Diamagnetic Definition and 33 Threads

  1. B

    B How is the magnet being affected in this diamagnetic application?

    I am using an exremely stong magnet to deflect a diamagnetic substance( in this case water) Is the magnet being deflected against the dianagnetic Or is the defection only present in the diamagnetic substance?
  2. milkism

    A diamagnetic sphere in a uniform magnetic field

    Problem: Solution part a) where formula 6.14 is just M x n. We need to do part b without seperation of variables, I'm quite stuck. Will B just be the magnetic field inside a solenoid? How can I find the other fields.
  3. V

    Why does a diamagnetic rod align perpendicular to a magnetic field?

    I know that each material is made up of tiny magnets due to electrons orbiting the nucleus and also from electron spinning about its own axis. In ferromagnetic or paramagnetic rod these tiny magnets align with the applied field causing the net field in the rod to increase. But for diamagnetic...
  4. I

    Directing magnetic field lines by using diamagnetic material

    I want to improve the magnetic field strength at the surface of a magnet configuration by utilizing diamagnetic materials to guide the magnetic field lines. I have not the proper equipment to measure the effect myself but would this work? This is the initial configuration with four magnets side...
  5. W

    I Magnetization inside a diamagnetic material antiparallel to ##B_{ext}##

    Let's say I have a constant magnetic field and I dive into it a diamagnetic material. Griffiths says that in the presence of a magnetic field, matter becomes magnetized and it will be found to contain many tiny dipoles with a net alignment along some direction. However, what's exactly the link...
  6. R

    Is a diamagnetic levitation engine possible?

    I recently saw the video of the frog being levitated with a big magnet. Would it be possible to flip the magnet over and use it to levitate a vehicle? How much energy would it take to levitate, say, a 1000kg vehicle above a dry lakebed?
  7. K

    Diamagnetic material's response to temperature change

    I know that in a para magnetic material the magnetization increase on cooling. What will be the same effect on a diamagnetic material,considering the fact that Curies law doesn't hold good on diamagnetic materials.
  8. B

    B What does the levitating frog feel?

    If you were suspended inside and iron armor between an electromagnet and the ground it is obvious that you would feel your weight against that armor, but when a frog is suspended by diamagnetic levitation I understand that it feels weightlessness. If this is correct, that means that if it were...
  9. GabrieleCitossi

    Magnetic Paramagnetic Diamagnetic

    Could has this concept some utility? If the approach of the magnet to the two materials (one diamagnetic,one paramagnetic) could be set to be "energy-loss",can be the firing the same? With my simple knowledge of magnetics i can't say nothing. While when approaching, the diamagnetic increase his...
  10. jormi

    I Small temperature dependence in diamagnetic material

    Hi everybody! I´m chemist doing new materials and my understanding of physics is quite basic. I have a sample (single phase) of Ba and Ge and it shows diamagnetism in the magnetic susceptibility measurement, however it show a small temperature dependent behavior. As far as I understand...
  11. Nono713

    I A diamagnet inside a magnetized hollow cylinder

    Hi! Suppose I have a cylinder of pyrolytic carbon graphite (strong diamagnet) that's vertically placed inside a hollow cylinder made out of approximately radially magnetized neodymium. Assume the graphite is frictionlessly held into place vertically somehow (so gravity can be ignored) but can...
  12. S

    Copper is diamagnetic in nature. Why?

    Copper with atomic number 29 is diamagnetic in nature. What is the reason behind it?
  13. A

    Magnetic field solenoid with diamagnetic core

    For a solenoid as on the picture with a diamagnetic in the middle, the total B-field generated will come from both the free currents inside the solenoid as well as the induced magnetic field from the diagmagnetic material. But will the magnetic field attributed to the bound currents inside the...
  14. kelvin490

    Why diamagnetic material is not repelled

    When an external magnetic field is applied to a diamagnetic materials, their atomic current loops will tend to align in such a way as to oppose the applied field. Diamagnetism is the residual magnetic behavior when materials are neither paramagnetic nor ferromagnetic and most materials are...
  15. gracy

    Diamagnetic Liquid: Explained & Demonstrated

    In this video At time 2:34 to rest of the video there is a property(10th point) of diamagnetic liquid given.Same thing is written in my textbook also.I am really not getting this can anyone please explain or suggest any video demonstrating this.I have searched a lot on youtube.
  16. leviterande

    Do orbits in diamagnetic materials align to external magnetic fields?

    Hi, I am having a question about diamagnetism. I understand that ferromagnets realign with external magnetic fields. I know that besides diamagnets like copper, bismuth, that all matter exhibit some diamagnetism to some degree. I wonder though if these paired electron filled orbits of...
  17. maajdl

    DIAMAGNETIC LEVITATION: can a frog really levitate?

    I found a website claiming that a frog can levitate. A "large magnetic field" of the order of 10 Tesla is all that would be needed. And the effect would be a consequence of diamagnetism. http://www.ru.nl/hfml/research/levitation/ I am a little bit skeptic about that. I was familiar, long ago...
  18. Q

    Book on Diamagnetic drifts in Plasmas within Magnetic Fields

    Hi guys! So I just need help in one tiny thing. Does anyone know a good book that can thoroughly explain physically and mathematically diamagnetism in plasmas within magnetic fields? I would really appreciate the help guys! Also, I am very much familiar with vector calculus (also tensor calculus...
  19. A

    Diamagnetic electrons in a homogenous magnetic field

    When you place a diamagnetic material in a homogeneous magnetic field, do the electrons of the material align with the field?
  20. schrodingerscat11

    Why is copper diamagnetic without a prefix?

    Homework Statement Our teacher said that if a material has an odd number of electrons, it implies a paramagnetic behavior. Copper, according to him, has odd number of electrons but is considered a diamagnetic material. He asks us to explain this phenomenon. Homework Equations Copper...
  21. C

    Can Light Travel Faster Than c in Diamagnetic Materials?

    The speed of light in vacuum is 1 / sqrt(mu_0 e_0). In matter, this is modified using relative permittivity and permeability, so the speed of light in matter is c / sqrt(k_m k_e). In diamagnetic materials, isn't k_m < 1? Then we'd have light going faster than 3 * 10^8 m/s in, say, nitrogen...
  22. V

    The Impact of Ferromagnetic & Diamagnetic Materials on Magnetic Fields

    What is the effect of inserting any ferromagnetic, diamagnetic etc in magnetic field?? let me say there is a solenoid of turns per unit length n.magnetic field inside the solenoid will ~μnI. what will happen if an ferromagnetic substance like iron is inserted. How will it effect the magnetic...
  23. I

    Is it possible to make water more diamagnetic?

    Is it possible to make water more diamagnetic? If so, how? It would also help if the changes could be transferred to plants to affect the diamagnetic properties of the plant.
  24. L

    Paramagnetic and diamagnetic substances

    Homework Statement Revered Members, Please see me my attachment. Homework Equations When paramagnetic substances are placed in non uniform magnetic field, they have a tendency to move from weaker to stronger part Similarly, when diamagnetic substances are placed in non uniform...
  25. O

    Diamagnetic Levitation: How to Levitate a Worm and Other Experiment Ideas

    So I want to levitate...(drum roll please)...A REALLY SMALL WORM! First off, I read that the downward pull on the worm will be gr (gravity times density), so then how would I calculate how powerful my magnet would have to be to balance this force? So that's the mathematical part...
  26. C

    Diamagnetic Materials: Magnetic Repulsion or Torque?

    suppose that i have a piece of magnet close to a piece of diamagnetic material the piece of diamagnetic material is held still will the magnet be repulsed isotropically , or will there be a torque exerted on the magnet so that its poles face perpendicularly towards the piece of diamagnetic...
  27. V

    Plasma physics diamagnetic current

    I have a question about the diamagnetic current caused by plasma pressure gradients. Various plasma physics / MHD texts state that the current due to a plasma pressure gradient in a magnetic field is given by \mathbf{J} = \frac{\mathbf{B} \times \nabla p}{B^2} where p = nkT My question is, if...
  28. J

    Reference for diamagnetic vs paramagnetic

    I am not a chemist, so I have a feeling I'm going about searching for the wrong key words or something. What I want is a table of Fe+2 and Fe+3 compounds in solution (ie. different ligands like CO, CN-, etc.), listing each compound as paramagnetic or diamagnetic. I've searched for a nice...
  29. F

    Might This Work? A Diamagnetic Theory

    I was watching a Newton's Cradle swing back and forth and it made me think: Is there another way to do this? No strings attatched? I thought of several ways to do this, but my favorite was the magnetic concept. Using neodysium spheres, I thought I could propel a sphere forward once, then use...
  30. C

    Neutron Magnetic Moment: Paramagnetic or Diamagnetic

    What causes the neutron to have a magnetic moment , and is it paramagnetic or diamagnetic.
  31. P

    Diamagnetic vapour + electromagnetic grid

    I know, I know. I didn't fill out the thing. But I don't really have a 'problem' to solve, I'm just looking for some vague theoretical speculation... I'm a new media art student and I'd like to use a grid of electromagnets to undulate a layer of low-lying fog (which would be glycerin +...
  32. T

    Effect of oscillating magnetic field on diamagnetic water

    I’m interested in the natural phenomenon of diamagnetism. I understand the general concept behind the magnetic interactions, but I am curious about the results of the following experiment: What happens when one places a large oscillating electromagnet (possibly superconducting) directly above a...
  33. M

    Size of a Diamagnetic for Levitation

    Hello, I have been interested in the problem of diamagnetic levitation where you have typically 2 slabs of some pyrolitic graphite (which is diamagnetic) and between it you have some rare Earth magnet that's levitating thanks to those graphites (and 1 more magnet somewhere above). I have...