Differentials Definition and 240 Threads

In calculus, the differential represents the principal part of the change in a function y = f(x) with respect to changes in the independent variable. The differential dy is defined by





{\displaystyle dy=f'(x)\,dx,}



{\displaystyle f'(x)}
is the derivative of f with respect to x, and dx is an additional real variable (so that dy is a function of x and dx). The notation is such that the equation





{\displaystyle dy={\frac {dy}{dx}}\,dx}
holds, where the derivative is represented in the Leibniz notation dy/dx, and this is consistent with regarding the derivative as the quotient of the differentials. One also writes





{\displaystyle df(x)=f'(x)\,dx.}
The precise meaning of the variables dy and dx depends on the context of the application and the required level of mathematical rigor. The domain of these variables may take on a particular geometrical significance if the differential is regarded as a particular differential form, or analytical significance if the differential is regarded as a linear approximation to the increment of a function. Traditionally, the variables dx and dy are considered to be very small (infinitesimal), and this interpretation is made rigorous in non-standard analysis.

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  1. U

    B Some questions while I self-learn Applied Calculus

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  2. S

    Pendulum Question (Matlab Coursework)

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  3. M

    State space controllers - find equations from differentials

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  4. mcastillo356

    B Linearization of a function error viewed with differentials

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  5. yecko

    Question about Partial Differentials from my Thermo homework

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  6. K

    I Why are the numbers switched around in this partial differential problem?

    I am going through some proofs for Damping oscillations in relation to partial differentials. Can someone help on why the numbers are switched around after giving inequality condition? Please see the images for better clarity. The highlighted characters that gets switched around. Thank you in...
  7. cwill53

    I Question about Constrained Differentials

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  8. J

    Question about the derivation of Exact Differentials in thermo

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  9. F

    Thermodynamic equation of differentials (and how to work with them)

    Disclaimer: I am not a mathematician, I am a physicist. The thermodynamic identity is usually expressed in the following differential form $$ dU = TdS - PdV + \mu dN, $$ where U , T , S , P , V , \mu and N are the internal energy, temperature, entropy, pressure, volume, chemical...
  10. J

    Calculus What is the best textbook for understanding differentials?

    Hi, I am an undergrad looking to purchase a good textbook on differentials for my course which I will be taking soon, and the textbook listed for the differentials course is this one (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1118531779/?tag=pfamazon01-20) which apparently is not very good. So can...
  11. jedishrfu

    B Bartlett's Calculus Paper: Confusing Calculus Notation & Differentials

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  12. Sokolov

    Integration of inexact differentials in Thermodynamics

    In Thermodynamics, I have seen that some equations are expressed in terms of inexact differentials, ##\delta##, instead of ##d##. I understand that this concept is introduced to point out that these differential forms are path-dependent, although I am not clear how they can be handled. So, are...
  13. R

    A doubt on total differentials

    Please refer to the images and my handwritten note(i tried my best handwriting) for the question
  14. karush

    MHB 2.3.361 AP Calculus Exam of differentials of sin wave

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  15. Math Amateur

    MHB Differentials and Jacobians .... Remarks After Browder Prposition 8.21 ....

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  16. Math Amateur

    MHB An Example on Differentials .... Browder Proposition 8.12 ....

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  17. Math Amateur

    MHB Differentials in R^n .... Another Remark by Browder, Section 8.2 .... ....

    I am reading Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ... I am currently reading Chapter 8: Differentiable Maps and am specifically focused on Section 8.2 Differentials ... ... I need some further help in fully understanding some remarks by Browder made after...
  18. Math Amateur

    MHB Differentials in R^n .... Remark by Brwder, Section 8.2 .... ....

    I am reading Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ... I am currently reading Chapter 8: Differentiable Maps and am specifically focused on Section 8.2 Differentials ... ... I need some further help in fully understanding a remark by Browder after Definition 8.9...
  19. M

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  20. D

    I What is the ambiguity surrounding coordinate differentials in Relativity?

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  21. jk22

    I How to integrate with functions of differentials?

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  22. A

    I Deriving Notations for Differentials in Time-Evolving Systems

    if ##d^3x=Jd^3X...(1) ## where ##x's## evolves with time and ##X's## are constt. and ##x_i=f(X_i)##(for ##i^{th}## coordinate) where the functional form of ##f(X_i)## changes with the time evolution of ##x_i##. Now taking time derivative of (1) and dividing throughout by (1) it is coming ##\dot...
  23. opus

    I Looking for intuition on differentials and arc length

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  24. Math Amateur

    MHB Remark on the Definition of Differentials .... Lafontaine page 5 ....

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  25. A

    Gas pressure differentials and permeability

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  26. M

    MHB How Fast Does the X-Coordinate Move on a Complex Graph Curve?

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  27. Math Amateur

    MHB Differentials in Multivariable Functions .... Kantorovitz: Example 4, page 66

    I am reading the book "Several Real Variables" by Shmuel Kantorovitz ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 2: Derivation ... ... I need help with an aspect of Kantorovitz's Example 4 on page 66 ... Kantorovitz's Example 4 on page 66 reads as follows:In the above example, Kantorovitz...
  28. Math Amateur

    I Differentials in Multivariable Functions ....

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  29. Adgorn

    I Differentials of order 2 or bigger that are equal to 0

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  30. B

    MHB Using differentials to estimate error

    one side of a right triangle is known to be 12 cm long and the opposite angle is measured as 30°, with a possible error of ±1°. (a) Use differentials to estimate the error in computing the length of the hypotenuse.
  31. rhdinah

    Problem with Approximations Using Differentials

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  32. SamRoss

    B Proof of quotient rule using Leibniz differentials

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  33. beamie564

    I Example of a Function with Non-Equal Mixed Partial Differentials

    Hi! Can someone give me an example of a function ##f(x,y)## for which the mixed partial differentials are not equal, i.e. $$\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y} \neq \frac{\partial^2f}{\partial y \partial x}$$ It says in Boas that these mixed differentials are equal only if the first and...
  34. S

    Airflow/speed in a pipe due to pressure differentials

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  35. H

    MHB Find the Particular Solution for ds/dt = 14t^2+3t-3 with s=124 at t=0

    Find the particular solution determined by the given condition: ds/dt = 14t^2+3t -3; s=124 when t = 0 Could someone please point me in the right direction to start this problem? I'm not even sure if I titled this post correctly. :P Thank you!
  36. M

    Calculating Paint Usage on a Cube with Differentials

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  37. whatphysics

    Using differentials to estimate the maximum possible error

    Homework Statement Consider a closed rectangular box with a square base of side 3cm and height 5cm. If the side is measured with an error at most 0.02cm and the height is measured with an error at most 0.01cm, use differentials to estimate the maximum possible error in computing the volume of...
  38. Y.E.T.I.

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  39. N

    Maximum Error Using Differentials

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  40. H

    Why does h = h(x,y,θ,φ) prevent (1.39) from being an exact differential?

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  41. H

    Automotive How do Center differentials work

    Greetings all, In my quest to imagine the ultimate sportscar, I began to wonder about the following: Certain cars are All Wheel Driven (AWD) and they do so via a Center differential delivering power to both axles. Amongst those cars, some have fixed Torque Bias/Split Ratio, which doesn't alter...
  42. G

    Thermodynamics - Manipulating differentials

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  43. A

    The rigor of using differentials in line elements

    Greetings all, In Hartle's Gravitation, it seems like a given the way he manipulates the "differentials" when he gives a line element. The thing is that it works, and I know it's not mathematically rigorous, but first of all, I'm wondering when treating the differentials in the line elements in...
  44. S

    Classical Can I find a physics-based book on differential equations?

    I need a book on differential equation with a physical approach.
  45. sunrah

    When do total differentials cancel with partial derivatives

    I've just done a derivation and had to use the following u_{b}u^{c}\partial_{c}\rho = u_{b}\frac{dx^{c}}{d\tau}\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial x^{c}} = u_{b}\frac{d\rho}{d\tau} We've done this cancellation a lot during my GR course, but I'm not clear exactly when/why this is possible. EDIT: is...
  46. X

    Expressing A Quantity In Polar Coordinates?

    Homework Statement Express the quantity ∂2/∂x2+∂2/∂y2 in polar coordinates. Homework Equations x=ρcosφ y=ρsinφ ρ=sqrt(x2+y2) The Attempt at a Solution This is my first post, so I apologize for any weird looking equations, etc. I know that this is not a difficult problem, but I just cannot...
  47. Mr Davis 97

    Integration operation, and its relation to differentials

    I need to get a few things straight about the integration operation (as an intro calc student). I understand that integration is a process that takes a function and returns its antiderivative. We can think of it as an operator, where ##\displaystyle \int...dx## is kind of like an opening and a...
  48. I

    Struggling with Linearization and Differentials?

    I am currently taking Calculus 1 and we covered Linearization and Differentials. The title of the section in my textbook is called "Linear Approximations and Differentials," in the book by James Stewart. The book and lecture in this section made absolutely no sense to me. Like, I was COMPLETELY...
  49. MacLaddy

    Pressure Field Equation / Differentials

    Hello folks, I am having difficulty comprehending some material in my fluid dynamics course. This is not a homework question, just something missing in my understanding. When proving the "Pressure Field Equation," (something I am not yet able to do) there is a series of steps my instructor...