Dilution Definition and 70 Threads

Stock dilution, also known as equity dilution, is the decrease in existing shareholders' ownership percentage of a company as a result of the company issuing new equity. New equity increases the total shares outstanding which has a dilutive effect on the ownership percentage of existing shareholders. This increase in the number of shares outstanding can result from a primary market offering (including an initial public offering), employees exercising stock options, or by issuance or conversion of convertible bonds, preferred shares or warrants into stock. This dilution can shift fundamental positions of the stock such as ownership percentage, voting control, earnings per share, and the value of individual shares.

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  1. Z

    Dilution and Accretion Problem - Diff. Eq.

    Homework Statement A tank initially contains 100 gal of brine whose salt concentration is 1/2 lb/gal. Bine whose salt concentration is 2 lb/gal flows into the tank at the rate of 3 gal/min. The mixture flows out at the rate of 2 gal/min. Find the salt content of the brine and its concentration...
  2. S

    Dilution Factors, Determining Molarity

    Homework Statement "A scientist prepares 100 mL of an iron (III) nitrate solution by weighing out 4.8372 grams of the solid iron (III) nitrate and dissolving it in deionized water using a 100 mL volumetric flask. She then pipettes 5 mL of that solution into a 20 mL volumetric flask and...
  3. K

    DeltaH of Diluting 24% NaOH to 2% in H2O

    Hello I know that dissolving pure NaOH in water will generate heat. But what happens when you dilute a 24% NAOH solution with water till 2%? Example: What is the DeltaH for 100 ml 24% NaOH solution + 50 ml H2O? Thanks
  4. A

    So the question is: what is the optical density of the original sample?

    The problem: how to determine the optical density of a diluted sample Hi, i work on algae and bioenergy and i have a question about the OD. I have to determine the optical density of about 400 samples. Some samples however are too "dense" for the photospectrometer, that is they have an optical...
  5. K

    Dilution Chemistry Problems i dont get it >.<

    ok, our teacher showed us a ton of stuff today, includeing molarity and dilution. i understand molarity but not dilution...any help please? Homework Statement the problems are all like this: *0.005 L of 1.0 M Hcl is diluted w/ water to 0.125 L *100.0 ML of 2.0 M HCL is diluted with water...
  6. S

    Why Do We Square Molarities in Free Energy Calculations for HCl Dilution?

    Calculate ΔG for the dilution of aqueous HCl from 0.89 M to 0.253 M at 25°C. THis was a question I had to do some time earlier for one of my assignments. I got some help from a classmate and he said THE FOLLOWING: "H+ and Cl- are equimolar so you have to put them to the power of two...
  7. S

    Equilibrium Position - Effect of Dilution

    Iodine is sparingly soluble in pure water. However, it does `dissolve' in solutions containing excess iodide ion because of the following reaction: I-(aq) + I2(aq) I3-(aq) K = 710 L/mol For each of the following cases calculate the equilbrium ratio of [I3-] to [I2]: 2.00×10-2 mol...
  8. S

    Calculate ΔG for Dilution of HCl from 0.89M to 0.253M

    1. Calculate ΔG for the dilution of aqueous HCl from 0.89 M to 0.253 M at 25°C. data 2. The process you are considering is: H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)® H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) (for which ΔG°=0 i.e. standard states all round--both sides are the same). Now use ΔG=ΔG° + RTln(Q). (Use the actual...
  9. H

    PH, Buffers, and Dilution question

    I understand the henderson-hasselbalch equation, and how the pH of a solution depends on the ratio of acid to its conjugate base. However, I don't understand how this concept can be related to solutions that are extremely diluted. For example, let's say you have 0.00001M acid+c.base...
  10. S

    Calculate Molarity of Diluted 98% H2SO4 in 500 mL

    1. Concentrated h2so4 solution is 98% by weight and has a density of 1.84% g/mL . A volume of 21.75 mL of this solution was diluted to 500 mL and has a density of 1.09 g/mol. What is the molarity of the resulting solution? 2. M1V1 = M2V2 molarity = moles/litres which is also = grams of...
  11. B

    Another successive dilution problem

    Homework Statement The concentration of HCl in a bottle was determined as follows: * 4.00 mL of the acid were diluted to 150.00 mL * 26.53 mL of the diluted acid were titrated with 0.08329-M NaOH * 43.91 mL of the base were required to reach the end point What is the...
  12. B

    How Do You Calculate the Final Concentration in a Series of Dilutions?

    Homework Statement The following successive dilutions are applied to a stock solution that is 5.60 M sucrose * Solution A = 46.0 mL of the stock sollution is diluted to 116 mL * Solution B = 58.0 mL of Solution A is diluted to 248 mL * Solution C = 87.0 mL of Solution B is...
  13. R

    What is the concentration when mixing two calcium nitrate solutions?

    I am now studying on my test and I came upon one question which I can't answer but I still remember that the answer is 1.09 M. Yeah, I have a bad memory... So, here goes: A 46.2-mL, o.568 M calcium Nitrate [Ca(NO3)2] solution i smixed with 80.5 mL of 1.396 M calcium nitrate solution. What is...
  14. z-component

    What Is the Concentration of Pb(ClO3)2 in the Original Solution?

    I've been practicing some dilution problems from my chemistry book and I can't seem to get some of these down. A 13 mL sample of a solution of Pb(ClO3)2 was diluted with water to 21 mL. A 15 mL sample of the dilute solution was found to contain 2.7 moles of Pb2+. What was the concentration of...
  15. R

    Heat of Mixing & differential enthelpy of dilution

    I want to know what's difference between heat of mixing and differential heat of dilution. I am working on calcium chloride solution. I need to know also from where i can get heat of mixing of calcium chloride solution. Thanking you
  16. P

    Heat of Dilution: Calculation Problem

    I have a problem here that troubles me for weeks. I was asked to calculate the final temperature if we dilute sodium hydroxide from initial concentration of 50% to final concentration of 2.1%. And also from intial 50% to final 20%. I got 2 answer that diffenrent a lot! 1 is 25.04 oC and the...
  17. J

    If you prepare 1/10 dilution of 10mg/ml

    If you prepare 1/10 dilution of 10mg/ml solution, what is the final concentration of the solution?..help me with c1v1=c2v2
  18. S

    Different Dilution factors for the normalizator

    I am looking for some ideas about this one. I use B actin as the normalizator in my western blot. i use different dilution factors of the B actin antibody. For some samples i use 500X and for others i use 1000X. I wonder when i normalize my samples and calculate the relative expression levels...
  19. J

    Dilution of 0.01M HCN Calculating Volume of Water to Add

    I have a short question concerning the dilution of a 0.01M solution of HCN. I need to dilute 40cm3 of the above to give a solution with a pH of 6. Given the Ka of HCN is 4.8*10^-10 I obtain the concentration of HCN necessary in the new volume:2.08*10^-3M. Therefore the volume has to be...
  20. J

    How Many Water Changes to Achieve Required Ammonium Sulfate Concentration?

    I just can't quite get my head around this one.. and i suspect that the question or my head may have an error! Sounds a bit like dilution eh? The way i tried to work it out was 1) The 10ml sample contained 0.03 moles of salt (n=CV) 2) The water removes salt at 0.03 (concentration...