Direct sum Definition and 86 Threads

  1. R

    Direct product of faithful representations into direct sum

    Direct product of two irreducible representations of a finite group can be decomposed into a direct sum of irreducible representations. So, starting from a single faithful irreducible representation, is it possible generate every other irreducible representation by successively taking direct...
  2. J

    Prime Ideals of direct sum of Z and Z

    I am trying to find nonzero prime ideals of \mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb {Z}, specifically those which are not also maximal. If I try to do direct sums of prime ideals, the resulting set is not a prime ideal. (e.g., 2 \mathbb{Z} \oplus 3 \mathbb{Z} is not prime since (3,3) \cdot (2,2) = (6,6)\in...
  3. G

    Defining the Direct Sum of Subspaces: Can It Be Defined When k=1?

    Homework Statement Hi, everybody! I'd like to ask you about the direct sum of subspaces... I refer to two linear algebra books; 1)Friedberg's book, 2)Hoffman's book. First of all, I write two definitions of direct sum of subspaces... in the book 1), Def.1). Let...
  4. J

    Direct Sum of Vectors in R^4: Determine Which Sums Are Direct and Equal to R^4

    Homework Statement In R^4 which of the following sums U+V, U+W and V+W are direct? Give reasons And which of these sums equal R^4? Homework Equations U = {(0, a, b, a-b) : a,b ∈ R} V = {(x, y, z, w) : x=y, z=w} W = {(x, y, z, w) : x=y} The Attempt at a Solution I put that none are direct...
  5. E

    Decomposing the direct sum as direct product

    This is a basic question in angular momentum in quantum mechanics that I am studying. I know that \frac{1}{2}\otimes \frac{1}{2} = 1\oplus 0 What would be a strategy to proving the general statement for spin representations j\otimes s =\bigoplus_{l=|s-j|}^{|s+j|} l
  6. K

    Uniqueness issue of direct sum decompostion of a representation?

    I'm having difficulty understanding this concept of uniqueness. What's the precise definition of it? Let say we have some direct sum decomposition, (1)Are \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{R_1}} & 0 \\ 0 & {{R_2}} \\ \end{array}} \right) and \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}...
  7. S

    Is There a Limit to the Number of Elements in a Coproduct/Direct Sum?

    Hi , I was trying to understand why or where would the problem arise in the definition of the direct sum for the coproduct/direct sum for the set (1, 1, 1, ...) infinite number of times. I was trying to reason out as follows. I posted this on the set theory but I am not sure how to tag it to...
  8. S

    Coproduct & Direct Sum: Understanding the Set (1,1,1...)

    Hi , This is not a homework problem as I have long passed out of college. I was trying to understand why or where would the problem arise in the definition of the direct sum for the coproduct/direct sum for the set (1, 1, 1, ...) infinite number of times. I was trying to reason out as follows...
  9. Y

    Constructing a Dual Basis for V to Prove the Direct Sum of Dual Space

    Homework Statement show that if V=M \oplus N, then V^*=M^o+N^o 2. The attempt at a solution So I need to prove for any f \in V*, f(\epsilon)=(g+h)(\epsilon), where g\in M^o and h\in N^o. (g+h)(\epsilon)=g(\epsilon)+h(\epsilon)=g(\alpha+\beta)+h(\alpha+\beta)=g(\beta)+h(\alpha), where\alpha...
  10. T

    Some thought about direct sum and

    I know that if V is a direct sum of U and W, then 1. V=U+W 2 there is no intersection between U and W However, in some books there is an equivalent condition: 3.Every v can be expressed uniquely as u+w Why's that? Why can we be so sure about the word "unique"? Thanks.
  11. K

    Is the Direct Sum of Two Nonzero Rings Ever an Integral Domain?

    Show that the direct sum of 2 nonzero rings is never an integral domain I started by thinking about what a direct sum is (a,b)(c,d)=(ac,bd) (a,b)+(c,d)=(a+c,b+d) We have an integral domain if ab=0 implies a=0 or b=0
  12. M

    Internal Direct Sum of Commutative Rings: Is I + R/I = R?

    For a commutative ring R and an ideal I, is it true that I \oplus R/I \cong R ? I know in some cases this is true, and I know it's true for finitely-generated Abelian groups, but is it true for any commutative ring? In other words, we know that R/I is isomorphic to some ideal in R, call this...
  13. Z

    Linear algebra direct sum proof

    Homework Statement Let W1 and W2 be subspaces of a vector space V. Prove that W_1\oplus{}W_2=V \iff each vector in V can be uniquely written as x1+x2=v, where x_1\in W_1 and x_2\in W_2Homework Equations W_1\oplus{}W_2=V means W_1\cap W_2 =\{0\}, W_1 + W_2 =V and W1 & W2 are subspaces of V 8...
  14. H

    Nonvanishing section for direct sum of Mobius band

    For a direct sum of Mobius band, it is trivial if it has two linear independent nonvanishing sections. I have the following as my sections: s1=(E^(i*theta), (Cos(theta/2), Sin(theta/2)) s2=(E^(i*theta), (-Sin(theta/2), Cos(theta/2)) Clearly, the above sections are linearly independent and...
  15. T

    Direct Sum of Vector Subspaces: Exploring the Relationship between U, W, and V

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Is my solution correct?: For a,b\in \mathbb{C} let A=\begin{bmatrix} a \\ a \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}\in U and B=\begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ b \\ b...
  16. N

    When is a group the direct sum of its normal subgroups?

    I was sad to find out that if H is a normal subgroup of G, we can't say G \cong H \oplus G/H. Now I'm wondering: in which cases does this equality hold?
  17. H

    What is the difference between a Cartesian Product and a Direct Sum

    Homework Statement 17. Let U = f(x; y; 0) : x 2 R; y 2 Rg, E1 = f(x; 0; 0) : x 2 Rg, and E3 = f(0; 0; x) : x 2 Rg: Are the following assertions true or false? Explain. (a) U + E1 is a subspace of R3: (b) U  E1 is a direct sum decomposition of U + E1: (c) U  E3 is a direct sum...
  18. G

    Infine Direct Sum of Vector spaces

    Dear all, I'm reading the tensor part of "A course in modern mathematical physics" by Szekeres and I have trouble understanding a concept that you can find in the attached image of the book page. What are the elements of F(V)? If my understanding of (external) direct sums of vector spaces is...
  19. L

    Linear Algebra: Direct sum proof

    Let U and V be subspaces of a vector space W. If W=U \oplus V, show U \bigcap V={0}. I'm a bit lost on this one... as I thought this was essentially the definition of direct sum. I'm unsure where to start. Any help would be great!
  20. B

    Is a Direct Sum of Rings Composed of Elements from Each Original Ring?

    This may be a dumb question, but I just want to make sure I understand this correctly. For R_{1}, R_{2}, ..., R_{n} R_{1} \oplus R_{2} \oplus, ..., R_{n}=(a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{n})|a_{i} \in R_{i} does this mean that a ring which is a direct sum of other rings is composed of specific elements...
  21. J

    Direct Sum Proof Homework: Solve V = im(T) + ker(S)

    Homework Statement Here's the question... it was easier to format it in paint haha: Please note I'll just write + to mean the plus with the circle around it (direct sum). + is just a normal addition. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution V = im(T) + ker(S) means that...
  22. N

    Why Does the Tensor Product Become a Wedge Product in Dolbeault Cohomology?

    Hi, I am edging my way towards Dolbeault cohomology on a complex manifold and one of the constructions involves taking the kth exterior product of a direct sum (the decomposition of the cotangent bundle into holomorphic and antiholomorphic subspaces). This relies on a theorem from multilinear...
  23. A

    Direct Sum vs Direct Product of Rings: Irish & Rosen

    What's the difference (if any) between a direct sum and a direct product of rings? For example, in Ireland and Rosen's number theory text, they mention that, in the context of rings, the Chinese Remainder Theorem implies that \mathbb{Z}/(m_1 \cdots...
  24. B

    Can P(F) be written as a direct sum of two subspaces?

    I'm going through Axler's book and just got introduced the concept of sums of subspaces and the direct sums. Here's one of the examples he has. Now the other examples he had were kind of trivial (such as \mathbb{R}^2 = U \oplus W where U = \{ (x,0) | x \in \mathbb{R} \} and W = \{(0,y) |...
  25. M

    Abstract algebra - direct sum and direct product

    Hi everybody, I'm new to absract algebra and I really can not understand different between direct sum and direct product in group theory (specially abelian groups). could does anyone give me a clear example or ... ? thanks
  26. L

    How to show the direct sum of two matrices?

    Homework Statement Let k be a field, V = Mat2x2(k), U:={[a, b], [-b, a] a, b E k} and W:={[a, b], [b, -a] a, b E k}. Show that V is the direct sum of U and W. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Add the matrix for U to the matrix of W. Values in that matrix still exist...
  27. C

    How to show U and W direct sum of V?

    Let V = R^3. Let W be the space generated by w = (1, 0, 0), and let U be the subspace generated by u_1 = (1, 1, 0) and u_2 = (0, 1, 1). Show that V is the direct sum of W and U.
  28. C

    When Should Direct Product and Direct Sum Be Used in Group Theory?

    I wasn't sure where to put this since this is under group theory. I am having a little bit trouble understand when to use direct product vs direct sum. One question I have about this is is that if you have two vector spaces that are orthogonal to each other (and example of this might be two...
  29. A

    Solving Direct Sum Problem: Pn=PE \oplus PO

    Homework Statement Let Pn denote the vector space of polynomials of degree less than or equal to n, and of the form p(x)=p0+p1x+...+pnxn, where the coefficients pi are all real. Let PE denote the subspace of all even polynomials in Pn, i.e., those that satisfy the property p(-x)=p(x)...
  30. E

    A External Direct Sum of Groups Problem

    Homework Statement Find a subgroup of Z_4 \oplus Z_2 that is not of the form H \oplus K where H is a subgroup of Z_4 and K is a subgroup of Z_2. The attempt at a solution I'm guessing I need to find an H \oplus K where either H or K is not a subgroup. But this seems impossible. Obviously...
  31. D

    Can the Direct Sum of Non-Commuting Lie Algebras be Used in L(SO(4))?

    We are asked to show that L(SO(4)) = L(SU(2)) (+) L(SU(2)) where L is the Lie algebra and (+) is the direct product. We are given the hint to consider the antisymmetric 4 by 4 matrices where each row and column has a single 1/2 or -1/2 in it. By doing this we generate four matrices...
  32. S

    Finding a Subspace W of R^4 for Direct Sum V(+)W

    V is a subspace of R^4 V={(x, -y, 2x+y, x-2y): x,y E R} 1) extend {(2,-1,5,0)} to a basis of V. 2) find subspace W of R^4 for which R^4= direct sum V(+)W. solution: 1)the dimension of V is 2.therefore i need to add one more vector to (2,-1,5,0). the 2nd vector is (1,0,2,1)...
  33. J

    What is Direct Sum? - A Definition Explained

    Okey, I have some silly problems with simple definitions. The usual sum, which I know, of two vector spaces is a set which consists of all sums of the vectors. A+B=\{a+b|a\in A,\; b\in B\}. Is this the same thing as the direct sum? I think I saw somewhere (I don't remeber where) a definition...
  34. T

    Direct Sum: Finding W' in Finite Dimensional Spaces

    "If V is finite dimensional, and W is a subspace of V, prove that if T(W)\subset W, there's always a W' such that W' (direct sum) W = V and T(W')\subset W'." I can't find such a W'.
  35. T

    Proving V as a Direct Sum: Showing T Can Be Represented by an nxn Matrix

    "Suppose that T : V -> V is a linear transformation of vector spaces over R whose minimal polynomial has no multiple roots. Show that V can be expressed as a direct sum V = V1 + V2 + · · · + Vt of T-stable subspaces of dimensions at most 2. Show that, relative to a suitable basis, T...
  36. N

    Belian group A that is the direct sum of cyclic groups

    If I have an abelian group A that is the direct sum of cyclic groups, say A=[tex]C_5 \oplus C_35[\tex], would I be right in saying the annihilator of A (viewed as a Z-module) is generated by (5,35)? If not, how do I find it?