Derivations Definition and 106 Threads

In mathematics, a derivation is a function on an algebra which generalizes certain features of the derivative operator. Specifically, given an algebra A over a ring or a field K, a K-derivation is a K-linear map D : A → A that satisfies Leibniz's law:


{\displaystyle D(ab)=aD(b)+D(a)b.}
More generally, if M is an A-bimodule, a K-linear map D : A → M that satisfies the Leibniz law is also called a derivation. The collection of all K-derivations of A to itself is denoted by DerK(A). The collection of K-derivations of A into an A-module M is denoted by DerK(A, M).
Derivations occur in many different contexts in diverse areas of mathematics. The partial derivative with respect to a variable is an R-derivation on the algebra of real-valued differentiable functions on Rn. The Lie derivative with respect to a vector field is an R-derivation on the algebra of differentiable functions on a differentiable manifold; more generally it is a derivation on the tensor algebra of a manifold. It follows that the adjoint representation of a Lie algebra is a derivation on that algebra. The Pincherle derivative is an example of a derivation in abstract algebra. If the algebra A is noncommutative, then the commutator with respect to an element of the algebra A defines a linear endomorphism of A to itself, which is a derivation over K. An algebra A equipped with a distinguished derivation d forms a differential algebra, and is itself a significant object of study in areas such as differential Galois theory.

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  1. H

    I About derivations of lie algebra

    Please, I am looking for a simple example of derivation on ##sl_2##, if possible, I try to use identity map, but not work with me, A derivation of the Lie algebra ##\mathfrak{g}## is a linear map ##\delta: \mathfrak{g} \rightarrow \mathfrak{g}## such that ##\delta([x, y])=[\delta(x), y]+[x...
  2. S

    I Need to resort to spherical wavefront to derive the LTs?

    I have been reading Wikipedia’s derivations of the Lorentz Transformations. Many of them start with the equation of a spherical wavefront and this reasoning: - We are asked to imagine two events: light is emitted at 1 and absorbed somewhere else at 2. For a given reference frame, the distance...
  3. Q

    Quantum Advanced Quantum Mechanics Textbooks: Derivations of Equations

    Hi I’m looking for a textbook that shows the derivations of equations such as the different forms of the schrodinger equation fully and step by step.
  4. BWV

    Worth learning complex exponential trig derivations in precalc?

    This is a pedagogical /time management / bandwidth / tradeoff question, no argument that learning the complex exponential derivation is valuable, but is it a good strategy for preparing for first year Calculus? my 16YO son is taking AP precalc and AP calc next year and doing well, but struggled...
  5. K

    I Understanding Derivations and Tangent Spaces on Manifolds

    Hello! According to the attached proposition on ##C^\infty## manifold space of derivations ##D_m M## is isomorphic to Tangent space ##T_m M##. Cited here another proposition (1.4.5) states the following 1. For constant function ##D_m(f)=0## 2. If ##f\vert_U=g\vert_U## for some neighborhood...
  6. E

    I Precausality and continuity in 1-postulate derivations of SR

    [Moderator's note: Thread spun off from previous one due to topic shift.] Please forgive my ignorance, I've never studied group theory systematically up to now, so I'm not aware of all the concepts and symbols that have been used up to now. Yet, I'm interested in the derivation of the Lorentz...
  7. Huzaifa

    Chemistry Effect of temperature change in Le Chatelier's Principle

    The effect of temperature change in Le Chatelier's Principle is given by the equation $$ \log \left(\frac{\mathrm{K}_{2}}{\mathrm{~K}_{1}}\right)=\frac{\Delta \mathrm{H}}{2.303 \mathrm{R}}\left[\frac{1}{\mathrm{~T}_{1}}-\frac{1}{\mathrm{~T}_{2}}\right] $$. How to derive $$ \log...
  8. A

    Determining the maximum braking power using derivations

    Hello! So what I've tried to tackle this problem is derive the equation,set it equal to zero,find a value for v and than put it in the second derivation.So when I derive this I get $$ \frac{v^2+9-v *(2v)}{v^4+8v^2+16)} $$ Now if i set that equal 0 and try to find a value for v I get this. ##...
  9. R

    What Does kT/hc Signify in Derivations?

    My lecturer was going through a derivation, and I'm a bit stumped as to what kT/hc actually signifies. Like what is it...
  10. JacobPhys

    Experimental Derivations of Pi in Physics

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  11. Math Amateur

    MHB The Space of All Derivations at a point p .... Tu, Theorem 2.2 .... ....

    I am reading Loring W.Tu's book: "An Introduction to Manifolds" (Second Edition) ... I need help in order to fully understand Theorem 2.2 and the remarks after the theorem ...Theorem 2.2 and the remarks after the theorem read as follows: My questions on the above text from Tu are as follows...
  12. Math Amateur

    MHB Tangent Vectors in R^n as Derivations ....

    I am reading Loring W.Tu's book: "An Introduction to Manifolds" (Second Edition) ... I need help in order to fully understand Tu's section on tangent vectors in \mathbb{R}^n as derivations... In his section on tangent vectors in \mathbb{R}^n as derivations, Tu writes the following: In the above...
  13. wirefree

    Are textbook derivations in physics too formulaic?

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  14. Wrichik Basu

    Studying Is learning derivations of formulae always very important?

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  15. N

    A Entropy and derivations - is my logic faulty?

    It is assumed that entropy increases in the universe. However, the fluid and acceleration equations are derived assuming that. TdS=dE+pdV where dQ = TdS. But dQ is usually set equal to zero to derive these equations. Hence since T is non zero, dS should be zero and so there would be no...
  16. S

    Studying How do i learn derivations and diagrams?

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  17. D

    What Path Should a Mass Take for Shortest Descent Time Under Gravity?

    Guys I have the following homework problem to solve: There are 2 given points in a plane. If we take a point-like object with mass m and take it to the "higher" point what path should it go on to reach the other point in the shortest possible time. Only gravitational force affects our point-like...
  18. D

    A Questions about Einstein's 1916 GR Paper: Answers Needed

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  19. DavideGenoa

    I Properties of ideal solenoid: postulates or derivations?

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  20. W

    Can someone explain this derivation?

    Homework Statement I've been looking at examples of motion derivations for my class, and it's honestly just very confusing. I heard Dynamics should prep you for this but I must have had a very poor course because we never had to understand geometry and physics to this degree... Homework...
  21. mertcan

    Quantum Quantum Theory Books for Understanding Derivations

    hi, I really want to dig valuable things out of quantum theory, also I have a big eagerness to see the derivation of formulas to understand the logic of this topic. Could you recommend me some nice books which may meet my needs I expressed at the beginning ?
  22. M

    Some simple heat transfer formula derivations and questions

    Hi. I would like to ask a simple question. Here is the link of the file I study on. Immediately before the formula 4.9 for Biot number. Lc=V/As but I cannot understand it and I think it is not clear enough. How it appears, for what the word "characteristic" stands for, for example a pipe? For...
  23. yeezyseason3

    Deriving Electric Field Inside Plastic Rod Using Gauss's Law

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  24. A

    MHB Simple to understand derivations similar to the Taylor Series

    That I don't even know in which forum to post this questions shows my gaping lack of mathematics knowledge. I've just learned the derivation of the Taylor series. I'm slapping myself on the head as it's so mind-bogglingly simple, but I never learned it. The Taylor series was just 'maths magic'...
  25. S

    Proof derivative of a vector following precession motion

    I do not get some points of this proof about the time derivative of a unit vector $\hat{u}$ (costant magnitude) which is following a precession motion. The picture is the following. I want to prove that $$\frac{d\hat{u}}{dt}=\vec{\Omega}\wedge \hat{u}.$$ I'm ok with almost all the proof except...
  26. BobTheLawyer

    Derivation of Cholesky Decomposition

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  27. Math Amateur

    I Directional Derivatives and Derivations - Tangent Spaces

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  28. samgrace

    Calculus Derivations: Handbook, Rules, Properties & Books

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  29. Math Amateur

    MHB Propositional Logic - Derivations and Trees - Chiswell and Hodges, Section 3.4

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  30. Kori Smith

    Clarification on derivations of specific heats in fluids

    Hello! I understand what specific heats are and how to derive them. I just feel that I'm missing a little something in the methodology. Consider the 1st law of thermodynamics and the definition of enthalpy: 1) dU = δQ -δW = δQ - PdV 2) H = Q - VP For the derivation of CV, dV = 0 and the...
  31. VoteSaxon

    Special Relativity derivations ....

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  32. Kyuutoryuu

    What's the error in my derivations? (impulse/momentum)

    (Change in momentum is the area under a force against time curve.) (Force is the time derivative of momentum.) Using separation of varibles, you get Fdt=dp. Integrate both sides, you get that the integral of Force with respect to time is equal to p. This seems to imply that p, momentum, is...
  33. S

    Question about derivations of thermodynamic properties

    I don't understand how some terms are derived. How did the last term of 3-47 originate? How did 3-49 get so many terms from just one term in 3-41? Why integrate from V to infinite? That is not intuitive. Thas a functions are unusual because the absolute values of U,H,S cannot be computed...
  34. A

    Uniform Circular Motion Background theory?

    Hi Guys, new poster here. I am currently doing a practical report on Uniform Circular Motion, where we had to swing a rubber stopper around attached to a length of string and mass. I have to do a write up, including the background theory. I have searched everywhere but I have found no clear...
  35. B

    Derivations of specific values in Physics

    Homework Statement I am wondering if anyone knows of a document that shows derivations of specific values in Physics? For example, I need to find μs and am given the distance traveled and time (1.2 km in 17 sec). Homework Equations I know the equation for μs, Ffriction=μs⋅FN. The Attempt...
  36. S

    Derivations for Schrodinger's equations for potential step

    I have been studying potential steps and barriers as well as reflection and transmission coefficients and how to derive them. Most of it makes sense to me except for one thing: As we know, the normal Schrodinger equation is: (-ħ2/2m) (∂2Ψ/∂x2) + v(x)Ψ = EΨ For a step potential however, my...
  37. ChrisVer

    Gravitational Lensing Derivations - Is There Another Way?

    Hey, I just had the chance to extract the gravitational lensing caused by a massive point using Fermat's principle. I was wondering though, is there any other way to do that? Also is the light's time delation induced by the "refraction index" n (Saphiro delay) connected to "gravitational time...
  38. S

    Learning derivations versus solving problems

    Hi, I understand when I study a physics topic, it's very important that I solve as many problems as I can possibly can and it's also very important to internalise all the techniques used to solve problems in that topic. However, I was wondering if the same applies for the derivation of formulae...
  39. C

    Derivations of Einstein field equations

    Hello Everyone, I have read many derivations of Einstein field equations (done one myself), but none of them explain why the constant term should have a $$c^4$$ in the denominator. the 8πG term can be obtained from Poisson's equation, but how does c^4 pop up? Most of the books just derive it...
  40. topsquark

    MHB What is the Definition of a Derivation for a Lie Algebra?

    Loosely speaking a derivation D is defined as a function on an algebra A that has the property D(ab) = (Da)b + a(Db). Now, if we define the map ad_x: y \mapsto [x,y] and apply this to the Jacobi identity we get ad_x[y,z] = [ ad_x(y),z ] + [ y, ad_x(z) ] . This does not look quite like the...
  41. B

    Lie bracket of derivations in space of r-forms

    Hello In textbook by Kobayashi and Nomizu derivation of rank k in space of all differential forms on a manifold is defined to be operator that is linear, Leibnitz and maps r-forms into r+k-forms. By Leinbitz I mean, of course: D(\omega \wedge \eta)=(D \omega) \wedge \eta + \omega \wedge (D...
  42. Z

    Should I memorize all the derivations in QM?

    Hi. I'm a self-learner, and I'm doing an introductory QM from Griffiths. My question is should I memorize all the derivations and proofs in the book or I just have to memorize the final results? Another point is that I have nobody to ask about my solutions to problems or to help me in the hard...
  43. B

    Derivations - What's Acceptable?

    Homework Statement Hello, this isn't really a h/w problem that fits the template, but here seems the most sensible place to post. I am writing a paper (not original research) and part of the requirements is that I include a "comprehensive discussion of the relevant theory (including...
  44. C

    Derivations vs Directional derivatives

    In some books, when discussing the relation between partial/directional derivatives and tangent vectors, one makes a generalization called a "derivation". A derivation at ##\vec{a} \in \mathbb{R}^n## is defined as a linear map ##D: C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^n) \to \mathbb{R}## which for ##f,g \in...
  45. G

    Mechanics question derivations terminal velocity (quadratic case)

    hi so basically my question is derivation of derivation of the quadratic case of the terminal velocity I have attached the pictures in picture 1 I don't know I think the book has error in his derivation @ equation 2.4.13 shouldn't it be + instead of negative ?? & in second picture their...
  46. D

    Some basic derivations need improvement

    The traditional Schrodinger equation is written as Laplacian ψ+constant(E-V)ψ=0 the above equation derivation is based on the formation of hydrogen after the combination of proton and electron. E is said to be total energy and V potential. energy of hydrogen atom. On solving the value of E...
  47. B

    Derivations of the series expansions

    Are there derivations of the taylor, Fourier and laurant series?
  48. D

    Proofs, derivations, or both? Feel I've learned math/physics wrong

    I've recently come to the conclusion that I might have made some mistakes along the way. I'm going into my senior year of EE and something just doesn't feel right about my abilities. Over the last couple semesters, I've fallen into the "plug and chug" mode of solving problems. I have some issues...
  49. N

    Derivations for a Bending Moment and Angle from Koenig's Apparatus

    Homework Statement I'm having ALOT of trouble figuring out how to derive these equations. I'll post up photos and the equations as follows. C is the Bending Moment Y is the Young's Modulus of the material r is the Radius of Curvature of the neutral surface I is the geometrical moment...