I am an undergraduate electronics engineer building a GM counter for my final assessment. I read a lot of theory about GM counters as well as the nuclear physics theories in general, but there is one thing I can not find an answer to. Why do none of the GM counters detect alpha particles? I...
I need a row of switches, about 30 to be exact and the idea I need is to have a "moving OFF position" much the same way a "LED chaser" works where you have a moving ON position.
Only unlike in a LED chaser where one diode comes ON at any given time and the positions changes continually to...
On the left is my input, in the middle is my output and on the right is the decimal.
Here is another example I was studying where the input is 00101 and I...
Hi, I am a graduate student currently studying on the topic of simple gas filled proportional counter. In the effort of trying to make my own system, I ran into this problem that how should I connect multiple counters to one single preamp correctly (and cheaply).
This is the circuit I'm working...
I’m a mom and was worried about radiation in the new house we moved into, so I ordered a Geiger counter (the GQ gmc 500 plus) on amazon. But I noticed the screen protector film wasn’t pressed on all the way so there were some bubbles, there also was one scratch on the screen protector film and...
From what I understand thus far is the counting involves Poisson therefore the uncertainty is just the square root of the counts, correct? But when I take the square root of the counts it produces a very small number compared to the count which makes it insignificant therefore the error bars...
Currently, I am reading about counter term renormalization used to eliminate the infinities in the loop calculations involved in QFT calculations. I found somewhere that the insertion of mass counter terms in one loop diagrams is equivalent to the derivative of one loop diagram multiplied with...
i am writing this message after a short consultation with kuruman. if there are two waves emitted by the same source then with the same direction, but these waves are in counterphase link...
Since the question only asked for one member, I was trying to solve it using method of section. I cut in the middle of BD. I was unable to solve it because it has 4 unknown. Then I looked at the solution, it say that CD is zero force member. I don’t understand why CD is zero force member. Could...
I purchased a RadiationD-v1.1(Cajoe) geiger counter off ebay, and attached an arduino nano and a 16x2 display ( I got the instructions off this site https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-DIY-Geiger-Counter/). I noticed that the counter was sensitive to UV when I had it out in the sunlight, so...
Does the absolute uncertainty in A+B-C equal √A+√B+√C? If so, this is larger than the value of A+B-C. Surely that can't be right?
For this investigation, I have been working from a lab script from my local uni physics department. This suggested that calculating this actually required a method...
Summary: Make a circuit that counts the number of nodes in a standing wave generator
I have a an assignment to complete this Term, the assignment consist in making a machine that would produce standing waves in various frequencies, (for example the typical motor connect to a string with...
I need to make a digital counter circuit which it counts to 15 minutes for my big project in my campus . When the circuit counts to 10 minutes, it will rings a buzzer. Same when it continues to 15 minutes, it will ring a buzzer again. (the circuit is for public speaking, so the speaker knows...
I am trying to make a DAC R-2R ladder with CD4040B counter. Output should be a staircase but it is just a straight line in my simulation. I am probably doing something wrong as I am not that experienced with Spice so I would appreciate any help. I tried it without counter(just attached four...
Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, so I hope my question fits into this category.
Yesterday I wanted to check if I could measure any radiation from Radon in my basement with my Radiascan-701 Geiger counter which features a pancake-style probe that should be able to handle alpha, beta and...
In most treatments of the mass renormalisation in dim reg, I see sources find the mass counter term by extracting the coefficient of e.g the ##m^2## term accompanied by a pole in epsilon. I know the mass counter term is found by placing an X on diagrams where there is usually a self energy...
I've heard the statement that by computing just the leading-order (tree level) diagrams of a process and then computing the derivative of this result with respect to the mass should correspond to the evaluation of the mass counter term diagrams. Can someone explain why this statement is...
So is there a proposed theoretical mechanism for transforming a particle into its own anti-particle?
##Electron \leftrightarrow Positron##
##Proton \leftrightarrow anti-Proton##
As medulla is hyperosmotic with respect to medullary collecting tubules (I.e. main site for water absorption )water flows out of the collecting tubules and urine get concentrated ...But how it enters vasa
recta since vasa recta is also going through same hyperosmotic medulla ,how it absorbs...
A Science magazine news article and video describes how some moths confuse bat sonar with long tails extensions on their wings, thus eluding their predators.
Its an arms race out there (and has been since the Cambrian).
Setting up a test stand that will need a controller to cycles a device ON and OFF at an adjustable time interval (allows me to make the ON duration and OFF duration whatever I want). It will also need to keep a count, so I can track the cycles count and also set a limit on cycles so it will stop...
Homework Statement
[/B]Y is output of rightmost flip flop. Q
Homework Equations
Drawing Timing Diagram. F(o/p) = F(clock)/(number of stages in output)
The Attempt at a Solution
The last flip flop has positive triggering clock. The moment Flip Flop output becomes 110X with MSB being rightmost...
Hi everyone.
I read from:
that inside the human body, 4400 of K40 atoms disintegrate every second through radioactive decay. Of this decay, 11% (480) results in gamma radiation, and 50% of that 11% (240) escapes the body.
Homework Statement
I am currently working on an assignment in which I create a six-state up/down counter. The purpose is to understand the functionality of flip-flops within a circuit among other things.
There are 3 input bits (Q2,Q1, Q0), and a 4th control bit (C) which determines the...
I was reading a paramedic article about pre-hospital treatment of agitated patients before or during transport to the hospital. They mention that Haldol or benzodiazepines can be effective for this (consult your local Medical Director, of course), and that it is often given in combination with...
hello every one,
I want to simulate a proportional counter with soil sample in Srim. but I don't know how to put the beam into my source, I mean that how can define the position of ions in soil sample. because my beam arising from my soil sample. and my source actually is soil.
if you answer my...
I have noticed a phenomenon I cannot explain in my kitchen. Whenever I place a warm object on the granite counter [e.g. plate from microwave], when I remove the object, the counter is covered with moisture where the object was. I'm guessing it is condensing from the air due to the temp...
Homework Statement
Provide a counter example to the false assertion:
Suppose that f and g are functions and f ◦ g is invertible. Then f and g are invertible.
Homework Equations
An invertible function is 1-1 and onto
If the image of g is not contained in the domain of f then f ◦...
Homework Statement
There's a visual representation of what I am aiming for, in Question 1's Figure 2.:
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Hello to everyone who's...
Here is the code. I have binary list of ones and zeros and I want to see the values of the consequtive ones. For example, 111=3 and 11=2
So I created a count loop and increment the count when A is not 0. Then I tried to update the count to 0 once the for loop got to 0 again, but for some...
Homework Statement
Consider the following circuit of a counter with a clock signal of 84 kHz
As we can see the counter counts down. Show all the states and transitions of this counter and identify all the states using a binary representation. Calculate the frequency and the duty-cycle of the...
I was thinking about retro rockets for landing and how precise they have to be, but then i thought "you could stabilize the whole thing with a gyroscope". Then I realized the gyroscope would cause the landing shipment to rotate in the opposite direction.
So I thought, hey, why not two...
Im working on a project which cycles through stop,forward, back,left, right modes of a bot using light pulses as input .
light source is laser pointer , room is dark
the circuit is not mounted on the bot
the circuit -
light pulse -> ldr-> bc337transistor ->7404 NOT -> 4017 decade counter ->7483...
Homework Statement
A point source of γ-radiation has a half-life of 30 minutes. The initial count rate, recorded by a Geiger counter placed 2.0 m from the source, is 360 s-1. The distance between the counter and the source is altered. After 1.5 hour the count rate recorded is 5 s-1. What is the...
I have a winding machine that needs a counter to count it's turns, subtract backwards also. I did a search but most results were fairly expensive and bulky.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I can't figure out why the counter is not working, I have tried moving it before the cout line and after. I should only get two outputs but as of now, I get four. Here is what I have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int userInput1...
Homework Statement
I'm trying to build a 2 bit counter using JK flip flops. In the simulation it counts up just fine, but when I switch it to count down, it starts at 3 and then goes to zero and counts up again.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
Here is my circuit diagram...
I am trying to model a counter flow diffusion flame using ansys fluent with fuel/oxidiser as methane/air.
The problem is that the flame temperature(800 K) is much lower than what it should be(>1600 K).
I am using Non premixed combustion module with steady diffusion flamelet and adiabatic...
Homework Statement
"Design a Synchronous Counter Mod-12 Up/Down, using only Flip-Flop Type D. A binary input ##U## that determines if the counter has to increase (##U = 1##) or decrease (##U = 0##).
Homework Equations
Flip-Flop Type D equation is
##Q_{t + 1} = D##
The Attempt at a Solution
I'm trying to make a LSC with U-238 (non-aqueous form) dipped in the scintillating cocktail to detect fast neutrons (no thermals or epithermals, only fast) from a Cf-252 source. How do I calculate the wavelength emerging from the cocktail (assuming U-238 does not react with the cocktail)? Also...
I'm trying to make a LSC with U-238 (non-aqueous form) dipped in the scintillating cocktail to detect fast neutrons (no thermals or epithermals, only fast) from a Cf-252 source. How do I calculate the wavelength emerging from the cocktail (assuming U-238 does not react with the cocktail)? Also...
I have a question about the relation between the number of the pair created in the ionization chamber by the radiation and the energy deposited in the counter.
In the text, it is written that "The mean number of pairs created is proportional to the energy deposited in the counter."...
I have a geiger counter, the specifications say it is sensitive to x-rays down to 30kev. I wonder where that number comes from? Am I correct in thinking that any x-ray photon that enters the geiger tube will register a count, regardless of it's energy? Perhaps the 30kev minimum is there to...
First, I hope this is the correct place for this question.
I am experimenting with electrical discharges at low pressure, think plasma globe, and I bought a geiger counter to make sure I am not producing x-rays. My vacuum pump is rated down to 5 pascals. The problem is that the geiger counter...
Homework Statement
An electric motor draws 20.0 A of current when first switched on. The motors windings have a resistance of 5.0 ohm. Once the motor is up to full speed it draws only 4.4 A of current. Calculate the counter emf generated in the motor at full speed
Homework Equations
I = V/R...
My class was recently donated an old but perfectly functioning Geiger counter. It was the type that came with a mono-speaker which made audible clicks when decay events were detected. It was left on in the cabinets for multiple days, and now there is a steady tone coming through the speaker...
I designed a bi-directional synchronous counter with the sequence 7 4 6 5 2 1. The up count counts correctly (ie 7 4 6 5 2 1) but when I flick the switch to reverse it it counts backwards correctly initially until it reaches 5, and then it goes back to 2 and then back to 5 and...
Homework Statement
There are two opposing cylinders, C1 and C2. Each cylinder is sealed. Each cylinder has a movable piston at one end. The pistons of each cylinder face each other. The pistons are connected to each other by a straight Shaft. C1 is connected to an air supply with an initial...