I'm pretty new to the concept and I want to get a better idea about it. I've seen a video in which a light wave is stretched since the space itself is stretching. Another analogy is that cosmological redshift is like some ball bearings stuck to a rubber sheet that's stretching.
Suppose we just...
A minimally coupled scalar field can model a cosmological fluid model where
And where the equation of state can be the standard ## \omega = \frac {p} {\rho}##
I can see how this does a fine job modeling matter, because as the scale factor increases, the density will go as ##\frac {1} {a^3}##...
The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect occurs when a photon goes through a gravitational potential that changes due to spacetime expansion (presumably caused by dark energy). For that reason, a photon going through a gravitational well would gain energy (blueshift) when entering and it would lose...
I have come across an old formula from my notes and I have no reference for it but it is using truncated digits in its formula to calculate the redshift for decoupling. The formula is nearly as accurate as the observed data from Planck 2018.
So I would like to figure out the derivation of those...
The space expands due the dark energy, so the light wavelength also stretches during its journey between galaxies, causing a measurable redshift.
How can I argue that this is the right reasoning for the measured redshift? What if someone states that the photon maybe simple loses its energy over...
Summary:: Accurate depiction of cosmological redshift?
Hello. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo representing cosmological redshift, and just wanted to make sure my custom image is correct and accurate, and if you would recognize and be able to tell what it represents. If not then any...
1) I can't manage to find/justify the relation ##(1)## below, from the common relation ##(2)## of a volume.
2) It seems the variable ##r## is actually the comoving distance and not comoving coordinates (with scale factor ##R(t)## between both).
The comoving volume of a region covering a solid...
Summary: I have a question on cosmological redshift which I have just learned about from Sean Carroll. After calculating it for an expanding universe he does a thought experiment to show that it is different to Doppler redshift which would be detected if two galaxies were flying away from each...
Homework Statement
Consider a point in the intergalactic medium at some cosmic time ## t_{obs}##, the time of arrival of a photon of wavelength ##λ_{obs}## as seen by a hydrogen atom at that location. The source of this photon a comoving distance ##r## away emitted it at wavelength ##λ_{em}##...
What causes Cosmological redshift?
Can it be due to Compton scattering with free electrons in the corona/atmosphere?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corona
Has anyone conjectured that the redshift associated with Hubble's constant can be explained by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle? Another words, the further in space away from us a photon is emitted from a galaxy, the longer in time it takes for the photon to reach us. Since the photon has a...
I understand that andromeda is blue shifted because it is moving towards us, but do we see any kind of redshift because of the expansion of the universe.
Is andromeda less blue shifted than it should be because of cosmological redshift?
I was reading some script and when it comes to the cosmological redshift, it says, that only relativistic particles are affected by cosmological redshift. This does feel quite natural, however, I haven't been able to come up with an explanation that shows it with proper physics and...
In studying the chapters on cosmology in Misner/Thorne/Wheeler (what a textbook!), I see that the cosmological redshift is different than Doppler. If I understand correctly, it is due to the expansion of the (Friedman, FLRW) universe during the photon’s long journey to us, rather than being due...
what is thought to be the closest star whose light visible to us now is/has cosmological redshift?
perhaps the same answer but in case not:
at what LY distance does the prevalent cosmological redshift of distant starlight begin?
TY, r
As the Universe expands and the photons stretch to longer wavelengths (say from UV photons to the CMBR now) where has the energy gone since longer wavelength photons have less energy?
I understand it's definition but i am unsure how it affects light.
Does it slow light down? (is this even possible?)
Does it stretch light's wavelength?
Does it convert light into infrared?
Does it make light brighter or dimmer?
hmm. thank you for your kind help!
LIGO reported the announced event with a redshift of 0.6 < z < 1.3. With no em radiation event reported
(AFAIK), does anyone know how they have determined the redshift?
I understand how they could measure the pre-merger, chirp and ring-down frequencies with good accuracy. In order to determine...
I have a quick question about the Special Relativity. Non-relativistically, we expect no doppler shift in the wavelength of the emitted light if the source is moving at right angles to the line of sight to the observer. However there is a transverse doppler shift even in this case, caused by...
Hi all!
I've got a question about the cosmological redshift. We're given the metric
ds^2 = c^2\,dt^2 - a(t)^2 \left[ dr^2 + r^2\,d\theta^2 + r^2\sin^2 \theta\,d\varphi^2 \right]
Now light moves on null geodesics, so c^2\,dt^2 - a(t)^2\,dr^2 for radially moving light. For a GR exercise, we are...
I am confused about the physical meaning of the redshift. Let say the non-relativistic one z=v/c.
When I read Barbara Ryden, Intro to cosmology, she demonstrate the z is not related to the space expansion between the source and the receiver, but 'it does tell us what the scale factor was at the...
A few small questions:
Observationally, why do we conclude that the metric of space is increasing, rather than that light increases in wavelength as it travels cosmological distances? Or are these two conclusions isomorphic?
Since wavelength is negatively correlated with energy, where does...
So I have been thinking. Light gets redshifted because of the cosmological expansion of the Universe. This would mean that other, material particles, should get "cosmologically redshifted" as well right? So, for example, if an electron were flying towards us from some distant galaxy (and we...
In http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.1081 / Am.J.Phys.77:688-694,2009 Bunn and Hogg explain how cosmological redshift can be interpreted as accumulation of infinitesimal Doppler shifts. This suggested to invert z = z(v) and interpret v(z) as relative velocity of two objects with redshift z.
It seems...
Let's say that an event releases a 1 second burst of EM radiation that propagates outward from the source in a spherical wavefront. If the EM wave travels long enough so that expansion doubles its wavelength, is that 1 second burst received as a 2 second burst? Has the total energy of the EM...
Can the cosmological redshift be interpreted as atomic frequencies increasing by the scale factor as the Universe expands?
This explanation seems closer to the truth than the popular idea that a photon's wavelength somehow expands while it travels to us from a distant galaxy. Metric expansion...
Ok, I'm writing up something and I do something I always hate doing... I start arguing myself into a corner.
The argument of the night is the expansion of the universe and how it applies to redshifts. Which has brought a series of questions which I can't seem to grasp right now.
I) Is...
I have read that `cosmological redshift` means a photon is being `stretched`by space dilation and thus gets to have `longer wavelength`
I am unsure if this is true and if yes, why is it true
Many thanks
I was hoping somebody could point me towards a derivation of the following formula for cosmological redshift:
z = R(t0)/R(te)-1.
Wikipedia just presents the formula as a fait accompli and the only explanation is a vague reference to "stretched photons", which is not helpful.
I was...
Could the cosmological redshift be explained also as a change of the fundamental physical constants with distance? Say Planck's constant changing over billions of light years, instead of interpreting it as a Doppler effect due to a recession speed? Yes, I know, Occam's razor would favor the...
I know that the issue of cosmological redshift has been discussed in this forum before, e.g. https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=368958", but I would appreciate any knowledgeable insights regarding the model outlined below. This model is only considering light in terms of a stream of...
I want to discuss energy conservation and time dilation relative to the cosmological redshift. Because the elements of the redshift are coordinate specific, I’ll focus just on the FRW metric using proper distance coordinates (not comoving coordinates).
As explained in Tamara Davis’s cover...
I am a bit confused here. Is cosmological redshift the same as doppler redshift?
This is from wikipedia:
"The redshift z often is described as a redshift velocity, which is the recessional velocity that would produce the same redshift if it were caused by a linear Doppler effect (which...
In several threads where I've seen the redshift issue discussed there's been some confusion about this point, Must we treat cosmological redshift as a purely kinematic (relativistic)doppler effect or as the time dymamics of the metric space? Or both views can be made to converge?
condidering a photon in expanding cosmos, it 's said that the wavenumber k remains unchanged, the wavelength \lambda increases, proportional to the scale factor a(t) of the universe, and the frequency w decreases in the opposite way, that is the cosmic redshift.
so, why does k...
This might be a tired topic but please help me to understand.
Assume a photon moving in vacuum, ignore potential interstellar medium absorption and re-emission since it is not relevant to discussion of space expansion in this context.
Redshifted photons will undergo energy loss between *right...
I’ve made several efforts to provide a simple description of how the cosmological redshift works. Each has been closer to the mark than its predecessor, and now I think I’ve got it nailed. The premise underlying the redshift is simply that a photon must travel at a local velocity of c through...
Apparently my recent thread on the cosmological redshift assumed more general insight into this subject than is the case. So the purpose of this thread is to help dispel some popular misconceptions about the cosmological redshift and hopefully spur a vigorous discussion. This thread is NOT...
It is well established that the cosmological redshift causes both the wavelength and the separation of photons to increase in proportion with the increase in the cosmic scale factor a. The traditional explanation for the mechanism of the redshift is that ‘expanding space’ progressively forces...
I heard there are many alternative hypoteses for cosmological redshift, e g Fred Hoyle' s variation of mass and tired light. There are other ones?
arXiv:0808.1081 (cross-list from physics.pop-ph) [ps, pdf, other]
Title: The kinematic origin of the cosmological redshift
Authors: Emory F. Bunn, David W. Hogg
Comments: 14 pages. Submitted to Am. J. Phys
Subjects: Popular Physics (physics.pop-ph); Astrophysics (astro-ph); General...
I'm taking the liberty of revising and restating this topic which started in a separate thread. Comments are welcome.
A lively debate is underway today by mainstream cosmologists as to whether the expansion of the universe implies that empty space between galaxies is also expanding. When...
We have a theoretical issue here.
There is a misconception floating around PF about the relation of the cosmological redshift to present and past recession velocity.
If a redshift is Doppler in origin then in the context of Special Relativity one has Einstein's correction of the Doppler...
In the cosmol. redshift thread (Q) asked
[[I would like to hear some interpretations of this phenomenon, especially in regards to what happens to the energy of photons in cosmological redshift – where do YOU think it goes? Is it lost or is it conserved?]]
It is clear that a whole lot of...
I would like to hear some interpretations of this phenomenon, especially in regards to what happens to the energy of photons in cosmological redshift – where do YOU think it goes? Is it lost or is it conserved?