Given the equation ##\frac{xy} 3##. It is a fact that the gradient vector function is always perpendicular to the contour graph of the origional function. However it is not so evident in the plot above. Any thought will be appreciated.
I have access to both MatLab and Maple, but don't really know how to use either that well. I've been trying to solve the following problem for over a week now....and haven't got anywhere. Any help would be much appreciated.I need to make a contour plot, for points in the xy plane, of the...
The Earth's magnetic field is cylindrically symmetric and can be described using cylindrical coordinates, (ρ,z,φ). The components of the magnetic field are given by:
(B_φ) = 0
(B_ρ) = −∂A/∂z,
(B_z) =(1/ρ) * ∂(ρA)/∂ρ.
The vector potential for a dipole field is given by
(A_φ) = (B_e)(ρ) *...
I want to represent data with 2 variables in 2D format. The value is represented by color and the 2 variables as the 2 axis. I am using the contourf function to plot my data:
set(h, 'edgecolor','none');
Both xrow...
Hi PF!
In Mathematica and given the code below, I am trying to the real part of ##\sigma##, ##Re(\sigma)##, in stead of simply ##\sigma##. Any help would be awesome! Here's what I have:
n = 3;
ContourPlot[(\[Sigma]^2 -
2 (n - 1) (2 n + 1) \[Epsilon] \[Sigma] + (n - 1) n (n + 2)) ((...
I'm trying to generate contours that plot with the animation using contour(X,Y) but it's not quite working. I only need it to be in the x-y plane at 0km depth (see picture for greater clarification)
% A script to plot two 3D waves.
%Define the total time for simulation
Hello everyone! I'm currently trying to plot the effective potential for Sun-Jupiter system, to show the lagrangian points in this system. I've converted to a system of units where G=1, m_sun+m_jupiter=1 and R=1, whereby I get the following equation describing the effective potential of a third...
hey pf!
i am trying to plot a contour (topographic) graph the following ##f(x,y) = \frac{1}{x^2+y^2} e^{x-(x^2+y^2)^{.5}}## where ##f(x,y) = k## where ##k = .001## and doubles in size for about 8 iterations. my attempt is here:
y=-3:0.25:3; z=.25:.25:1;
On Wolfram Alpha it will offend give you a contour plot, and it has similarities to a bifurcation plot with respect to a variable and a parameter.
What is the difference between a contour plot and a bifurcation diagram?
Hi all,
I have made a BSFC plot in MATLAB with engine data tested on an eddie current dyno, The code I used for it is:
>> NP=40;
>> [RP TP]=meshgrid(linspace(min(RPM),max(RPM),NP),linspace(min(Torque),max(Torqu e),NP));
>> BSFC_IT=griddata(RPM,Torque,BSFC,RP,TP);
>> NC=12;
Dear friends
I plot a Contour plot from a function with mathematica, but I don't know how can I add a small box near my figure that explain which value refer to which color?
I put my code below, please help me with adding colordata to my code for having reference for colors.
t = 0.01...
Homework Statement
I need to plot an electric field in some range around base station, for example in range of 200m.
G=1 for the first example
Homework Equations
G=1 for the first example
How can I construct a contour plot in Mathematica for
Consider the quasi-linear 1-D wave equation
\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t} + 2\rho\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial x} = 0
with the piecewise constant initial conditions
When $x_0 = \pm 1$
\rho(x,0) = \begin{cases}
4, & x < -x_0\\
3, &...
with gnuplot
I need to have 2d contour plot from a file (say ss.dat) with three column, first and secend columns are X and Y respectively and the third column is magnitude (I need to have this magnitude with labels on it in 2d plot).
Thanks in advance
I have two 2D functions (surfaces), s1(x,y) and s2(x,y) defined
via Interpolation. They intersect forming an intersection seam (which is a line).
I can plot both functions using Plot3D and I can also plot the seam on the same
3D plot by means of the MeshFunctions option. The comand I...
Hello, All. Thank you in advance for any help, contribution and your time. I have been asked to do a contour plot with a data vs time (date and hours), I am new with Matlab and I don't really know how to make this date and hour in a time series vector to do my contour plot. I have added the data...