Control theory Definition and 71 Threads

  1. E

    Can someone explain control structures in simpler terms in the paper on DES?

    Could someone refer a book or a tutorial that explains the concept of "control structure" - In section 3 of the following paper in simpler terms? Thanks in advance Evrin
  2. O

    Schools Graduate School Advice: Control Theory vs. Optoelectronics vs. Electromagnetics

    Hey everyone. I'm hoping to get some advice from you guys. I am a senior studying Electrical Engineering. I am currently applying for graduate schools and for graduate fellowships (everything is mostly due mid-December). I plan to pursue a PhD. The only problem is, I'm not entirely sure which...
  3. R

    What Does 's' Represent in the Laplace Transform of Control Theory?

    Good day to you people, I have just started learning control theory at Uni, as part of my course, and I have to admit it is quite difficult to grasp. I am starting from the basics, and I am having difficulty understanding what 's' is supposed to represent as regards the Laplace transform...
  4. D

    Books on orbital transfers, satellite control theory, dynamical systems etc

    Hey folks wondering if anyone knows some good books on the following subjects... Orbital transfers, specifically to Lagrange points with information on stable/unstable manifolds. Control theory of satellites, new to control theory so perhaps I should be looking at a general control theory...
  5. A

    How Do You Determine Matrix A from Phi(t) in Linear Control Theory?

    Homework Statement So the first part of the problem asks us to solve for the state transition matrix, which I found to be: Phi(t) = [2 0 0; (2-e^-t) e^-t 0; 0 0 e^-2t]; I need to find the matrix A, which I assume can be done with the following relation: Phit(t) = e^(At) where A is also a...
  6. P

    Control Theory Book for a Mechanical Engineering

    Most books I looked for Control Systems seem to be written by Electrical Engineers. Is there a good book which is written from the point of view of a Mechanical Engineers?
  7. A

    Aileron-Air crafts/Rockets control theory

    Hi all I have majored in mechanical engineering and I have taken some basic control courses in the universities so I am wondering how to control the aileron on an air craft or fins on a rocket so as to get the path you want. example : you want to change the air craft path to move up 10...
  8. D

    Critically Stable - Control Theory

    I am preparing for my control theory exam, but I have come across that I am struggling. I have a third order system and its asking to me determine when a value of an adjustable parameter, K for when the system is critically stable. I just don't know what this corresponds two for a third order...
  9. Y

    Controllability Matrix [Control Theory]

    I looked at several books as well as internet sources, none of them explain how the controllability matrix is formed. Given the linear time invariant system x'(t)=Ax(t)+Bu(t) A is an nxn matrix, B is an nx1 matrix, (assuming single input) Then controllability matrix R is given by...
  10. C

    What Background Is Needed For Control Theory?

    I'm an engineering major, and my school has a lab that works on control theory. I think I would like to work on this in grad school, but I don't know if I have the background to look into it yet? I found a free textbook on the subject from Rutgers...
  11. M

    Inverse kinematics for object trajectory in 2D (control theory?)

    Drone - grey, Asteroid - brown. The goal is to steer the drone into the asteroid. The force acting upon the drone ("thrust") for movement can be in any direction, varies in magnitude, and can be applied at any discrete point in time. The drone's future location is deterministic. I'm confused...
  12. N

    Can a Controller Efficiently Work in a Damping-Free System?

    In most systems there is some sort of damping, but is it possible to develop a controller that works efficiently in a system with no damping? For example, imagine tracking the position of a linear cart moving on a track with no friction. Would it be possible to design a controller to supply a...
  13. S

    Why Does Integral Control Affect Transient Response But Not Root Locus Plot?

    I have a zero at the origin of my root locus plot. I understand that I need integral control to have zero steady-state error. I have 2 questions about this. 1. When I add integral control like this, Kp (1/(Ti*s)) where Ti is from Z-N first method and Kp=1, I get a pole at the origin. I...
  14. U

    Control theory related question

    Homework Statement Assume an under damped transient response graph, the graph will have the form of an envelope. My problem is that I need to find the open loop transfer function of my home build system (for a project) by using the open loop step response (which is an under damped response)...
  15. T

    Is Signal Processing a subset of Control Theory?

    This is an unusual question in this forum but I couldn't think of a better place. I'm new to Signal Processing. Currently I'm looking into localization methods using multiple sensors. This requires, I assume, some sort of "controlling" matrix that will eventually approximate the location of...
  16. A

    Solving Control Theory Problem: What's Wrong with My Example?

    Im trying to figure out how a certain example is working. in this example the function x = g - \frac{k}{m} \frac{(z-z0)^2}{(i-i0)^2} where g, k, m, z0, i0 are fixed values and z, i are variables The function above is written as x = f(i,z) ( \sqrt{g} (z-z0) - y (i-i0) ) where f(i,z) is a...
  17. T

    Programs Control theory useful for a physics major?

    Is a control theory class usueful for someone who wants to do experimental physics in grad school?
  18. M

    Control theory: Frequency response

    In my control theory textbook, frequency response descriptions is one of three main areas of the subject (the others being Laplace transfer functions and state space representations). My questions are: What is the purpose with frequency response in control theory? Why are not transfer...
  19. M

    Control theory: Laplace versus state space representation

    I'm taking a course in control theory, and have been wondering for a while what the benefits are when you describe a system based on the Laplace method with transfer functions, compared to when you use the state space representation method. In particular, when using the Laplace method you are...
  20. B

    Control Theory & Neural Nets: Can It Help?

    Does anyone know control theory? I need to know whether it can be used to find inputs for a neural network in order to produce a desired output.
  21. S

    Relevant Mathematics and Physics in Control Theory

    Hi, I'm an undergrad major in electrical engineering and physics; I am also minoring in mathematics. I am thinking of going into the field of control theory. I was wondering what branches of mathematics are particularly relevant to the field of control theory (I had a mathematics professor who...