Dynamical systems Definition and 74 Threads

  1. O

    What is the Kronecker index in dynamical systems?

    Hello all, I was wondering what is the Kronecker index in relation to dynamical systems. For instance a sample question would be find the Kronecker indices ind(0,x-F(x)) and ind(inf,x-F(x)) for the dynamical system {(dx/dt)=g(x,y),(dy/dt)=h(x,y)}. Thanks in advance.
  2. P

    Math Modeling - Dynamical Systems -

    ***Ugh, I'm so sorry. I think I put this in the wrong thread. It probably should be in Calculus and Beyond... I tried to delete it but didn't see that option.So my professor gave us this problem to work on but no one could figure it out. I don't know where to even start and there's nothing at...
  3. J

    Converting a Third-Order Differential Equation into a Vector System?

    Homework Statement Convert the differential equation for x, x''' + 2(x''2) = 0 Into a system of first order differential equations. Put the system in vector form Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm able to do this for simpler DE's but I can't seem to find an...
  4. W

    Logistic Dynamical System (discrete dynamical systems)

    Homework Statement Per capita production rate is given by: p(N) = r/(1+N) Give corresponding discrete dynamical system Homework Equations I know how to form a discrete dynamical system for normal equations but for the per capita I am not sure how it differs. The Attempt at...
  5. V

    Solve Dynamical Systems Homework: 20kg Spring/Damper System

    Homework Statement A mass of 20kg is supported by a spring and damper as shown. The system is at rest for t<0. At t=0 a mass of 2kg is added to the 20kg mass as shown. The system vibrates as shown in the accompanying figure. Determine the spring constant k and the damping coefficient c...
  6. L

    Info on Dynamical Systems and Sitnikov Problem

    Hey guys. I'll be doing my first research project with a professor and although the details are a bit unclear, he gave me the topic at hand and the problem we'll be tackling: the Sitnikov problem. To quote him, He also suggested that I should learn about the following topics: I'm...
  7. V

    Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Book Suggestions

    Hi all, I'm in a position where I have to teach myself an entire course in Dynamical Systems (mostly nonlinear, though there is a linear component) I've got several books, including Strogatz (Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos) and Bauer/Nohel's classic book (A Qualitative Theory of Ordinary...
  8. C

    Looking for good intro books/texts on dynamical systems

    I'm taking a course in dynamical systems and I'm struggling to grasp some of the concepts. The instructor only occasionally reference the textbook I'm using, which is Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and An Introduction to Chaos 2nd Ed. (By Hirsch, Smale, and Devaney). I'm looking...
  9. G

    Discrete Dynamical Systems Proof Help.

    Homework Statement How many points in ΣN are fixed by σkN? Homework Equations σkN is the kth iteration of the shift map σN. The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure where to start. I probably just need a hint.
  10. J

    Singularities & Limit Cycles of C1 Vector Fields on S2

    (1) Show that any C1 vector Field on S2 (the torus) possesses at least one singularity. (2)Show that any isolated periodic orbit T of a C1 planar vector field X is a limit cycle. Any help/suggestions are appreciated.
  11. M

    Dynamical Systems, Basin of Attraction Proof

    1. Homework Statement Suppose that f: I->I is a continuous and onto map on an interval I. Let x1 be an asymptotically stable periodic point of period k>=2. Show that Ws(f(x1))=f(Ws(x1)) 2. Homework Equations Ws(x), the basin of attraction of x1 is defined as {x: lim (n->infinity)...
  12. K

    Hidden Markov Modeling and Background needed for Dynamical Systems

    I was recently commissioned by one of my neuroscience professors to help him develop a new gameplan for possibly describing neural networks with dynamical systems theory. In his most recent paper on the subject, he used Hidden Markov Modeling to detect coherent rate patterns in populations of...
  13. K

    What are some examples of dynamical systems in General Relativity?

    I'm doing a research project for a class in advanced differential geometry, and have chosen to cover dynamical systems. However, I've found that the relationship between dynamical systems is limited to exploring flows on manifolds in the most abstract sense. As a result, I was hoping on expand...
  14. A

    Linear Algebra Dynamical Systems

    1. A = {[0.4 0 .2], [0.3 0.8 0.3], [0.3 0.2 0.5]}. The vector v1 = {[0.1], [0.6], [0.3]} is an eigenvector for A, and two eigenvalues are .5 and .2. Construct the solution of the Dynamical system x,k+1 = Ax,k that satisfies x,0 = (0, 0.3, 0.7) My attempt I tried to work this one out...
  15. G

    Dynamical systems: celestial mechanics, Poincare, Laplace, butterfly effect

    There is a work in history of astronomy I've been preparing for the most of the time in living memory. I can't say is it late, or due, or long, but counting from the 3 books I've seen, the one in focus of some private interest is Michael Hoskin "Cambridge Illustrated History of Astronomy"...
  16. qspeechc

    Request: Basic Discrete Dynamical Systems Tutorial

    I am so very sorry, but I did not know where to put this thread! I would like to request any helpful links and/or tutorials relating to basic discrete dynamical systems, or any help at all! It should cover: linear one dimension difference equations; non-linear one dimension difference...
  17. I

    Dynamical systems research project question

    I guess this is only for people who are familiar with dynamical systems and circle maps. Let f be a C^3 diffeomorphism of the circle. Prove that f is infinity renormalizable iff f has an irrational rotation number. Pf. Let's do the forward implication first. Assume that f is infinitely...
  18. JasonJo

    Elite program for dynamical systems? Mathwonk

    Elite program for dynamical systems? **Mathwonk Which school has an elite program for dynamical systems? I currently go to school in NY, and if possible, I would like to go to a grad school not in the Northeastern region. If I had to guess I would say: Penn State, Cornell, Stony Brook and...
  19. S

    Solving Dynamical Systems Q3-Q8: Sketch Graph and Construct C Infiniti Functions

    Q3. Sketch the graph of B(x) Q4. Prove that B'(0)=0 Q5. Inductively prove that B^n(0)=0 for all n.Conclude that B(x) is a c infiniti function. Q6. modify B(x) to construct a C infiniti function C(x) whcih satisfies a. C(x) =0 if x is less than or equal to 0 b. C(x) =1 if x is...
  20. M

    Dynamical systems proof - nonwandering set

    Hi, can anyone help me prove the following: Show that the nonwandering set is closed and positively invariant. I always have trouble working with sets because they're so abstract. If anyone can help me, that would be great. Thanks. Definition of nonwandering set is here...
  21. H

    Solving Linear Dynamical Systems with Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues

    How would i solve such a question? in a system V sub(k+1) = A V sub(k) approximate Vsub(k). there is an equation V sub(k)=b1 (lambda)^k X1 but I don't know what b is
  22. A

    Solving 3rd Order Dynamical Systems

    often in my differentail equations class i took last semester we frequently evaluated 2nd order systems, they could easily be calculuted in MATLAB using pplane6, however pplane6 can only solve systems of 2nd order or less, because as its name says its a phase plane, meaning it can only evaluate...
  23. S

    Non-linear chaotic dynamical systems and psychology?

    Does anyone know anything concrete about the application of nonlinear chaotic dyamical systems to psychology? I have come to find out that there is a substantial amount of research being done on this. I read some articles today where people were trying to apply this to dysfunctional families...
  24. S

    Dynamical Systems and Intelligent Design

    I've been thinking, and I've come up with a sort of Intelligent Design argument in reverse against the existence of a God. It occurs to me that perfect shapes, such as circles, squares, rectangles, right triangles, etc .. are the product of an intelligent mind. In other words it takes an...