Dogs Definition and 63 Threads

The domestic dog (Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated descendant of the wolf. The dog derived from an ancient, extinct wolf, and the modern grey wolf is the dog's nearest living relative. The dog was the first species to be domesticated, by hunter–gatherers over 15,000 years ago, before the development of agriculture. Their long association with humans has led dogs to be uniquely adapted to human behavior, leading to a large number of domestic individuals and the ability to thrive on a starch-rich diet that would be inadequate for other canids.The dog has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes. Dog breeds vary widely in shape, size, and color. They perform many roles for humans, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and the military, companionship, therapy, and aiding disabled people. This influence on human society has given them the sobriquet of "man's best friend."

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  1. wolram

    Why do dogs chase there own tails

    Why do dogs chase there own tails, and lift one leg when laying on there back ?
  2. K

    Do Dogs Have Different Eye Colors?

    Just a litle of curiosity as to whether or not dogs also have different eyed colors as humans ? Thank you
  3. Ivan Seeking

    Talking Prairie Dogs: New Language Discovered
  4. Mk

    Who Would Star in Your Dream Wedding Play Featuring Three People and Two Dogs?

    If you could pick any three people and two dogs (who would be played by people) to be in a play where a man and a women get married... who would you pick? :confused:
  5. O

    Competition with 100 Dogs: Probability Explained

    There are 100 dogs participating in a competition (two from each state) a. If two dogs are chosen at random, what is the probability they are from the same state? 100/100 x 1/99 = 1/99 b. If a collection of 10 dogs is chosen at random, what is the probability no two are from the same...
  6. Ivan Seeking

    Puppy Shot Man Trying To Kill Dogs Oh boy. Another "why farm life can be ugly" discussion comes to mind, having known some professional dog people - that is, people who raise dogs, not the other dog people. :biggrin:
  7. T

    How Do Pets Help in Recovery from Surgery?

    My surgery is over, both basal cells. This is a photo of our two chihuhuas, Mal-lee (Molly) and Annie (on the right). Teacups. Very important members of our family.
  8. T

    What Causes Dogs to Chase Their Tails?

    Why do they do that? Sometimes, they go round and round, after their tail. Beats me.
  9. R

    Why do people look like there dogs?

    Why do people look like there dogs? Lets have some fun and serious imput. Why do people look like there dogs? Do they look for the fisiological feature in there dog, that matches them? Why do dogs end up having the temperment of there masters? Do there masters teach there dogs there...
  10. wasteofo2

    Canine Evolution: From Wolves to Dogs in Comparison to Human Evolution

    It's commonly stated that all dogs are descended of wolves, and that it took anywhere from 20-50,000 years for a wolf to evolve into a dang-zu, yet it took hundreds of thousands of years for homo erectus to evolve into homo sapien... Someone explain this...
  11. Ivan Seeking

    Dogs 'have sixth-sense for earthquakes':
  12. H

    Mysterious Black Dogs: Unexpected Encounters and Urban Myths

    my mom is a nurse and has personally witnessed many people claiming to have seen a black dog sitting by the door of their room, all of them died soon after. I'm not really sure if this is a popular myth or not, but it seems i have seen a black dog in a rather unexpected situation as well (i...
  13. Ivan Seeking

    Dogs and Cats: Deceit in the Genes?

    My wife and I are animal lovers. We don't watch the pet psychic and we don't have funerals for our pets. I do enjoy analyzing out pets' [cats and dogs] behaviors and something really interesting occurred to me. My pets tell willful lies! Both cats and dogs clearly understand that they are not...