Drift velocity Definition and 70 Threads

In physics a drift velocity is the average velocity attained by charged particles, such as electrons, in a material due to an electric field. In general, an electron in a conductor will propagate randomly at the Fermi velocity, resulting in an average velocity of zero. Applying an electric field adds to this random motion a small net flow in one direction; this is the drift.
Drift velocity is proportional to current. In a resistive material it is also proportional to the magnitude of an external electric field. Thus Ohm's law can be explained in terms of drift velocity. The law's most elementary expression is:


{\displaystyle u=\mu E,}
where u is drift velocity, μ is the material's electron mobility, and E is the electric field. In the MKS system these quantities' units are m/s, m2/(V·s), and V/m, respectively.
When a potential difference is applied across a conductor, free electrons gain velocity in the direction opposite to the electric field between successive collisions (and lose velocity when traveling in the direction of the field), thus acquiring a velocity component in that direction in addition to its random thermal velocity. As a result, there is a definite small drift velocity of electrons, which is superimposed on the random motion of free electrons. Due to this drift velocity, there is a net flow of electrons opposite to the direction of the field.

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  1. B

    Calculating Drift Velocity in Pure Silicon: Need Help

    I have a small question that can't solve. How long does it take an average electron to drift 1um in pure silicon in an electric field of 10^4 V/m ? drift velocity v_d = I / (n*q*A) but don't know how to calculate can you help me ? thank you.
  2. M

    Mean drift velocity of a conduction electron in copper.

    Homework Statement Estimate the mean drift velocity of a conduction electron in copper, assuming that there is one conduction electron per atom. Consider No. 14 wire (diamter 0.16 cm), common in houses, carrying 5A. The result should be very small. Why then does an electric light turn on...
  3. T

    Why don't we take drift velocity as the average velocity of electrons?

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  4. Y

    Help with concepts of Drift Velocity

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  5. N

    A paradox about Drift Velocity

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  6. M

    Determining drift velocity of electrons at specific temperature

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  7. S

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  8. S

    Drift velocity of electrons in n-doped silicon

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  9. S

    How to Calculate Drift Velocity in a Hall Effect Experiment?

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  10. L

    Oscillating electron has drift velocity too?

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  11. E

    Drift Velocity, TCR, and Atomic/ Weight Percentages

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  12. P

    Another Current and Drift Velocity Question

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  13. P

    Current and Drift Velocity (multiple choice)

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  14. L

    How can the drift velocity and voltage be determined for two different samples?

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  15. G

    Drift velocity and measurement in wire

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  16. B

    Electron drift velocity

    Question asks: A potential difference of 3.0V is applied to the ends of a copper wire which is 0.5m long. In copper at room temperature, the average time interval between collisions is \tau = 2.7*10^{-14}s. What is the drift velocity of the free electrons in the wire? Well, I know that...
  17. R

    Does Doubling Voltage Affect Drift Velocity According to Drude's Model?

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  18. G

    Hall Effect & Drift Velocity: Can Copper Move w/o Current?

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  19. Y

    Relationship between current, drift velocity and thermal velocity

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  20. N

    How Many Electrons in a High-Speed Beam at Stanford Linear Accelerator?

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