So the confusion here is that division by zero is often said to be undefined. So whereas, the point (0,0) certainly appears in the set of values where x=y, does the point (0,0) appear in the set of values where 1=y/x. Why or why not?
In other words are the set of points where x=y the same as...
A division by zero is a mathematical oddity, , if a computer or calculator etc performs a 1\0 they would crash, the OS prevents the execution, and displays ERROR or UNDEFINED, , , some versions of windows calculator display positive or negative infinity, , try it
Any ideas on this ?
Recently, after work beers with a colleague went down a bit of rabbit hole as he attempted to "red pill" me on a couple of topics. One of those happen to relate to the below self-published paper, which was written by someone he went to college with...
x2 = x3 / x but x2 is defined for all x and equals zero at x=0 but what happens for x3 / x at x=o ? Is it defined at x=o ? Does it equal zero ? If not what is causing this anomaly ?
Now I expect that most of you on this forum would be familiar with the equality between point nine reoccurring and one:
If your not familiar please review
Now this equality can be used to imply something else, which is rather heterodox...
First of all, I didn't know where to put this in general math or differential equations.
Let's start with the basic, x/0 = α. Where α is every number and decimal number from -∞ to +∞, by rearranging, we get x = 0α, x= 0, therefore only 0/0 = α. Now, we can integrate this with graphs.
Take the...
Watch the next lesson:
Multiple arguments for what we could get when we divide zero by zero. We will later see that this can be considered indeterminate Watch the next lesson: http...
Homework Statement
Solve the BVP for a vibrating string with Separation of Variables/Fourier's method.
\frac{\partial ^2}{\partial ^2 t} u(x,t) = c^2 \frac{\partial ^2}{\partial ^2 x} u(x,t)
The string is of length L with each end fixed, ie u(0,t) = u(L,t) = 0
The Attempt at a Solution
I have data from a pendulum and I am using it to work out the radius of the pendulum. I have acceleration in the x and y directions and so thought this would be easy enough. Simply I determine the (velocity in the x direction)^2/acceleration in the y direction. However when I use python to give...
Hi, I have an issue where I am squaring a very small complex number 1e-20 (FALFA2) which seems to make the value zero (both the real and imag part) and then dividing by it, the problem line is (all the numbers are complex):
GALFA = ( FBETA * FAA / FALFA2 ) - ( FAB / FALFA )...
x / y = z, so z * y = x
1 / 0 = x, so x * 0 = 1
But 0 does not equal 1, so x / 0 is unsolvable.
Oh, and I'm new to forums so if this shouldn't be here you can delete it.
This question seems to befall everyone at one point or another. So much so I begin to get deliberately silly when it is asked
Anyway, I'm wondering if there is a sticky present on these forums that addresses it specifically. Something...
Unphysical Division By Zero for Trivial Case of Zero Field Location
Homework Statement
Q1 and Q2 are two positive charges a distance s apart. Find the distance x from Q1 where the field is zero.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Let's put Q1 at the...
Consider the function g(t) = f(t)/t on [0,1], where f is measurable on [0,1]. Does it follow that g is measurable on [0,1]? I know there's a problem -- namely, division by zero -- only on a set of measure zero -- namely, \{0\} -- and that g agrees with the measurable function g_0 = g|_{(0,1]}...
I assume everyone who saw this thread first rolled their eyes. Sorry for that. My question is an innocent one, as I am completely uneducated in number theory.
My understanding is that numbers are grouped in a sort of Russian doll fashion, with each successive group encompassing all previous...
Converting from Cartesian to Cylindrical coords - but division by zero!
Homework Statement
Let's say I want to convert the point P(0, -4, 3) to cylindrical.
To convert from Cartesian to Cylindrical coordinates, one must use the formulas listed below.
Homework Equations...
Forgive me if I'm being ignorant, but this recently occurred to me. We all know division by zero is undefinfed, but \sqrt {-1} used to be undefined too, until i was created.
Has anyone ever proposed an imaginary number to indicate the result after division by zero?
Can somebody please tell me any case where it is logical to NOT divide by zero? I know division by zero is illogical itself, but usually when you divide by zero the result should be zero anyway. :rolleyes:
Division by ZERO!
Hey guys!
Was just pondering...
ALL my mathematical subject lecturers go on and on and on about trying to avoid division by zero. Fine - after all, it makes logical nonsense to divide by zero but my pondering thoughts led me somewhere...
Is it possible to do some...
Help! :confused:
Here I am busy doing some Laplace Transforms for my Maths 2 paper on Monday when suddenly to my surprise, an apparent "mistake" appears!
GASP! :eek:
It's got to do with the Heaviside "cover up" method. To work out a problem, you need to multiply the opposing side by...
The number 2
What if the number 2 is the origin of whole numbers? (Instead of 0)
The criteria for a whole number would contain that a whole number would primarily need to be wholly divisble by 2.
does 2/2 = 2
as there are 2 combinations of the halves of 2
I think this can be...