My lecturer said that the cryptosystem one-time pad, has a weakness which is when it is subject to frequency analysis. But after him trying to explain why that is a weakness of this system I am still unable to see why. Because the frequency of letters is completely irrelevant to the structure of...
Hey guys, I just bought the book Elementary Cryptanalysis: A Mathematical Approach by Abraham Sinkov, yet before I start it, I would like to know if there are any prerequisites I should know about as I am 16 and I still haven't even taken all of high school mathematics although I am self...
I'm a 17 yo high school student, and my country has this system where you take a "strand" leaning towards your future career in the last two years of high school, so mine is STEM.
I'm planning on taking mathematics and maybe a CS minor in college, because I want to become a cryptologist, but...
Homework Statement
compute 59x +15 \equiv 6 mod 811
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
59x \equiv -9 mod 811
I really don't know hoow to do from here.
Homework Statement
Let n be a positive integer. Consider the congruence equation 59x + 15 congruent to 6 mod n
For this equation, a solution x exits. Why?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
there is a k such that
(59x +15) - 6 = kn
(59x +15) - kn = 6
59x - kn = 6 - 15
59x - kn =...
[b]1. This is a problem involving public key cryptography
[b]2. 16^31 is congruent to 081 (mod 247)
[b]3. I would first evaluate 16^31 and the divided by 247 to find the remainder. I know how to work with congruences, but 16^31 is a very huge number I don't know how to evaluate it into...
I have comprehended how to make a cod using this method. I understand frequency analysis for the most part. But does anyone know how the formula for decoding a vigenere code work. I have read that part of the wikipedia article many times...