a movable piston-cylinder within a vertical cylinder operates based on a venturi contraction in a horizontal 350mm diameter pipe that delivers a fluid of relative density 0.95. The upper end of the 100mm diameter vertical cylinder is...
Are the laws of conservation of mass always obeyed. in a nuclear reaction mass is converted to energy therefore mass isn't conserved. I understand that energy is always conserved, but I feel like mass isn't.
Hi PF!
In fluids I've noticed many authors use the continuity equation with an integral form of conservation of volume (assume density is constant). Is this double counting? Example: let fluid velocity inside an idle bubble be ##\vec u = \nabla \phi##. Conservation of mass implies ##\nabla u =...
I understand the 1st law of thermodynamics developed as a generalization based on experimental observations, in that an exception has yet to be found in thousands of situations, so it is considered to hold true in all possible situations.
If that is how it developed, is there any other theory or...
Hi PF! Suppose we have a water wave with mean depth ##H## with disturbance ##\zeta## above/below ##H## propagating through a channel of thickness ##b##. The book parenthetically remarks that the continuity equation becomes $$\partial_t(b(H+\zeta))+\partial_x(bHu)=0.$$ However, when I try...
Source: Çengel/Cimbala.
Above part is confusing for me from some points. First of it what can a closed system refer to? I just understand a piston/cylinder arrangement with an ideal gas in it. But this concept must be more comprehensive than I have it in my mind.
Second, does "closed system...
How can we prove the law of conservation of mass ? I said prove not the verification, how lavoiser decided that yes this law is followed by every chemical reaction, is there a proof
For a particle , E2 = (pc)2 + (moc2)2
and for a system of particle , (ΣE)2 = (Σpc)2 + (Σmoc2)2
so in that way before a collision,
(ΣEi)2 = (Σpic)2 + (Σmoic2)2
and after , (ΣEf)2 = (Σpfc)2 + (Σmofc2)2
and as far as i know energy and momentum is conserved . so that means ΣEi=ΣEf
and also Σpi=Σpf...
Hi PF!
Can someone help me understand why, when writing the continuity equation we write: $$\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \iiint_v \rho \, dv$$ instead of $$ \iiint_v \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \rho \, dv$$
I understand the two are not necessarily the same, but why derive it the first way...
The laws of thermodynamics deal with the irreversible flow of energy. Conservation of energy is the first law and increasing entropy (disorder) in an energy flow is the second. The conservation of mass is the equivalent first law for matter. It is commonly recognized. But what about the...
Hi there. I'm new to the forum. I apologize if I'm posting at the wrong session. Anyway, here goes the problem: (sorry for any grammar typos).
A solid fuel rocket, home constructed, has initial mass 10 kg; this, fuel is 8 kg. The rocket is launched vertically, from rest; burning the fuel at a...
I was hoping to learn a little bit more about matter-antimatter annihilation. As I understand it, when a particle meets an antiparticle, they are both annihilated and energy is produced. Does this contradict the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of matter? I haven't had much luck...
In mutual induction, when a coil is turned on or off, it generates voltage in another nearby coil. But where is that voltage coming from? It can't be created, so what form of energy does it convert from?
As far as I know, when the magnetic field cuts across the coil, that generates voltage...
This is a study that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine done on the safety of e-cigs or better known as vaping.
The article states, "They found that vaping 3 milligrams of e-cigarette liquid at a high voltage can generate 14 milligrams of loosely affiliated or "hidden"...
Homework Statement
I am studying the topics listed above and have been having great difficulty getting my problems going. To explain, I am having difficulty seeing where the problem should go and attacking in that direction. I can draw out free-body diagrams but I can't see how to solve the...
With this post I am hoping someone would be kind enough to lead me in the right direction.
I am a layman who knows little about the actual math behind physics, nonetheless I have developed an interest in it and wish to expand my knowledge base.
First question I have is if someone could...
Hi physicists!
My name is grant and I am curious as to how helium plays into our Earth's overall mass and gravity. It's my understanding that gravity itself is functionally dependent on the quantity of mass within closed systems or objects, and it's also my understanding that helium will...
Homework Statement
In the equation representing the conservation of mass enclosing flow:
\int\rho \underline{u} \cdot \underline{\widetilde{n}} dA = 0
\underline{u}= velocity vector
\underline{\widetilde{n}} = unit vector normal to surface A
a) what the meaning of the term...
Dear all,
Can the conservation of mass principle be applied to the mass flow rate of a refrigerant in an ideal refrigerator system? And what about for an actual refrigeration system?
I'm reading the principle here but can't work it out. Says that it applies for steady flow, but I assume...
Conservation of mass -- Stellar equation
I was reading over a article on hydrostatic equilibrium of stars. I came across a chapter stating Conservation of Mass, where there is a sphere: r distance from the sphere, density as a function of radius ρ(r). Let m be the mass interior to r...
Homework Statement
The Attempt at a Solution
So first I found the density of the air coming in and going out. Next I used conservation of momentum with two forces caused by the pressures at the entrance and the exit of the nozzle.
I end up getting 1004 which is not the same as...
Homework Statement
Here is the question along with my attempt:
As you see in my second equation there are two unknowns, A_out and dm/dt.
I think my problem is that I don't exactly understand the equation. dm/dt is the net mass flow rate. For example if dm/dt is a positive number then there...
Homework Statement
A bungee jumper of mass 75 kg is standing on a platform 53m above the river. The length of the unstretched bungee cord is 11m. The spring constant of the cord is 65.5N/m. Calculate the jumpers speed at 19m below the bridge on the first fall.
Homework Equations
Homework Statement
This is not homework. I am having trouble interpreting this data. I don't see how it satisfies a conservation of mass. As the temperature is increasing, how is acetone increasing its mole fraction in both phases? If the mole fraction of acetone increases in one phase...
Homework Statement
The problem asks, air at 20 degrees celsius enters a 2-m long closed channel with 5mm x 5mm square duct at 0.2 m/s. One part of the question asks, if someone clams that the average velocity of the exiting air is slightly more than 0.2m/s, does this violate the conservation...
Just a quick question about Conservation of Mass that I somehow managed to confuse myself:
If I have a vent of constant cross section at steady state, given that conservation of mass means that inlet and exit mass flow rate must be the same, does this mean that, taking the...
1. Homework Statement : Essentially it is a loop with a ramp leading to it. Find the height h the car would start from in order to complete the loop. Also find the speed the car would have to be at to complete the loop Your answer should be in terms of r. No friction
2. Homework Equations : I...
A sheet of plywood is held with one edge resting on the floor, as shown in the figure below. The
plywood surface initially makes a small angle, Θ, to the floor. At time t=0 the held edge is released and
the plywood pivots about the edge on the floor as it falls down. It is observed that the...
neutron weighs higher than proton and you add a mass of positron which is around equal to to electron. so mass in right had side is much larger than that is LHS so is it disobeying Law of conservation of mass?
if it disobeys it and follow law of conservation of mass and energy.(E=mc2) then it...
From Wikipedia: "Positron emission or beta plus decay (β+ decay) is a type of beta decay in which a proton is converted, via the weak force, to a neutron, releasing a positron (the antimatter counterpart of an electron) and a neutrino.
Isotopes which undergo this decay and thereby emit...
I'm going to apologize now if what I say doesn't really make sense, I'm still only learning the basics of physics.
Let's say that few hundred or maybe thousands of years, we developed some sort of device that can rip a hole into the space time fabric to create a wormhole. If a spaceship...
If the law of conservation of mass states, in a closed system mass is never lost, how is it, when matter is annihilated, effectively creating photons (which are not considered to be matter) does this law stand true?
Homework Statement
A 4.0 x 10^4kg roller coaster starts from rest at point A. Neglecting Friction, calculate its potential eneregy relative to the ground, its kinetic energy, and it's speed at points, B, C, and D.
at point A : 54m
B: 15m
d:35mHomework Equations
i got potential eneregy by...
" In a chemical reaction matter can be neither created nor destroyed "
So does this law only apply to chemical reactions or can matter ever be destroyed or created in any way shape or form?
and do people believe that something that has been burned can be unburned?
It says that when...
Simple question:
Rest Frame: In their respective rest frames, the following objects have the following rest masses: Object A Mass = 1 kg ; Object B Mass = 1 kg. Total Rest Mass of system: 2 kg.
A & B accelerate and reach some constant Velocity. At this velocity, their relative masses are...
My chem teacher told me once that if you could gather all the atoms produced after burning a piece of wood, you would have the same amount of mass you started with.
Is this true, or does some of it get converted to energy?
I'm reading about "Pair Production and Annihilation", and the...
Homework Statement
The conservation of Mass states that the total mass of substances is the same before and after a chemical or physical change occurs. Explain why this is true in yet not true of density. Explanations to include mathematical as well as verbal proofs.
The Attempt at a...
Any help is greatly appreciated,
A 3-liter vessel contains 2kg of water, 0.05kmol of steam, and 15cm3 of ice (density = 990kg/m3). If the vessel is heated until its entire contents have vaporized, what is the density of the vapor?
now i know I've to use M(in) - M(out) = M(vessel). If...