The homework assignment that I've been given in Physics deals with degrees of freedom (which my assignment refers to as "modes").
We're given the equation E_{thermal}= (# of modes) \times \frac{1}{2} \times k \times T.
(k being the Boltzmann's Constant).
We are also told that gases have 3...
A particular introduction to matrices involved viewing them as an array/list of vectors (column vectors) in Rn. The problem I see in this is that it is sort of like saying that a row of a matrix is a vector along the same degree of freedom (elements of the same row are elements of different...
How do you find the "degree of freedom" for energy
how can you find the degree of freedom for energy? would it always be the same or would it constantly be different according to where you are, if so then how do you find it or is it normally given to you (that is if you are doing a problem).
For replicated 5x5 Latin square design where there are two observations in
each of the 25 cells of the design. How many degrees of freedom will there be for the
row-column interaction effect?
Thought that there was no row-column interaction in latin square? Is it t-1=4??
For a replicated...
Since the human mind has a relatively large degree of freedom, it can do things on its own will. How does the human mind fall under the laws of entropy?
An electron moves around a nucleus in 3d space so it is required that there should be 3 quantum no. each specifying its degree of freedom .
the three quantum no. are n,l & m , but n,l& m specify the energy levels avalaible to electron & m specifies the direction of angular momentum vector ...
What do you understand about this?
From high school, I just memorize the definition of it, the number of ways of obtaining energy independently. Well, it's pretty unclear by this definition.
I have been reading "Response of a Single Degree of Freedom System to Undamped system" and have been referring the book on Dynamics of Structures by Anil K. Chopra.I have got the following questions:
1) One , basic question I have is that the author says that an example of a harmonic...
Hi all,
Some points are not clear to me in classical mechanics. I would be grateful if any of you could make them clear.
1. "In general, if a system subject to r non-holonomic conditions has f degrees of freedom in finite motion, it has only f-r degrees of freedom in infinitesimal motion."...
I have been reading Free Vibration of Multi Degree of Freedom Systems and have got the following clarifications in regard to it:
1) When a free vibration is initiated with an initial displacement, the multi degree of freedom system may not undergo simple harmonic motion, right?
It will...
Please tell me how to count the degree of freedom in ADM gravity.
6 independent components of q_{ab},
and 4 constraints
= 2 degrees of freedom
shouldn't it be
6 independent components of q_{ab}
implies 12 phase space variables
4 constraints
=8 phase space variables
=4 degrees of freedom?
Please I need help.
Can anybody can give me the formula for determine the number of degree of freedom of molecules undergoing translation,rotation and vibration of n number of atom.
hi guys
16 grams of helium gas is mixed with 16 grams of oxygen...
what will be the ratio Cp/Cv of the mixture...
how to calculate it?? i thought on the basis of degree of freedom for monoatomic and diatomic mixture...but that can take me to the answer only by...
I am trying to calculate the force and velocity of a primary and secondary suspension. I know the damping constant of the dampers and the spring constant of the springs. I see where an expression can be calculated where you input time and get x.